Closed Down (Retailers) Updated

Sendle eeesh… they are just a booking company. Good luck! They are very eco friendly as they claim. They have no couriers. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :rofl:

UberEats but for parcels

Lots of tactoys hate so ill chime in with my experience
generally well under other retailers prices with the 20% off code
ordered on jan 17th 8pm
shipped jan 18th 8am
delivered jan 19th 2pm
extra magazine i ordered was supplied in green gas version instead of co2 so i rang up and they sent an email while on the phone
sent them a piccie and they provided a return label and created another order on my account for the co2 magazine
the green gas just arrived back there today so hopefully they ship out the co2 soon

if they didnt stuff up the order would have been excellent.

Well lets forget what happened in the past and just look at this week.
I’m on FB so this is all I see from them:
Announced on Monday 22nd 9am that the Brisbane store will be closed the same day, dispatch and pickups will be “temporarily disrupted” with no news on when and where they’ll open again. Never mind the lack of notice about the forthcoming “relocation”.
Announced on Tuesday 22nd 9am that the store will remained closed and dispatch and pickups will still be disrupted.
Announced on Tuesday 22nd 2pm that dispatch and customer service will be temporarily closed.

I’m just saying, if I had unsent orders from them then I’d be pretty miffed at the least.

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Communication is top of the list for anything customer service/retail related, if you drop communication then customers are immediately going to start getting upset cause they don’t know what’s going on and they’re the ones being impacted by lack of said communication.

Even if it was to just say “hey sorry this thing isn’t working ATM but we are working on it” is leagues better then just radio silence until it’s fixed and a " hey this happened but we’re back now".

Even when internal communication is non existent, then the sales staff are the ones copping the complaints from customers and have no real answer to give, (speaking from experience).

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Sorry bud but I’ll never forget that screeching pimple faced liar that hadn’t dropped it’s balls. :rofl: And his efforts on GBF forum saying it’s all too hard to keep up with problems with blasters and doesn’t have the time.

But fair he’s moved on so the business should be better now… if they were open that is :roll_eyes:


Spot on. Communication is key. Radio silence hints at nothing being done.

I rely on exact and clear communication all the time or you have really big f ups for my business. Truck driver rings and running 45mins late, no problem at least I know and it’s fine. Instead of me trying to back track through agents and trucking companies to find out where the truck is or if it’s coming at all.


Website has new address a 77 Balham Rd Archerfield (think it is Rocklea). Looks like they are moving around the corner and down the road

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Yes and I see there are only 5 stores now listed for M4A1: [Contact Us | Best Gel Blaster Supplier Australia – M4A1 Gelblaster]

Interesting that Ipswich and Rockhampton are now branded Geltactical, which I think was the M4a1 US branding. Company being split up?

The company is dividing up between owners. At least Geltactical owner appears to be working on getting some stock. M4a1 has less blasters on their wall than I do, I have less than half my blasters on my wall! I probably have more parts and accessories too! The bar is pretty low though :rofl:

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Not closed any more

east customs is closing down just saw on fb

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Can you link their site at all? Can’t seem find them.

Edit: nevermind found it, was almost on page two of the googles :sweat_smile:
They have practically nothing noteworthy to offer anyway.

Danny hanging up his bong?

Oh was this the fuckwit abusing ppl cause they complained about their shit service and products?


… and his dremel


Yup……. that’s the one!

Ahhh, no surprise then they’re closing and have little to no stock on offer.

Can’t imagine why he was having trouble with customs/ABF :roll_eyes:.

Be interested to see if the few dumb enough to have preorders with them will get their full refund and how quickly.

Kinda got mixed feelings, on this one…

Going broke in buisness, is no joke.

In terms of stressful life events, its right up there with getting divorced / loss of a loved one…

I’m not defending danny, his personality, or buisness practises.

Another shop closes.
The gel market shrinks and retracts, a little bit more.

I’m not one to wish, suffering on another, nor rejoice at anothers misfortune… unless they are truly horrendous people.

Often, going bankrupt has a knock on effect…you lose your buisness, your home, your partner… and possibly even more…

I wouldn’t wish that on anyone…