Current project on your bench

Ahh ok, I can see how the edges have been cut now.


Furthering the adventure of fitting the LDT ATM gearbox into classic army XM177. Needed more room at front of receiver for the bolt to come forward 3mm or so.

Bought a 26mm hole saw and turned some holders on lathe to hold it in place.

5 mins later…
Removed edge with dremel, couple of slips.
Back together for some test fire. Still some points touching.


Does it still count if the project is currently files on a pc thats on my bench?

Smg conversion, uses the lower and barrel of a rifle and a impact grenade i found online, planning on printing and building in the next few months when i get my big filament order in so i can do a fair few colors and no one can say if they find them its theirs.

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I like the look of those. Using a lower that takes smg mag?

Nah takes a normal rifle mag.

This is what it should look like once built (from the models page)

I bought one of those amoeba forends a couple of years ago and fitted it to a dytac receiver.

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Just a FYI, the muzzle doesn’t fit gel barrels, so you’ll nees to drill it out cause it’s just gonna mash gels otherwise, it’s like less than 1mm but it’s enough.

Also the model is quite tight on tolerances so adjust for that with your settings, it goes together fine but a mallet was involved.

Thanks for that, interesting that the muzzle is weird since it says that it is designed for gels, as for tolerances it will be prototyped first so can always scale slightly if need be before printing in the color i want to go with.

I think it would look nicer with one of those suppressors rather than that muzzle anyway, gives you a bit of extra barrel too

Maybe, would be easy to make a mock one in cad and see what it looks like in 3d space.

Just a update, took a look at it and yea would look better with a suppressor then the muzzle, there is one i found that might work depending on the filament and if its green or purple PREDATOR MK3 5" Suppressor With Hop Up - X-Force Tactical

That kit has its own barrel nut doesn’t it? That suppressor more or less replaces that part unless you’re threading it with the 14mm part, but even then I don’t know if that would actually fit diameter wise inside the front grip part.
I could be thinking of a different kit, I’ve printed a boat load of them.

There was another can similar to that one that I think was a bit thinner and might fit thou.
Edit: yeah that 5" one is listed as being 5cm wide but the other is listed as 3cm so might fit better.

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Gel Blaster MP15 SMG Conversion by Superpoo - Thingiverse this is the one im looking at, if it doesnt work can always adapt it to my needs and wants, i dont know if it would fit those suppressors and cant check cause money be tight and i dont have a rifle to try with anyways (yay car needing rear main seal and rocker cover gasket at the same time).

Yeah that kit has its own barrel nut, you can just measure the inside of the grip part once it’s printed and find a can that’ll fit inside, I think I had just used (when I was using it) one of those barrel/t-piece adaptors that is just a 14mm thread and used an appropriate length barrel piece to get the desired length.

… If any of that made sense, I’m like half asleep rn…

Yea, i might also just yeet the front grip or mod it down.

And im also half asleep and somehow making sense so i think between the both of us it cancels out somehow.

LDT ATM classic army xm177


Love the XM177 / CAR15 platform. :heart_eyes:

I’ve got everything I need to build one of these suckers up from a CYMA but that skinny handguard. :flushed:


Wonder what dumb smuck put a V2 cylinder head in a CYMA and wondered why it would not feed gels

Dunno…… can you give us a couple of clues? :thinking::joy:

So I bought most of a CYMA marine of a guy, gearbox receiver, barrel and handguard. It was cheap and I can resurrect anything so why not. At this point in the hobby I get more of a kick from getting some broken neglected shit working than just buying something and upgrading it, also I am a sucker for punishment. Disclaimer, it is going to be upgraded modestly, otherwise it just wouldn’t be mine!

looks wise, its been well used and apart many times… looks like it had been on the patio in the weather for a while, anything metal is rusted, cobwebs and dead insects all through it, and a mud wasp nest in the upper receiver and barrel for bonus points. I spent an entire afternoon pulling it apart and cleaning it as best I could. Came up ok, just need a fake bolt release, body pins, and a mag release… and a stock and buffer tube bolt and plate… nothing too hard to find, though my luck says these parts will need some fit and fiddle to get working properly. They almost always do!

The gearbox… may not have been in the weather outside, but was the subject of all the advice of the internet done as poorly as possible. Bushes were jb welded in, were not all straight and sat proud enough that shimming would have likely been more compromise than good. Spent half hour every day, with various substances removing epoxy and then reinstalled the bushes correctly.

It has SHS gears in it the guy says… They were the worst fakes I have seen, the bevel was stuffed, the sector was short stroked TERRIBLY, the teeth removed were jagged AF, and not removed enough so it looks as if it was probably still picking up the piston! All the gears were worn and damaged so in the bin now.

The piston, was an aztech piston and head… the rack was munted to hell from the poor short stroking, the head was scuffed to fuck (to be fair… they do that them aztech heads) and as a result the stock aluminium cylinder is stuffed also.

The stock head was siliconed into the cylinder… that was easy to remove as it didnt work, probably didnt clean the cylinder oil off before attempting this.

There was a piece of cardboard with tape for the mag terminals and a busted ldt tpiece. I would guess it didnt work, but all good I have a 3dprinted mag terminal block for this so you can run gen8 style mags with an LDT tpiece and nozzle and not other changes.

And the best part, for me; the wiring is out of an LDT warinterest nylon box, with nicks everywhere in the wires, and a deans that was so melted it probably wouldnt go in the battery without force, and the heatshrink was not covering the melted mess so there was exposed terminals that were plain dangerous.

Finally, what looks like an SHS m100 or m110 from wire diameter, is bent and twisted, so I am tipping the poor thing had many attempts and changes before the previous owner gave up.

Gearbox case, spring retainer, tappet plate, selector plate, and anti reverse latch are all that I didnt toss to landfill from this mess… still a good deal as I love me a CYMA metal box and I can still get it working.

After a week of owning this, its cleaned, bushes are installed correctly, I have succesfully shimmed gears into it, just waiting on a motor to arrive before finishing the gears’ shimming.
I have also modified the shell slightly to accept a T238 1.9 basic mosfet as I have a few, and I just dont want to chance the ldt cutoff lever not working, also gives me an excuse to use one as I have them and have never used them yet.

A week of an hour a day, and the restoration side is done and I am finally feeling like its moving forward, also, the lower half of the handguard can be removed to barrel mount my m203 launcher! YEW!!

A few decisions on grip, stock, inner barrel and hopups to go, and a few parts to source, but reckon I can have it rocking in a week or two!
All this while I still have three other blasters needing work to finish. Two bitsa blasters that are almost done, and a double bell ak that just isnt going right since I got it second hand for a reasonable price.

Always good to have a bit of projects lined up for the christmas new year break!