Current project on your bench

That’s ok mate, I make plenty of mistakes I don’t mean too. Keep soldiering on. I have a lot going on myself with business. Keep aiming for your goal and focus on that. Hopefully things get better for all of us.

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cheers mate

ok so this POS was one of the first blasters I got, and it never worked right out of the box, classic example of G :honeybee: U products and quality control from what I’ve read on here and Reddit… also this is still the same sale as when I bought it like 3 months ago lol. the sale that never ends :roll_eyes:

took a lot of stuffing around and I can still only get it firing upside down only. it’s not the gels I’m using as I tried a few and it only shoots upside down after a bit of stuffing around.

the issue seems to be the magazine latch, doesn’t hold the mag in, just drops out, and the fact the plastic magazine seems too big to fit in properly.

I did a little gentle sanding on the top of the mag to try n get it to slot into the gun properly but the magazine latch doesn’t seem to be adequate in security the magazine in the gun.

like I said couldn’t even get it to fire at all before but now it fires upside down only but still not every time, have to hold it upside down, tap the mag to make sure it’s in, tilt it it downwards and cock it, then pull the trigger, gel may or may not fire out.

everyones solution, especially any shop I’ve asked, has said to just buy a new one. well, no, I’d rather try n get it going, just because alright, just because lol

my question is, is there any hope for it? or would I be better off gutting it and attempting to replacing all/most/some of the internals to get it working again as a springer? trying to turn it into an electric pistol? or is it a lost cause?

not sure if I’d be able to find a replacement magazine, or if that would solve the problem. haven’t had luck finding a replacement magazine and where I bought it seems to be the only retailer stocking it

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Not 100% sure @RokSolid @Wombat may have experience with that one.

To get internals for it to be an AEG that would be extremely lost cause.

The KEle range of manual/springers have good build and reviews here. @Friendly_Fire has tried a few of those and be able to comment better.

Pistols Manual and Electric - X-Force Tactical

The AEG pistols always seem to have problems. Maybe I’m wrong but the 3DG one Corey was flogging was a pile of shit. Don’t get that one.

I still use an APS GBB pistol that is going well but they are more expensive.

The old M92 SKD was $20 hopper fed and never missed a beat.

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see i got this one for the young fella cuz he wanted a 1911 and this one, for a springer is actually pretty fkn good. shoots over 15+m and it shoots predator ultras no dramas n with really good accuracy, anything softer and it demolishes them before leaving the barrel,

only got the ys-08 because it was supposed to have the same range and I wanted something different to what I got the young fella, although the ys-08 doesn’t like the predators, maybe just because it’s not functioning properly, I dunno, need to prep more predators to check again… anyway.

unless someone else has any suggestions I guess it’ll just be a display item, just sucks cuz I would’ve given it to the young fella if I could get it working properly

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Experimented with the grow time on those predators or tried some other gels. That sounds like and usually is the problem. They could have slightly different barrels. Get a torch and check the barrel for obstructions before anything.

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yeah already trouble shooted that part of it, definitely no obstructions in the ys-08, I’m leaning towards the barrel being a smidge smaller in the ys-08 and the predators being too hard to push through it, softer gels have no issues firing through the ys-08, upside down, when it actually loads the gel in the chamber


Try control growing your gels for 2hrs. Do a small batch without fkn around with measure and calipers and crap that you probably haven’t got and see how that goes.

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worth a shot :wink: pun intended :crazy_face::rofl: cheers

on a side note, picking up a couple of mannequins tomorrow for a mock shooting gallery I’m planning to setup at the place im moving into in a couple weeks, that’s my next project :sunglasses:

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I will work on anything, the store I worked for had an hourly charge, so it really was never worth repairing any pistol unless it was a gas one. Even the SKD glocks and berettas, unless it was a warranty repair it wasn’t worth it. We typically just replaced them. And outside of warranty, it usually works out similar or cheaper to get a new one rather than parts and labour; and then you have spare charger and mag too.
The manuals definitely weren’t worth it in a charge by the hour setting, you can get a new one far cheaper. So I actually have very little experience with cheaper manual and electric pistols.
The YS08 was usually a pretty reliable kit though. Most had to be cocked upside down to feed reliably, and the power was underwhelming but the usually worked. I never had any come back actually.

