Current project on your bench

Hello again.
wip sci fi blaster. would like to put buffer tube style HPA into it.


ā€œMum can I have a GBBR?*
" No, we have a GBBR at homeā€
the GBBR at homeā€¦


Thatā€™s a pretty cool experimental piece mate! :+1::sunglasses:

It was a kit I bought, thou do have some modifications in mind, just a shell for an AAP.
Will be definitely be painting it thou, donā€™t think bright orange is very effective Camo :sweat_smile:

Iā€™m getting Vector overtones off thatā€¦ :thinking:

Modified the charging handle so itā€™s two pieces now, so instead of the entire link moving with the bolt cycling the handle part is spring loaded and returns forward but pulling it pushes a rear link interfacing with the bolt to charge it.

Just need to tweak the mag release to get it working properly, a better handguard setup and a lick of paint and sheā€™ll be good.


Couldnā€™t handle the mix of black accessories with a tan receiver and upper. Base coat down, going to sponge cam it. I managed to pull the mag feed wire out so will have pull it apart after painting to see how bad I effed it up :rage: Not great at electronic/electrical work.


This will be my next buildšŸ˜…
Quick mock up of what parts I had at home, receiver will be getting a custom paint job but you get the basic idea

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Another mighty Gen8 build!
Looks awesome mate, canā€™t wait to see the finished results :ok_hand:

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Cheers DocšŸ‘
The receiver will be getting a marbling red/black paint job, not sure on hand guard whether to do the same or leave it original for the markings and go a red handgrip underneath :thinking:
I have a singularity box here, metal gears and 38k motor as well as a uurkii mosfet for it.
Just gotta finish off stuff for other people firstšŸ˜…
Then of course I have the new CQB barrette and the scorpion to do at the same timešŸ¤£

Plenty of work on your plate there mate!
Gotta love the old faithful Singularity Gearboxesā€¦ā€¦ I used to get them doing insane things and destroyed a few until finally sorting out a few custom mods to make them pretty much indestructible! :+1::joy:

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The guy I mostly buy my new gear from up here in Morayfield always has a lot of blasters on the bench that are still running Gen 8 gearboxesā€¦ :+1:

Jin Ming put out a winner with that little gem, for sure. Itā€™s still my go to box for the weird builds, providing itā€™ll fit the shell of course. :sunglasses:

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If you ever get to the point of weak points/failures anywhere in the Singularity Box, shoot me a message and I would be happy to help with some mods that I used to do with themā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ but honestly, that was only required because of the stupidly high FPS I was pushing, which is unnecessary for a good reliable and accurate 300 FPS blaster these days.

I am in the process of building a new singularity for my old favorite ump. 4 years on the same gearbox with much more use and abuse than maintainence, it isnā€™t broken just a service should fix it, but I am planning to put that box in another blaster and the new one in my ump.
Love me a singularity box!

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Only real problem I have seen is the AR shaft mountsšŸ¤”
The metal version AR has a shorter shaft which leads to failure of the mounts in the case.
Using a floating lever pressed onto the original shaft solved this for minešŸ‘

Thatā€™s one of the secret little fixes that I made to the gearboxes, after my run of AR Latch issues from stupid FPS strains. :roll_eyes:

Sent you a PM with some info :+1:

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If youā€™re after another of the gen8 Barretts, I saw today X-force at North lakes had one in their bargain bin, donā€™t know what was wrong with it but looked like a full kit.
Was $50 I believe.

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I still have 6 for modding apart from the 2 Iā€™ve already done and 1 that Iā€™m keeping all original, but thanksā€‹:+1::rofl::rofl:

Hi all, quick question.
Iā€™m looking at upgrading my V2 box with metal gears, do I need to fork out for fancy SHS or other name brand gears, or will a chepaer generic set do the job. Not looking at super high fire rates or FPS, just something a bit more reliable and potentially reduced maintenance.

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Go for the fancy ones. Generics will break under increased strains and wear faster, as theyā€™re cast instead of CNC.