Current project on your bench

my AliExpress launcher should arrive in the next few days, not expecting much from it fps wise but hopefully it won’t look toooo ghetto :joy::rofl:

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Doesn’t matter if they don’t work, Shadow… none of mine do because I set the slide at the rear where it should be and fill the screw holes.

They just have to look horn. :+1: And they do, even on a crappy JM SCAR V2. :joy:

Photos of yours when you fit it up please, man :thinking:

Only problem I had with that thing @Friendly_Fire was when I originally ordered it from X-FORCE is that it was meant to come with the old 12mm gels, which I paid for but never received!

Was the only time in many years of spending quite a bit of money with Vas that I had any issues.

Didn’t make a song and dance about it, just never used it on anything, hence why it was still brand new in the box!

I actually tried it out with 11-12mm gels, I ordered some when you sent that M203 over to me, Doc :thinking:

Can confirm, it was a waste of time and money. :joy: those 12mm gels were like shooting SPC jelly cups.

But hot damn if they don’t look cool. :+1:

Wow, that’s interesting to hear, as I always wondered how 11-12mm gels could perform at all, considering how much FPS it takes to move a woefully performing much smaller 7-8mm gel! :hushed::roll_eyes::joy:

Yea they aren’t all that flash. I do like FF explanation for them though SPC jelly. Well I dunno at least you can eat at the same time. :rofl:

But you know what the solution is as always… MOAR POWER :rofl: :+1: :v:

Heya Folks,

My first mods ever, gotta start somewhere I suppose but done to the wells 11.1v metal cheapo I have. M110 spring, 31.5cm barrel and new t-piece, outer barrel extension kit, just waiting for the metal spring guide to arrive.

Can you awesome folk suggest an extended hand guard to suit, I was thinking of a 12 inch guard then adding a suppressor with hopup (or am I wasting my time with the last 2?).

I am expecting a full ribbing on my first post about my gear and I deserve it!

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Not at all, Benno. :+1:

All valid desires there… are you going for a more DMR look with it?

Although a 12" handguard would mean an inner barrel length of around 450mm. Your volumetric efficiency would suffer a bit.

If you don’t already know, VE is the ratio between the volume of the cylinder and the volume of the inner barrel. Get it right… awesome. Get it wrong, not so much so. Still there are plenty of long boys out there that perform well, so if that’s the style you’re after I say go for it. Maybe take it instore and compare 10" and 12" handguards before you decide. :man_shrugging:

It would certainly be a long unit if you add a suppressor. :+1:

A 12" will leave a bit of room for a suppressor/hopup in the end, making it around 4-5" longer than it stands using your current barrel, but also depends on the type of guard you are looking for and what you are using it for.

Shorter stuff is great for indoors/CQB/tight outdoor field, but the longer stuff is definitely more suited to outdoors only wide open spaces.

Check out maybe 9.5 or 10+ inch barrels to keep it more balanced and ability to run a few different barrels and accessories or whatever the look is that you’re trying to achieve.

Plenty available online, just google handguards suit Gelbaster and see what you can find. :ok_hand:

@benno an m110 spring is going to hit pretty hard, 360fps if all comes together right. It will make the stock motor work pretty hard and increase heat and wear considerably.

Also going from a short barrel to long ideally you want to change to a full cylinder. Being a wells, be sure to get a wells cylinder as they are a couple mm shorter.

Also worth upgrading the piston as the stock ones break in standard blasters occasionally, leaving a bit of lottery for that component.

A good nylon or pom piston head is good for lightening the load impacting the front of the gearbox.

Generally I’d recommend an m100 spring and no more. My little tpiece shroud thing is good but the gearbox could still crack, there are no guarantees with a gearbox made from flour and aluminium!

I have used it on a wells blaster that had broken completely, shoved it back together and it worked… so in the worst case it will continue to work, but probably isn’t something you can open the gearbox ever again once it has happened!

Na you’re right. :rofl:

Just bear in mind anything longer will add weight. :+1:

I wonder how it will go with my first gen AusGel elites that were accidentally overgrown when I first got into gel blasters, still got the bottle of them in my cupboard.


also curious if putting a “weaker” spring in it would achieve better results, and actually firing them without pulverising them before leaving the barrel


Seriously the only UGLs that work are the rather exxie gas jobbies.

The springers are pretty much just for show. :wink:

yeah I’ve seen the price tags, no thanks :sweat_smile:

but yeah that’s a shame, rather off that they don’t work properly, being that they use pretty much the same principles as standard blasters, to an extent, short barrel wouldn’t help

How’s the bullshit going your way. Hope you kicked a few soft cocks to the curb and getting through it :+1: :v:

A M100 spring has been ordered, I cannot argue with those who are experienced in such matters.

Friendly_Fire has seen straight through me on the DMR look, you are correct there mate. Although as suggested a suppressor may be a yard too far so I may just stick with a flash hider and stick a hopup in it.

Thanks again for the advise guys, I will have a squiz around for a 10 inch hand guard.

Thought so :grin: good stuff.

Normally DMRs would be built around 7.62 mag size blasters, but there’s definitely no hard and fast rules and we hardly ever play by the rules in here anyway… :joy: you build whatever trips your trigger. :+1:

If you’re really after that DMR look think about maybe adding an optic like a telescopic or LPVO with folding iron sights to your build too. Completes the look nicely. :sunglasses:

Sorry guys, probably getting sick of seeing this thing, but just a guide for @benno :+1:

From handguard to end of the flash hider on this is 500mm with around a 450mm barrel :hushed:

This is about 100mm shorter, and being all metal, certainly wouldn’t want it any longer!

At 230mm on the handguard is around 9" and barrel is a 350mm:

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Nice builds you have there, truly love the effort you guys put into this hobby.

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Lovin’ that stock on the ACR DMR, Doc. :heart_eyes::+1:

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