BF P90 V4 Gel Blaster Review and Disassembly

Gotta say…

We could try that…

Or, alternatively, we could continue to support the small independant gel blaster retailers that are local.

You know the ones? The retailers who started up at the beginning, put in the hard yards and were proactive about getting the hobby off the ground here in the first place. The same retailers who have actively fought to keep gel blasters legal in Queensland for the last few years and are still doing just that. The ones who are totally invested in this hobby not just financially. God knows enough local businesses are winding up as it is, if we lose the rest due to lack of support we’ll all need B709 permits to buy a blaster.

I question the ethics of suggesting ways to get around legalities of import… it’s a pathway to getting the hobby banned outright. We already have local suppliers who have sweated over the correct and legal process at great expense to their businesses, I believe they deserve our support for that.

This forum should be about sharing information, showing off your kit, helping each other out, having a laugh with mates, not spruking.

Might want to dwell on that for a minute or two.


Very well said, thank you! :clap:

I must say that I treated my Gelblaster hobby business the same way I ran my Hot Rod business when it came to supporting the local economy.

Every product/part that I required was always searched to procure through local suppliers first, then interstate suppliers second, then if unavailable in Australia, then I would have to source from a supplier overseas.

It was never about the cost, but always about keeping the money flowing through our own economy before giving it away overseas.

This is where online shopping and importing of overseas products has decimated our business economies in this country, where people don’t go down the streets shopping anymore, where it’s easier for them to sit on the couch at home, order what they want online and then wait for it to be delivered to their doorstep, and the bulk of their money is going out of the country…… not into our own economy.

Sure it’s extremely convenient, but is also the reason why many shops/businesses are closing in this country and a walk around the shops on an afternoon/weekend has barely any people to be seen on the roads or footpaths……… which is extremely noticeable here in small rural/regional towns :frowning:


Correct,I will stop and then keep sharing information here.

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I think it’s pretty safe to say, I contribute a fair amount of money, into the local gel blaster economy😀

That will continue, to be my preferred way to shop, supporting local businesses, with local warranty support.

However, in this instance, the p90 is not readily available.

Ihobby have the V4, for $240.
That’s quite expensive, as xforce were selling them at $180, but are out of stock.

It will probably be awhile, before the the v5 is available in Oz, particularly if it’s in low stock production.

So having decided I want one, in this instance, it’s worthwhile ordering from overseas.
Particularly if it’s half the price, of what I hobby charge.

I am a big supporter of local businesses, however, in this instance, I have no qualms trying out a new vendor…

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Sharing info, on new and upcoming products is good.!!

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My psuedo rant wasn’t a criticism of you, BME :wink: or anybody else you buys from OS, we all do for various things.

There is, however, a right way and a wrong way to buy complete blasters, n’est-pas? My gripe was with the suggested dodgy method.

All good, water under the bridge and all those other cliched platitudes. :blush: :+1:

All good…
And I agree with supporting local businesses, regardless of industry.

Good, long term relationships , between client, business, and supplier are the way to go…

Ebaying the crap out of everything, certainly hurts local businesses…