Current project on your bench

I’ve lost my pulse rifle exclusivity….

I need something, to be special…!!!

M ake
A ssault SMG’s
G reat
A gain. !!!


Sorry pal you need a shoulder thing that goes up, then you can claim insult status :laughing: :+1:

if the Mac 10 gears fit BME’s uzi, you can find the metal gears for the mac 10 here, if he wants to go that route that is


also, how big is that uzi?

I’ve got this similar old toy one that looks like it would possibly shoot something out of it, the trigger gets stuck when you pull it but you can pull it back forward the front. possibly a return spring issue, whatever it is it still clicks when you pull the trigger. I don’t think it’s got a proper barrel in it but it does have a deep hole up the guts. haven’t dropped a gel in the yet to see if it will make its way through but will try shortly, may undo it n have a gander inside. there doesn’t appear to be a racking or cocking mechanism, I’d say spring in the trigger that possibly propels a projectile

sorry its filthy, been sitting in a box for years, only found it the other day while I was sorting stuff to pack for moving house

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Wow that’s kindergarten sized! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

much like a gas one I seen in the shop a few weeks ago lol

not this one pictured below

looks just like BME’s minus the A Team logo
(obviously, it is after all the same gun shadow you f@#kwit :roll_eyes:)

I’ll stick to one of these if they come back in stock :joy::rofl:

Its the last one.
Its an all metal, die cast 12 shot cap gun uzi.

On the positive side: all metal construction, makes for a solid frame.
Negative side: Its filled with posts and screws everywhere, to hold it together, very solidly.

You would need to dremel a LOT of those out to make space for the gearbox, and lose rigidity in the process. Also, you would have to figure out a way to mount / connect the gearbox , tpiece and barrel. A working mag release would be a bonus.

All a lot of work, i can dremel the bits out, but making the rest happen is a bit beyond my current skill set. Hence why @Friendly_Fire has it. If you need a MP-9 to have a look at the gearbox, just shout out…

Hopefully we can Jerry rig something, even if its a little loose, and has a mechanical wedge holding the mag in, thats fine.

Ive been waiting for a proper uzi to be released for awhile…so far nada.

It would be a big seller im sure…lots of 80’s afficado’s…!!


definitely the most expensive cap gun I’ve ever seen, not that I’ve ever really looked

but looks awesome and if you get it converted to a gel blaster successfully, you’re definitely going to have something extraordinarily rare and special.

sincerest wishes for the best of luck cuz that’s going to be absolutely awesome if you guys pull it off, and I honestly hope you do

sorry to have put the source on blast, big fan of the uzi’s myself and if ever got that cap gun, it would be for display and cap gun purposes only, your one of a kind will remain one of a kind

Pitty I can’t remember the brand of the 100% correct full size from years gone. It was exact 1:1 not die cast. Some bits were like the die cast bolt and blank barrel. Used real UZI mags and just a non firing replica made of stamped sheet metal.

No it was not a real UZI and no way you could fire it for all the stress heads.


Yeah, in a way it’s a mixed blessing having a diecast cap gun to work with.

It’s definitely solid, but reworking a nylon unit would be easier… and if you think back to when you were a rugrat and how many diecast toys ended up in pieces, as I said to BME yesterday, you wouldn’t want to drop it on a concrete path. :man_shrugging:

that’s why I thought that old tec 9 would’ve been a good candidate for conversion,

I asked my brothers and my uncle, we actually had 3 of them but my father smashed one of them the first day we had them because it was too noisy and we were shooting them like crazy because we were enjoying them so much. so there should’ve been two of them still floating around somewhere.

no luck chasing them up so far unfortunately although I suspect my father may have disposed of them on the sly a long time ago :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

I know at least one of them went back to my uncle to be fixed at some point but we’re talking over 30 years ago when we had them, I’m still sure at least one of them should’ve been my parents shed in an old toy box but they live a 9 hour drive away from where I live now otherwise I’d be tearing that shed apart trying to find it

I’ll definitely still be trying to chase them up tho for sure

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Looky at what i just found…

Shell ejecting tec-9…!!

B709 here i come…!!

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Dang. I sold one plus a few other plastic noise making replicas at the last Brisbane Arms show at Beenleigh

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Tec-9 …??

I don’t remember seeing that in your mix…

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It was on the end of the table near the MP5 with the weird folding stock that didn’t fold and the mico Uzi. One of the other toy guys grabbed it and the decomped plastic S&W 645. Don’t think the Tec was full sized but back then is was just thrown in the cupboard like the G3’s

Pretty sure they were just a Mr Toys thing. Wasn’t one that got carried back from NZ or Seoul


At least this thing is full sized, and has “pull apart and play” potential…

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I did see that but was before your post about the conversion and I was like, nah I don’t want a Lazer tag one but if that was convertible, hell yeah… however it doesn’t look quite as good as the ones I had as a kid, but close enough

edit: on second glance, it does look pretty good, probably is the same quality of appearance as what I had and hopefully would be another perfect candidate for gel conversion if you plan on going that route after the uzi

@BME Tec-9 goodness… go for it. :+1:

I’m thinking about getting a B709 and bringing one of these in from Trigger Toys…

Just because it’s different. :man_shrugging:


Next conversion after the UZI’s done and dusted will be a pimped Gen 8 shoved into this puppy.

Plenty of room in that shell and I just don’t have $850 to give Vas at the moment. :joy:


Yeah seen that a few times and thought of getting one with a few mags too.
A nice replica of the Italian beast too.
Dunno why local retailers aren’t getting stuff like this in instead of more M4s.
M4 and hicapas have just become stale vanilla.