"Why im CeeZee (Ah ah Ah ah)..CeeZee like sunday morning

Quick burst on the new(ish) CZ models, by AH.
I have the Cz75, and shadow2.

The blasters are very well made, very tight, great mags that dont leak, and “standard Gbb performance”. The first shots are 290fps, dropping down to 280-270, then 260-250 ish.

I haven’t done any in depth testing yet, ill just pop up a few piccies, for tonight…

Stock grips…black plastic, a bit naff…

I got some wooden stocks, dark and lighter…

Lighter first…

These are nice, but the CZ75 is such a simple, sleek, clean pistol, i think it makes the pistol a bit too “busy looking”.

I prefer the Darker wood…

In keeping with the simple, uncluttered , no fuss look.
Less is more, i reckon…

It feels so sleek and slim in the hand, the shadow 2 is definitely more heftier feeling…

1 screw holds it all on, and no dremeling reqd to get them to fit, so thats a score…

More to come later…

Definitely agree that the dark wood looks much sexier! :revolving_hearts::yum:

Very clean.
Very Light.
Very compact, in the hand.

I can see why its so popular…