Cod mw2 launch

Anyone here excited for the cod mw2 to officially launch? I cant wait, after the failure that was bf2042 this better live up to the hype.

Who here are getting the hungry jacks/burgerking promotion aswell?

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It’s a good bit of dumb fun, yeah. The campaign has been full of laugh out loud cheese so far, and it’ll be fun laughing at kids having their first shit talk. Those little bastards can be so imaginative.


Been playing it for the past hour. Whatever doubts you’ve got about getting it, ignore them. It’s amazing.

One bug I’ve already found is when you press start(on console) you can’t exit the match or edit settings. It only gives you the option to change your class. And the Beta never carried over😒

Only the 2009 MW2 :wink:


Was good they remastered it, should’ve named the new one MW2 Part 2?

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They’ve patched the pause menu bug, but the game is seriously screwed up right now. It keeps crashing and automatically muting your entire team without any indication of this. It spam invites randoms and declined multiple invite attempts from one of my mates. He’s on PlayStation 4 and he hasn’t had any issues, but series X like myself, and pc have had similar reports. Should be smoothed out within a week or two.

Stoopid game crashing all the time aaaaaaaaaaaaa


The PvP crashes at least seem to have evened out, but I swear there’s an AI memory leak or something, as the Co-op and single player keeps dying on me.

It was kind of funny last time, actually. I was playing the final mission and when you do that big jump that knocks you out briefly, my game crashed while my screen was black. Headcanon that the character you’re controlling dies there and it’s the end of the game.

What’s really giving me the shits lately though is the showcase bug. I can’t see up my pretty tags and emblems and operators :frowning:

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You are all speaking in another language to this ole dawg :flushed::joy:


PvP - Player versus Player
Co-op - Players vs Bots
Headcanon - The ‘canon’ (like christian canon. the story) I make up in my head
Showcase - A place where you can show off all the things you’ve unlocked

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Im pretty sure the mute and invite issues were in the beta aswell. it sucks. But yea lets hope they get this fixed asap. I dont want to have a repeat of BF2042

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Graphics are superb, but even the local multiplayer is lagging. It should get better over time. And for some reason, I swear they reused Advanced warfare lobby soundtrack for the multiplayer lobbies.

Three Quarters of five eighth’s of eleven sixteenth’s of feckall is about all I know about :flushed::joy:


Well as an ex BF series clan player… I wish them well :+1:

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Did you ever play the BF 1942 desert storm mod by any chance . Maybe not I in another time space continuum :pleading_face: :rofl:

Yes actually. Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t that the one where you could drive whatever you could see. Unlike games these days other than GTA.

The water gameplay is smooth. And looks fantastic.

ew a water creature ;-;

One that has a gold SPR… All beware, you’re in my crosshair.

weew wud a fukin nurd

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Im busy with the launchers grind. Already did the knife and pila, doing the strela now, what a shlep it is

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