Current project on your bench

Spend more once or spend less multiple times pretty much.

BJX have been good for me, and haven’t had any problems with SHS

List the options you have and you’ll get an idea of what’s shit or not. Even the SHS can be fake, reputable shops were selling those awhile ago.

Also is a bit of a Lottery as to whether different brand gears will fit/operate the same as well.

Many builds I had a particular brand lined up for the job, but then found issues with the different widths of the gears and sometimes the location of the tappet plate pins being in different orientations.

Hence wouldn’t know until actually checking out clearances/shimming/operation to find that the proposed gear set couldn’t be used, so would have to go through all of my different parts drawers and find a brand/set that would fit that particular build.

GBX gears are awesome with their full bearing setup’s, but then found out wouldn’t work on some types of blasters due to the action/timing/space of the tappet plate bearing on the sector gear.

Wouldn’t it be nice if everything was built to a common size that fit everything across the board :roll_eyes::thinking::joy:

Personally I avoid using cast gears as they are a lottery. The odd gear will just bust due to bad casting and you are the stuck buying better gears like SHS so it doesn’t happen again and doing all the work again… and hopefully you don’t have other parts ruined. For the extra few dollars just get SHS gears.

The fun with SHS is, there are fakes on occaision, but SHS is a brand that doesn’t manufacture the gears rather uses multiple OEMs at times so the waters are muddied further. Also ever noticed how there are a number of other brands that look similar to SHS… because they just use the same OEM and copy them with different logos.

I have a blaster with fake shs gears… its been going for 4 years and hundreds of thousands of gels… maybe more… they are still fine. Not saying all fakes will be but these were fine.

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One of the current projects, and of course I run out of filament when I only have like two more parts I need…


wtf is that a hell cannon :thinking: :laughing:

You’ll just have to wait until I get some more filament and see :smirk::wink:

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A minigun body :thinking: Am I getting warmer…

Mmm colder actually :grin:

40mm nade launcher :person_shrugging:

Close, it can take 40mm but I’m redesigning that part

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Tshirt cannon, to launch MAGA shirts…

Will need fine tuning but if everything works according to theory…300 gels…per shot.

Couple more parts to print, a cut and some paint and it’ll be ready to use, given the shells work as theorised


Just some finishes to do on shells but she’s have ready, want to make some proper launcher sights for it too.


Still need to tweak the nerf one but not like I’d be able to use in a game anyway.


Converting the classic army E2 to an E1. shortened the barrel, removed grenade ring off moderator, cut off bayonet lug (rough atm), fill holes on buffer tube to make 2 position only. Plan to use 20rd double bell metal mags. Wishlist is an aluminium rear stock.

Castles have been removed from nut. Taranis Gearbox is fitted with perun v2 hybrid with clicker. Was a pain to fit.


Next project…

Bit more portable than the last one, but it’s not a quick reload, fewer parts too.

Still trying to get a 3D printed gas shell to work for the other one, just sealing issues with the release valve so might be something I’ll need to do in resin for the accuracy. Current version only slowly leaks gas so it’s almost there.



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German? Milling Machine …… noice :ok_hand:

proxxon mini mill. Taking material off the feed tube to fit taranis into LDT scar H.
So the classic army xm177 now has the LDT ATM gearbox fitted. New outer barrel as well as the ATM comes with barrel adaptor.