Current project on your bench

Double Bell MK18 Carbine, I built this thing I believe a year ago and I’ve left it in the closet I’ve finally got it out to fix some issues, the inspiration for the build is from a photo of SASR in Afghan.

Things that need fixing is to find the correct circumference of a small round sized piece of steel that I can paint black and insert into the hole because I removed the original and got a magpul like trigger guard.

Second is to get a correct sized thread dye tool and rethread the barrel as it is worn down, I believe the threads of the surefire three ponged muzzle break has ruined it to fit the surefire suppressor.

And last but not least is to clean up the masking tape that I have taped strips of in the magazine well & the buttock to stop wiggle and rattle which is incredibly annoying.

Nice work! :raised_hands:
Welcome to the forum mate and looking forward to seeing you get this together as you are wanting. :+1:

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Welcome to the forum, man :wave:

Nice build… should be able to get a neat little roll pin to fit in that trigger guard.

Then it’ll look professional. :+1:

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Nice one and welcome aboard. :+1:

By the looks you’d be best replacing the outer barrel as that is aluminum by the looks and CCW thread you’ll have next to zero chance rethreading that as it’s a fine thread. It just won’t go well.

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Yep, that’s absolutely cactus… unsalvageable. :thinking:

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I concur looks fucked to me :rofl:

Start again :+1:

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contemplating making a pegboard wall mount for my 1:3 scale models. looking at some options to getting this done.

Did some basic modelling in Orca Slicer based on the wall mounts from GoatGuns.

this will be compatible with the SKÅDIS pegboard from Ikea.

still early version and i have only got the 1:3 scale pistols to test and will probably need to stretch them out to make sure they fit 1:3 scale rifles. I kinda just eyeballed the length.

Thy test prints.

Ahh, getting productive are we. Well I’ll be :ok_hand:

Next idea: find a full scale stand, shrink it to 33.33%, add hooks for the Ikea pegboard.

Chicks like IKEA, they go gooey around the knees :joy: :+1:

It’s those Swedish meatballs…

Everyone knows Swedes have the tastiest balls. :wink:

@Friendly_Fire white or brown pegboard? Ikea stopped selling black. Maybe I should spray paint it black :joy:

Up to you, man… :man_shrugging:

I know a guy who’s pretty up on the various shades of brown… :joy:

Hmmm… This is a full scale mount scaled down to 1:3 scale.

Ask Keanu Reeves, he knows what’s up :laughing:

Better off using this stuff…

Cheap, easy to paint any colour, bend your own hooks out of fencing wire… guaranteed to have all your munchkin pistols hanging straight.

Ask @BME he saw my whole downstairs wall covered with this with a shit ton of blasters hanging off it.

Mind you, my gear hadn’t been left in the clothesdryer too long like yours. :joy:

Such a neat little 2/3 scale Spanish made Colt45 capgun, courtesy of @Wombat.

How could I not give it a light resto. :wink:

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