IMO, the best budget pistol, was any of the hopper fed ones with the grenade bottle hopper on top. They just keep going and going, perfect for kids… and big kids lol. Cheap fun at its finest.
The KEle ones @Maiphut mentioned are very neat manual blasters. Good looks and feel, very typical cheap springer performance but they look and feel awesome. And the little poop noise of a manual always makes me giggle, just good innocent fun.

In short, unless you repair a manual or electric pistol blaster yourself, it is cheaper to just get another one, and you have spare mags and parts to then have a go at it next time.


The voice of experience and reason overrides any bullshit posted by manufacturers or clueless brand devoted wannabe " experts". :+1::ok_hand:

Cheers @DocBob , As much as the employer would rather me take a customers money, I couldn’t do it. I would rather a customer be happy than take their money for a poor option.

Works everytime. Haha I’m still laughing because it’s so true.

Only so much I try… to know but I definitely do not know everything. But this place a lot of good people that have mucho experience and less bullshit. I tried reddit and fell asleep with crap :laughing:

thanks mate, guess it’s just Gunna have to be a display item… disappointing but makes sense. I do feel like if I could find another mag for it, it would probably stand a good chance of functioning correctly but the chances of finding one would be pretty slim. you wouldn’t happen to know if there are any other magazines compatible with it?

I liked the magazine on that one much more than the LH 1911 Vietnam manual pistol, the old shake and bake to get the gels ready to fire

I just use the cheap manual springers to configure holsters and then hang on the wall. The mag fed ones can be a real pain and usually need to be cocked upside down. The Glocks that have an inbuilt hopper in the slide are probably the most reliable springers. None are a patch on the old airsoft mag fed springers

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Neat little cosmetic adjustment… many many thanks to @BME for the very kind donation of this and the Taurus PT92 to the collection, this shottie will look awesome on the wall of shame. :wink:

UDL SPAS-12, foam dart variant. Before and after paint with ultra flat black to correct some colour mismatch on the receiver, the tan handguard under the pump will be getting a dusting of Tamiya brown smoke to mute the brightness a little.

Sweet! :+1:

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that looks sic as… looks like you could make something similar from a hanke m97 with a few bits and pieces and a little time and effort… awesome stuff :+1:t2:

side note, the seller of the mannequins I was sposed to purchase today sold them to someone else despite having already made arrangements with me, then quickly removed the listing to prevent me from giving him a bad seller review on Facebook marketplace… :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth: dog

*insert several of the most colourful cuss words you can think in place of the emojis and I guarantee it still doesn’t match my frustrations

Online buying and selling…

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Glad you are enjoying it.!

If there ever was a condidate for a respray, the SPAS is it.

All the different shades of black, mismatching, some matte, some glossy, made it look a bit toy-ish.

And, took away from the overall look and feel, of an otherwise quality build (for its pricepoint).

I’ll get around to painting my gel one, i was considering an “all black” look, or ‘mostly black, and leaving the stock brown’.

The good thing, about my older dart SPAS, is, as the cage wears it exposes the brown underneath.

This leads to a pretty realistic wear pattern.

I just wish it could fire 3 gels at once, halfway into an apple…!!
:rofl: :rofl:

Or, into crappy online sellers/buyers…!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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:thinking: that’s actually something I haven’t tried yet, shooting gels into a piece of fruit…

also at online buyers and sellers, but I’m not planning on being the asshole that gets gel blasters banned in Qld :grimacing:

might give it a go with the fruit tho, just for shits n giggles :rofl::joy: