AA12 Shell Ejecting Shotgun

Yeah, the battery he gave me with it is the stock Li-ion 7.4v with balance plug, same as yours.

It’s fully charged now, I’ll try it out tomorrow. :+1:

Apparently that’s the polarity they’re supposed to be from factory but at some point airsoft decided nah we’ll do it the other way and it’s been like that since :person_shrugging:t2:

Full sized Tamiya plugs (for RC) are wired as black/circle - red/square, being factory standard.

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Shell came apart no problem.

Polarity swapped at the connector, colour coding correct, cycles on a normal lipo with the microswitch depressed.

That microswitch doesn’t seem to be actuated properly by the ejection port cover when it’s reassembled. The worst part of this clamshell design is assembling to test fire is a pain in the arse with all those pins.

Pulling the charging handle back is supposed to open the ejection cover and actuate the switch. With a mag in the cover should lock back and you’ve got power.

This one seems to be pulling the cover back short of the mag stop, not locking it back and therefore not actuating the switch… no bang bang. Cycles fine split with your finger on the switch.

@DChapo Did you have any issues like this with yours? I’m thinking I may have to modify the charging mech to make it push that cover back further. :man_shrugging:

Here’s the problem, after some beard stroking…

That cover plate should be hard up against the charging mech block… and that’s about how far short of latching the cover is, and hitting the microswitch.

Time to take it off and screw an angle plate to the back of it to correct that fault. Should do the trick. :+1: Will also stop it cycling the plunger on charging too, which is what it does now. :roll_eyes:

Chinese engineering… :clap:

These should never have been released as they are… shitfull.

No I didn’t have that issue, I hadn’t put that black bar thing in properly that interacts with the cylinder/bolt properly.

Check the spring that pushes on that plate, might not be seated properly or maybe has shrunk, it’s not a very stiff spring to begin with.
Also the switch just aits on two posts and I did find it wiggles out sometimes and the plate just passed under it so could be that too.

Just had a look and the plate on mine doesn’t sit but against the charging handle either, so it must be something else causing it to not trigger

Well, it’s working as it should.

Really hard to prime though. It’s easier to slide the ejection cover back with your fingers than rack it.

Would look good on the wall… that’s about it. As a gel blaster, very meh… :expressionless:

But you need to rack it to cycle the bolt to load the first round.

I think the main letdown in the chain is the seals, having to seal the nozzle to the shell and the shell to the barrel all while having everything aligned accurately enough for the gel to pass unscathed isn’t great.

Really wish they just did a TM conversion with the tri-barrel setup but then there might be restrictions due to the size difference between BB’s and gels

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@DChapo Hey I just noticed something on yours that’s not on mine. :man_shrugging:

This lever

was not on mine when I opened it up.

It’s not new, belongs to someone else and I don’t know if he’s had it apart… might explain why it’s not racking properly. :roll_eyes:

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Huh… That’s what releases the bolt when you rack it… Or rather the gear train to release the bolt.

Someone’s already opened it and lost a part, cause all the posts are there for it.

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Bingo… that’s why I’m fighting against the bolt spring on charge.

It can still be used, you just have to load the mag, pull the cover back by hand until it locks, dry fire and it’ll load the next shell.

Not what it should do. I’ll show the guy tomorrow and see if he’s stripped it before and left that part out. But from the pristine look of the shell I’d be inclined to think it was left out at the factory. :roll_eyes:

The guy who it belongs to owns a blaster shop, maybe his tech’s been at it.

He just gave it to me to fart around with because he said he’s never been able to make it work and it’s been sitting in the corner of his storeroom gathering dust. :man_shrugging:

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Looks like I’ll be fabricating that missing lever… :roll_eyes:

Should be able to knock something up out of 6mm plate and lots of fettling.

Out with the grinder :grin:

Yeah… prototype in 3mm perspex, nail the details and function, fab in plate aluminium.

Too easy. :+1: