Aliens Pulse Rifle gelblaster

This is old news, to the members of the previous forum…

I’m adding it, for newer members, and for historical interest…

My Aliens Pulse rifle, was a kit, done by Ray, at Xforce…
All credit to him, he is a great model builder/ trimmer etc…
I didnt know, @Bigmuthadrums then…

PART 1) : The Kit…

The kit was a older ( around 2000-ish era) Thompson to Pulse rifle kit.
Before Snow Wolf a/soft, the only way you could get a pulse rifle, was … get a thommy asoft, and convert it, with this “cowl dressing kit”…G&P pulse rifle kit

A few years ago, I bought the last one , in the wild, from italy…
Covered in dust, when I got it…

They seem to be , no longer available…

The gelsoft thommy, was a very close match, to the a/soft thommy…

But, both the kit, and the gel thommy needed modifications…
Ray, did all the hard lifting…i would have had no chance…

heres a few build shots…

Double bell barrel substituted, longer than the original thommy…much better performance…

Cut down the thommy mags, to fit…

It was a very complicated build…
Big Kudos, To Ray… its very tight, with no slop / squeakiness/ movement etc…
The outer shroud, stabilising the inner barrel, seems to reduce movement, and increase accuracy…


Part 2 : finished result…

Lets talk performance…
This has a nylon gearbox, so we went with a M100 spring, to keep forces low…

It still got high FPS , and RPS, with blowback disabled…
Long barrel/ Good sealing/ works a charm…!

It has 2 batteries…the 11v in the front (in the grenade launcher), to run the main motor…
The 9v, ( in the magwell), is to run the light counter / countdown…

Yes, the ammo counter runs down…sort of…
It counts ANYTHING that goes past it, and counts down…

Ie, fire 3 gels ( with 7 water blobs), and its counts down 10 rapidly…
One long burst, will see it drop, 35-40, in a 2 sec burst…

I do have a “trigger counter”, that counts down on trigger time only…but havent got around to installing it yet…


Tis a thing of beauty. I remember your original post on it, thanks for posting it again. Epic :heart_eyes: :love_you_gesture:

Thanks for the rehash and details about such a great rare piece :+1:
So much knowledge and history was lost on the old Forum, I certainly don’t have barely any pics/information saved anywhere else, so lost pretty much everything that was enjoyed whilst mucking around with these things.

Certainly hope to see others sharing more of their older gear! :sunglasses:


its hella cool but deeply sad there isnt any shotty in that shotty ><

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I would have given my left nut for one of these back in the day… :joy: big “Aliens” fanboy here.

Have to settle for the lowly foam dart variety…
Still considering a Gen 8 transplant, not into picking up little foam projectiles… :wink:


Funny you mention a gen 8 conversion…

I actually have a few pulse rifles…

2x 2008 HCG “hero versions”… with moving parts…
1x Matsuo modifided version… lighter, tighter, trigger activated countdown…
1x “Bitsa” modified, from the states

1x gelsoft in OZ…
1x Snow wolf a/soft in NZ…
plus the nerf…

As always, it starts with none, and looking out…and then keeps going…!!
The 2008 ones go for huge bucks nowadays…


I wasn’t standing next to you at X-Force North Lakes in front of a Snow Wolf M41A a fair while back, by any chance? Discussing possible conversion to gel? :joy:

I remember walking out of there muttering “lucky bastard!” under my breath… :laughing:

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2 questions…
1 was it about 18 months ago…?
2 was it a good looking fella…??:joy::joy:

It wasn’t a snow wolf , it was the kit for the thommy…?


Sounds about right… :thinking:

The first bit, anyway… :joy:

Very nice effort. I love it, would be very happy to see more sci-fi blasters from movies and games that perform and can be upgraded.


Looks like if there is enough interest x-force may be importing snowwolf alien pulse rifles. :grinning:

That’s a massive ask from Vas.

I’m sure that we all know by now that Vas has never been a fully educated or enthusiastic fan of real weapons, but he has always been an enthusiastic supporter of the weird Sci-Fi/Movie/Games genre.

