x-Force Punisher Gel Test

Testing x-Force’s new Punisher gells


Growing in tap water in 1.5litre bottles

Testing a cup of gels using cap from Abbey red gas can as cup measure

2 Hour Update

Graded gels from 2 hour growth with 7.3 cullender. All gels passed through cullender, except 1. Gels measured around 7.25mm

Test fired with

  • ACR/R at 345fps. Had a couple of misfeeds (does it all the time). Ran without a problem without discernable change in accuracy
  • Standard CYMA / JUND M4 - not a problem and accurate
  • Old gen8 A1 AUG - no problem
  • AA 2011 - no problem
  • We Tech 4.3 2011 - no problem and this one usually chomps up Elites
  • E&C G19X - no problem

Results are subjective but the gels have been hitting my can targets and knocking them about at 12m. They are certainly harder than elites and better result from the pistols

3 hr update

Around 60 gels were bigger than 7.3mm, but they ran OK in the Jund with 7.5mm barrel

Test fired smaller than 7.3mm gels with

  • ACR/R 7.3mm barrel at 345fps. ran OK - no jams
  • Standard CYMA / JUND M4 - not a problem and accurate
  • Old gen8 A1 AUG - didn’t like them (starting to think I might have put a 7.3mm barrel in it
  • AA 2011 - no problem
  • We Tech 4.3 2011 - chomped up a couple of gels
  • E&C G19X - took the top of one gel but the rest were OK

4Hr Grow

No discernible difference to 3 hour grow. 4.3 didn’t like them. A1 Aug wasn’t as fussy (might have had some crap in the barrel on previous test)

Batch Left Soaking for over 24hrs

No discernible difference in growth rates between 3hr, 4hr and 24hr grow time

24hr ran through E&C G19X without issue. Ran OK in old manual glock with same performance as elites


Initial impressions are that they are better than Elites and AKAs. Certainly the pistols liked the 2 hour grow. Still need to do 30m test later in the week.


Out of interest have you compared the weight to other gels as these are advertised as being heavier?

Not yet - don’t have any scales that are that sensitive. But they feel heavier

Awesome post article and great information for everyone here :ok_hand:

I am happy to see that maybe Vas’s long term quest of trying to find some decent quality all round gels seems to have paid off!

Can concurr that the old Gen8 powered blasters do love 7.5+ mm Gels, yet modifying to run 7.2-7.3mm barrels for modern smaller/harder gels gives fantastic results :+1:

I still believe that’s mainly due to the old Gen8 larger T-Piece/Nozzle diameter not being able to feed/fire modern small diameter gels :thinking:

No problem. I have some of these gels coming and i can do a weight test with my digital grain scales from my archery days weighing arrow shafts. Will post up some results when i can.

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Batch Left Soaking for over 24hrs

No discernible difference in growth rates between 3hr, 4hr and 24hr grow time

24hr ran through E&C G19X without issue. Ran OK in old manual glock with same performance as elites

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Sounding good, thanks for the testing :wink:

Just ran the original batch of gels that were brewed 10 days ago through my old BF MP7, E&C G19X and DB G22. Ran without a problem, except for E&C which didn’t like the larger 24hr growth gels. Forgot how much fun the MP7 is. Easy 30m with iHobby hop-up at 200fps.

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That’s some pretty decent distance for 200 FPS, shows how good the hop up is working :ok_hand:

I just grew a 1.5hr, 3hr and 24hr on rainwater with no agitation yesterday- results weren’t as promising as seen earlier in the thread.

Measured with mitutoyo verniers, opening them up until the gel falls through.

1.5hr range was 7.1-7.3mm
3hr range was 7.4-7.6mm
24hr went 7.4-7.8mm

I’d love to know what the variables are between the different growths

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Original growth was on tap water

I’ve done a small bottles worth with filtered tap water over night, at work now so I can sit there and measure but will do when I get home just to see.


So out of about a dozen or so gels I had an AVG if 7.66 with the smallest being 7.44 and largest of 7.81.

Seems I’ll probably have to control grow these ones, usually I can just overnight packs like AKA or X-force pinks and they’re fine.

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