Closed Down (Retailers) Updated

While this is all true and I agree with you, this guy was inevitably going to implode. He operates from home so I doubt he’s going to be bankrupt.
I’ve been through the failed business ordeal myself and wouldn’t wish it on anyone, even this asshole.

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Ditto there - I ran my own business for 7 years, and the last 2 were horrible. I should have shut it down much earlier but tried to ride it out. Affects every single part of your life. You feel like a failure in front of your family and friends. You lose confidence in your decision making. You look at your dwindling bank account while the bills roll in and you cant sleep. It was horrid and got to the point that the only way to end it is to give up on yourself (aka your business). Went back to the workforce and haven’t looked back. Business just ain’t for some people and im one of them.

But … I got told I’ll be redundant at end of May by my employer last month. I got some notice at least, but no where is safe from change nor failure.

Onwards regardless! (Sure didnt feel that way in the 2 weeks after finding out though)


One of the bravest things you can do, is go into buisness for yourself…

No days off, every day is a challenge, fight or die…

Unfortunately, the truth is , most small buisness’s dont survive…
But , being brave enough, to have a go, is always good thing…
Most people don’t have the courage, to even try…

“Better to have loved and lost, than never loved at all…”

Hope you can find some work soon, we live in the world of the idiot generation, so if your a half decent, reliable person…you should be able to find something…

Good luck…!!

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The only reason why I “retired” from work was to get out of the mind numbing repetitiveness of 18 years working in a Fabrication/Machining/Fitting and Light Vehicle workshop, where the money was insanely good considering we really only worked an actual 3 months worth of days a year due to the shifts we were on………. but I simply couldn’t carry on with the “Groundhog Day” routine.

Once the kids were born, it got even worse when it became extremely difficult to juggle a Mentally Disabled Son and Shift Rosters/Work Schedules/Time off.

I simply quit and had no other job lined up at the time, but I was also running my own Hot Rod/Custom/Classic Car Business from my massive home workshop on my days off throughout all of those years in mining anyway.

So this put the idea into my head to go and visit a Hot Rod Business in the nearest largest City and see if they were looking for any workers……. which they weren’t at the time, so I just offered to go work there for 2 weeks unpaid and see where things went.

They were impressed with my skills and gave me a job offer that I took and stayed there until the Owner had to close the business due to health reasons.

This is when I went “what the heck, I’ll open my own Workshop/Business”, which I did in the same City and took on many of the old clients and customers, which gave me a very good head start, especially as I was also offered to purchase most of the old tools and equipment from the original Hot Rod Business :+1:

I ran the business by myself as a Sole Trader and had a friend who took care of all the Secretarial/Tax/GST/Paperwork etc, which meant that I had very little outgoings, overheads and no wages going out to other employees.

It was hard work considering that I had to build a whole vehicle from the ground up right through to registered and driving all on my own, with only the panel/paintwork being outsourced, I did everything else myself……… but this also allowed me to work whatever hours I wanted to work, could close the doors at any given moment if I had to go and deal with my Sons Schooling/Health issues, take days/weeks off whenever needed …… and most importantly, every single day was a different challenge and experience never really knowing what was going to roll through the door!

Yes running your own business is extremely difficult and tiring, but it also comes down to the type of business and the support you have to be able to make it work successfully with the least amount of stress possible.

I am in the same boat as my original Employer, where I’ve had to walk away due to health reasons and hand everything over to my old business partner to carry on under his own name/control.

I’m still giving him a hand with electrical and mechanical work to finish a couple of long term builds, but then I’m out and actually enjoying not having the extra work involved with running a business for the first time in decades :ok_hand::sunglasses:

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It definitely has it’s ups and downs that’s for sure, think I’ve mentioned it more than enough… more ups than what I used to do and what I’ve looked at moving on to so hereth I stay for now and grit my teeth…

When I was in at M4A1 Morayfield yesterday I was told that CYMA aren’t making gel blasters anymore?? :exploding_head:

Anybody heard anything about that?

Think I heard the same thing at X-force a while ago, but then they started getting those nylon SCARs recently


You would have inside information about the situation in the industry?

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Yes sure Bob.

I also noted Xforce tactical is getting the nylon CYMA. Metal CYMA gel blasters are coming from the airsoft production line of CYMA.
So it is probably true if Xforce saying so, the airsoft product line may not be actively making the gel blaster gearbox.

But the nylon CYMA gearbox is not bad. It has a casted metal gear version now. If anyone can help to suggest to Australian retailers, it will be great. The price is not much different from the blue nylon gears version.

So far no customers come back to us for gearbox related issues for the CYMA nylon blasters.

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I hope to see more metal gearbox cymas. The nylon body metal gearbox cymas were the easiest blasters to sell when I was at the retailer I worked for. Just had to have one upgraded on the wall to show off and people were all over them!
We couldn’t get enough to keep up then they just stopped coming.
Now they only way to get a metal cyma box is to get a full metal cyma, which is not for everyone’s budget.
Maybe someday they will come back… I hope.

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Sold out most places, I see…

I also see iHobby have stock of the CYMA V2 metal gearboxes for $220… better jump on that if you want one. :man_shrugging:

Only other alternative is a Silver Edge metal V2 gearbox for $135 at TaccyToys… :roll_eyes:

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Ihobby been sold out of them for ages.
Aps gearbox is basically only slightly better than wells.
I’ve had a good run with JG gearboxes. Running one in a wells, an SLR, and an mk47… Also two in JGs strangely. They are pretty compatible with anything you can get an SLR tpiece and SLR/gen8 mag into. Only thing is they use a 6mm bolt into the spring retainer but other fit in things pretty easily.

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I have 3 JG based ARs and the gearboxes are great. Have had them all upgraded to different levels. They slap hard though - loudest boxes amongst my AEG collection.

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Hmmm… iHobby are showing stock of DB gearboxes for $168.

Louder than a WELLS slapping like a wet towel against a tiled floor and with the added extra acoustic ringing of the main spring chiming like a Church Bell? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Why would all of you want a V2 gearbox, everyone said they were shit when I started on them :crazy_face:

It took me a while… but I eventually saw the light. :laughing:

ayi, if you can believe it!

I have a couple of Wells too and the JGs are noticably louder :slight_smile:

The Wells CQB (metal) does get an honourable mention though.

Spoke the x-Force at the Arms Fair and they said that CYMA production numbers had reached the paperwork ceiling in China and rather than go through the increased scrutiny that increased production levels would bring, they have just spun the gel blaster production off to another company - Jund - to stay under increased the certification requirements.

So nothing’s really going to change with the blasters then…

CYMA /Jund… same same really.

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