I believe him when he says that he has been spending a lot of time and money to secure such a model blaster, but the reality is that he’s between a rock and a hard place knowing that this model is for a very specific customer base in a country with only two States that are available to sell them to :frowning:

We all know the history and popularity of such a famous movie replica, but how many people are in the market to pay for such a thing? :thinking:

Agreed, Doc… here’s my two cents wort on it.

Two years ago I would have considered it the holy grail of gel blasters and probably would have sold one of my grandkids to get one.

I know there’s no comparison between the Snow Wolf M41A and the Nerf version, but if you handle Hasbro’s M41A you can see how ergonomics play zero part in sci-fi movie prop development, it’s a stylistic exercise. In short, they’re horrible to handle and a pain in the arse if you want to use ir for gameplay. Bulky, ungainly, edges and corners everywhere. Personally I wouldn’t spend $850 plus on a wall hanger just because it fires gels, I’ve got a $140 Hasbro for that. But I do get there are some “Alien” fanboys out there who would be happy too, more power to them if that’s what they’re after.

Credit to Vas for his tenacity, and I really hope he pulls it off. I do think though that he’s missed the boat a little with bringing these in. Personally I’d rather spend that kind of cash on a Tavor bullpup or a Winchester lever action. :person_shrugging:

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[quote=“Friendly_Fire, post:14, topic:786, full:true”] Personally I’d rather spend that kind of cash on a Tavor bullpup or a Winchester lever action. :person_shrugging:

or an F90 gbb with long and short barrels

Too late imo. Couple years ago it would have done well. At $850 plus I certainly won’t be getting one of my rego slots taken up and I can’t even hang it on a wall.

Good on Vas for having a crack.
I hope he ends up bringing them in, I reckon there will be quite a few people very keen.
It all depends on how many he needs for a min order ….50? Should sell easily…
200… maybe not so much…

Timing is also bad with Xmas around the corner…most people would struggle to stump that cash before Xmas.
If I were vas, I’d be asking for $300 now/ 550 on arrival pricing…
That would make it more affordable over time, entice more people , and not break the bank before Xmas….

A few other points…
Comparing the nerf to the Thompson kit, the nerf is way bigger. I’d have to guesstimate about 12-15% larger…
No Biggs for a wall hanger, but as a blaster, it definitely feels bigger, bulkier and more cumbersome in the hand…
The kit Thompson is also much nicer, having a vented barrel, extending stock, and better feel and finish.
My snow wolf pr , in NZ, has an inbuilt hop up, as well…

I hope vas brings them in , I’d certainly be interested, and I’m sure he’d sell out the ‘right number’ , quite quickly.

Pricing is reasonable too, a/soft ones go for around $340 US, so with moods made etc, seems about right…
Let’s see what happens…


I’d be interested to see, what they do with the mag.

My airsoft model, in NZ, doesn’t have an electric mag.

It needs manual winding, on the bottom of the mag, to prime the feed spring.

Not a deal breaker, certainly not as bad as the mp-40 mags(thanks @Bigmuthadrums )

I didn’t have too much time in NZ to use it, but I seem to remember a full winding, would empty a full mag.

On the positive side, it means you can aim upwards…
My guess is they’ll leave it like that…cheaper than converting to elec, as per the Thompson…

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Got a shock when I checked prices on a NZ a/soft website recently… :exploding_head:

I’ve always wanted an FN F2000 better than the ABS Ze Hua the came out years ago. G&G is the cheapest, Cybergun is slightly more exxie.

Either way, even if the manufacturer DID offer a gel conversion, I get the feeling that the price would be up there with the Ares DMR and Tavor TAR-21, around a gorilla or more. :person_shrugging:

Maybe Vas’ pricing of around AU$800 for the Snow Wolf M41A is pretty reasonable after all. :thinking:

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Yeah, that’s insane asking prices from the “Land of the wrong White crowd.” :flushed:

Stepping away from the Airsoft/Gelblaster market, real firearms are much cheaper than many of these products in the hobby.