AA12 Shell Ejecting Shotgun

Awesome man. I got mine from a different shop, I love it it’s a great blaster, however I did find a few faults with this AA12 gel blaster. Is yours actually feeding the gels through the barrel after pulling the trigger? Because mine won’t feed any type of gel balls through the barrel, like it’s too small and the gels keep getting stuck. Also the 7v battery for it sounds like it’s dying out, even after I’ve fully charged it.

Tried contacting the gel blaster store I purchased it from and they won’t get back to me. They’ll sell gel blasters but they won’t help you fix them.

Also I reckon they should’ve originally made it fire like the Airsoft version, as in instead of shell eject, they should’ve made the drum magazine so you could load the gels straight into the magazine instead of f***ing around with plastic shells.

It did shoot for me though very poorly, check the barrel at the breach end and see if there’s a black washer stuck to the barrel, if not then that may be the issue. The barrels aren’t polished in any way so there’s gonna be a bit of friction there.

I do agree they should of gone the airsoft route but the ones that make that one is Tokyo Marui and they don’t seem to have any interest in gel at all, though in saying that the tri barrel design may not work for gel due to various reasons.

I’d like to be able to use it in a game just cause it’s cool but it does have a number of short comings.

Don’t suppose the retailer you bought it from started with a G and ended in U?..

Yes it did include the black rubber washer but it somehow broke off as I pulled the inner barrel out, even with the black rubber washer it still won’t shoot out any gels. My friends reckon it’s the inner barrel being too small to feed any gel balls through. And after reading everyone’s comments about the battery, I could see they were having similar issues with it. You would’ve thought after paying so much money for this blaster, they’d have it firing properly but unfortunately that’s not the case. It literally sounds like its dying out when you pull the trigger (single and full auto), even after being fully charged. Very similar to the first electric Desert eagle blasters they brought out, mine won’t fire any gel balls anymore, but there could be gels broken up inside.

No I bought my AA12 through Armoured Heaven, sort of regretting it now. When I first ordered it through them it was a preorder and was said to be first released Christmas to late December last year 2023 but wasn’t released (Armoured Heaven get their stock through X force Tactical who get their stock through Zenduo blasters over in china). So they updated it in their page (Armoured Heaven and X Force Tactical) and said it was to arrive January to late February but was delayed again due to chinese new year. I had to keep annoying both Armoured Heaven and X Force Tactical on the whereabouts of my blaster. They didn’t arrive in the country until July 4th, by June they told me it was delayed due to chinese customs charging X Force tactical warehouse fees for having them there for so long (Sounded like bs to me).

I was waiting for 8 months for this blaster, only got it 2 months ago. After finally getting this blaster in the mail, I was disappointed to find out that it never included the Drum magazine and the extra 10 shells with it, like it said on their page. For some stupid reason they went and updated the details on their page and said that the drum magazine was to be sold separately, I was very pissed off. So I purchased a drum magazine from X Force tactical but it didn’t include the shells, they were also sold separately. $25 for a pack of 5 shells from X Force tactical?! Absolutely ridiculous, I held off on buying the extra shells. This was not how I wanted to get my new blaster.

I’ve wanted this gel blaster for a long time, I even suggested to different gel blaster stores around January last year that they should make an AA12 gel blaster version of the Airsoft one, but for some stupid reason they went with a ridiculous shell eject system that in my opinion seems like a waste of time and money. After all 10 shells from the stock magazine are all ejected, you’re picking them up off the ground looking for them underneath stuff, with each gel ball still inside the shells.

After contacting Armoured Heaven the other day about the issue I’m having with my AA12, they still haven’t replied to my emails and I feel like driving to Armoured Heaven will be a waste of time if they can’t fix it. When I said I sort of regret buying it through Armoured Heaven, I should’ve checked the reviews about them before buying. There are quite a lot of negative reviews about their customer service, they don’t seem to want to help people with fixing their blasters. So that’s on me for buying through Armoured Heaven. X Force Tactical seem to be understaffed, and I’ve been to both of their stores in Brisbane. At x force tactical I couldn’t even purchase a carry bag for my AA12 and they said they don’t make bags to carry that particular blaster.

I’m considering getting a friend to look at it, see if he can fix it and modify it. That’s if he can pull it apart. I just want to be able to take it on the field, but at this rate I don’t think that’s going to happen.

Doesn’t sound like you’ve had a lot of fun with that AA12. It’s always a bit of a crap shoot with any new unproven blaster… it would be nice if all the issues were sorted before sale but often that’s not the way. :man_shrugging: It should arrive on your doorstep in a functional condition however.

I guess the shell ejecting feature is for added realism, much like the SPAS-12, but I agree it’s a tedious job loading gels into shells then policing them all up off the floor after 10 shots, or 6 in the case of the SPAS.

For that reason I look at these sorts of blasters as very cool to look at, great for hanging on the wall, fun to handle but totally useless for any kind of serious gameplay.

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I don’t recall seeing good things about AH either, never dealt with them personally though. I didn’t pre-order mine cause I knew they wouldn’t show on time but that’s not X-Force’s fault.

The delays were because of Chinese customs being POS, same shit that happens with other blasters.

Similar thing happened with the drum mag, it was supposed to be a preorder bonus thou nothing about extra shells was noted, but when Scott looked at the site and it wasn’t updated he honored it for me.

Whatever glue they used to hold that rubber on the barrel was useless cause mine came off with just a little bit of pressure but I reglued it with some gorilla glue and it hasn’t moved since. It needs that rubber to create the seal between the shell and the barrel, should of been a softer material imo too.

Measure the ID of your barrel, mine was 7.5 and I think the shells were 7.4. mine seemed to prefer softer gels too.

Apparently the way they’ve wired the battery is the standard for Tamiya plugs and that airsoft/gel wire them opposite due to the motor rotation, God knows why they didn’t just swap the motor connectors instead of stuffing around with batteries too :person_shrugging:t2:.

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Yeah it’s crazy how AH don’t want to help their customers fix their blasters but they’re happy to take your money.

I know X Force Tactical were only trying to help, which is a lot more than I can say about AH. I hope you and others that have purchased this blaster are able to get it working. I was even trying to find a shell catcher, like a net bag to put on the side of the blaster (like the magazine holder for an M243 SAW) where the shells eject on the right side…as impractical as that sounds, I was looking to make it easier to catch the shells without them hitting the ground and losing them somewhere.

Reason I purchased the AA12 blaster in the first place, I’ve been a big fan of this weapon since playing the OG COD MW2 back in 2009 and watching the 2010 film ‘Predators’, even the first Expendables film. At the moment it’s more like a wall ornament than a functioning gel blaster.

I was gonna try and make a shell catcher, but that’s kinda on hold until I can get some usable performance out of it.

There’s very little that can be done to the gearbox so the main focus is on the shell and barrel, but I got that many projects going I don’t know when I’ll get around to it.

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Throwing in the towel with this one. 0/10. Avoid, do not buy.

Got it back from warranty repair after 8 weeks. Still doesn’t work. And the added privilege of the trigger mechanism collapsing on itself when testing it again.

A shame to hear that.

For some people, it was their “Must Have”.

Hope you get a refund.

Still, they will sell the other 300, to punters who struggle with them, and form a bad taste about the sport…

They really should have everything sorted , 100% before sale…

Talking to my mate who owns a blaster shop up the road today and he said the same thing… they don’t work and should never have been unleashed on the unsuspecting public as they are. :man_shrugging:

He’s got the same unit sitting in a corner of his shop out the back, thrown there in a fit of rage because it just fails to function… might hit him up for it just to see what the issues are and if I can get it sorted and running well.

Watch this space… never say die :wink:

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Gen V8 might fit :thinking: even a Bannana would be better just ask the Minions :v: :laughing: :rofl: :+1:

Pretty simple mechanism… shouldn’t be too hard to trouble shoot. :+1:

Any foam blaster converted to gel is going to have some issues.

My mate’s is a foam flinging version, so even if I get it working it might not shed any light on the gel feeding issues. :man_shrugging:

Good goly, yep hit it with a hammer… fixed :+1: :laughing:

BFH, Maiphut… BFH. No sense in taking half measures now, is there? :joy:

No point in doing things twice, one and done :+1: :rofl:

The only difference between the two are the shells and inner barrel, much the same as the SPAS. They seem to be very picky about what gels are used too, doesn’t seem to like hardened gels or larger ones.

Not to necro an old thread, but I just got given one of these to get running… owner’s thrown it into a corner because it’s never run for him.

Thought it was interesting that the first thing I attempted was a battery charge, and unsurprisingly, the lithium ion battery is reverse wired.

Easy enough to swap polarity at the charger to juice it up though.

I’m thinking now that the owner may well have tried plugging in one of his normal lipos (he owns a blaster outlet) and that’s been his problem.

If it fires up on the charged up factory battery and runs it’ll be a simple rewire and he’s got it back. But why the factory would wire them reverse to every other a/soft and gel blaster convention is a friggin’ mystery to me. :man_shrugging:

Yeah I did eventually figure that out. You can reverse the motor wire easy enough if you get it open, it’s just a standard short shaft motor with spade connectors, then pu should be able to run whatever battery.

I still gotta pull mine apart again cause I didn’t put something in right last time and it doesn’t cycle properly but that was my fault.

I want to try and either polish the stock barrel or make up a new inner barrel with a proper one cause the stock is rubbish inside.

Considering the dificulty you had getting the shell apart, it’d be a lot easier to swap polarity at the connector and colour code with heatshrink, then swap polarity on the Li-ion connector to keep it in line with the norm. :thinking:

But that would be the lazy solution, wouldn’t it? :laughing:

Nah, I’ll do it right for him. :+1:

I just thought, what battery did he give you with it? Cause the stock one has the little white plug to charge with a balance charger.

The hardest part was under the charging handle, but otherwise the rest came apart reasonably easy, just time consuming not wanting to break anything