I use gorilla glue super glue gel, and scratch it up with a blade then clean with iso alcohol before applying. Hasn’t come unstuck when I have used it yet.
Yes they are both good, but I prefer the clear stuff too as it’s a fast acting contact adhesive, whereas the original takes a bit more patience to set ……… and patience is something that starts getting pretty thin on builds sometimes!
hey everyone, has anyone used a battery mounted to there body and then a teather to the blaster (aeg not hpa lines), i would like to use my good 2200mah lipos from my rc cars but they are to big to fit into any of my smgs and i dont want a peq or battery bag.
thoughts, opinions or concerns?
You can get a strip of Velcro from Bunnings or wherever and either Velcro the battery itself in a position that’s secure and out of your way, or there’s various Buttstocks available with what they call a “Tactical Brace” that you can use the Velcro strap to hold the battery.
Another option is to fit a fake PEQ box to your handguard and forward wire the battery into it.
Do some research and make sure you pay attention to the size of your battery and the measurements given by the supplier.
Here’s my old UMP45 which had a TURNIGY 2.2 Ah brick battery housed in a PEQ box and it worked well
yeah ill have a look at thoses stocks, thanks bob
I have almost the same setup on my UMP45, 2200mah lipo and all. Works sweet.
I have seen a couple people with a coil cord to a battery on their person a long time before hpa was a thing.
Pretty much all my m4s on the field run a crane stock that can take a titan 11v nunchuck. A stock blaster will typically last a full day of play for most people, some of mine get a bit over half a day but if capacity without ruining the aesthetic is what you are going for it is hard to beat that setup. Also m16 full and shorty stocks will fit titan 11v nunchucks, and some will fit the 11v brick titan as well.
I ended up printing a fixed stock for my SLR build that can hold a 2400 7.4v RC pack with a deans plug. It’s modelled in 3 parts so I can just alter the length of the mid section for however long the batter or comfort is.
On a different note, whatever material this nozzle tip is made of the gorilla glue does not want to stick to it, feels like it might be a soft silicone or something and the nozzle shaft is aluminium.
Those Crane stocks are awesome for fitting Nunchucks, even though they’re not my favourite looking stock, they certainly allow a lot of battery space
Was also a reason for fitting a buffer tube adapter to one of my MP5’s, (which I just noticed is visible in the pic above ) to make room for a decent sized battery and much quicker/easier access than the original design with either the folding or solid frame stocks.
It must be a silicone rubber nozzle if the glue doesn’t like it.
I always used my faithful old Loctite 406 for glueing custom made nozzles and never had any problems.
Just be aware that once it’s touched the parts, or your fingers, it ain’t never coming apart again!
There’s other Silicone Specific hobby glues available, but I have never used them so can’t recommend any particular brand for you, so might have to do a bit of research on that stuff
Cut a piece out of the interior of my M16A1 stock to fit my rc 3300mah 3S long time ago
Strange about the glue, haven’t come across that myself. Did you moisten a joining surface as the destructions say. Clean it
Do blokes actually read destruction sheets?
I thought they were the always the first thing that we throw away
Yeah it bonded a rubber pad to the inner face just fine but this nozzle doesn’t wanna stick, I got some other adhesives there so I’ll give them a try.
Just for context, I got this from that TL toys to see how they went.
Yea well I do. When there is actually a decent manual to go off. Always been like that working on cars and mostly bikes. Fkn hate working on cars, they just suck out of necessity. Always something in a cunt of a spot.
Yup, nothing like a Big Block Chrysler in a LHD Dodge/Plymouth etc to send anyone to the Nuthouse!
Almost need to remove the whole engine just to change the spark plugs
Really, I’d shoot it and burn the thing if they weren’t worth so much
Just like a 428 in 70 Cougar. Take off rocker covers, unbolt engine mount, jack up engine, change spark plugs
I did somethong like that with an old M4 for shits’n’gigs years ago…
Ugly as sin but kind of unique at the time. It ran a modified stick mag, but could take full Gen 8 stanags and P-mags. I fitted an XT30 connector recessed into the receiver at the back and ran a 3S lipo in a pouch mounted on a sling with the battery wires run through the inside of the cordura terminating in an XT30 connector at the sling mount. Don’t have any photos of it sling and wired unfortunately.
It was good fun, 280FPS, woefully inaccurate with a 3" inner barrel, but had select fire, mag prime, etc… you had to look pretty hard to see the wiring too… but this was back on the day when options for this kind of thing weren’t what they are now… like this one…
Ended up in the bin eventually, and definitely more a case of “can I?” than “should I?”

Bloody awesome bit of experimenting and thinking outside of the box
Tried the gorilla glue for the 3rd time and seems to be holding so far, after assembling the blaster and running a mag through it, only feeding issues I had were from oversized gels cause it wouldn’t shot then 2 would pop out, i did have a bottle of overgrown gels so I must of grabbed that by mistake.