E&C M16 / M203 review

@BME please tell me you didnt miss the trigger block back, metal, shell ejecting luger off ali express I swear I @ed you about it and everything

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The 3 prong flash hiders , are nearly impossible to find.
The only way to get them, is attached to a cyma/A&E m16….

Even if I upgrade my cyma to an A&E, I’ll, be keeping the 3 prong…

The other 3prongs I looked at, just didn’t cut the mustard…

I’ll you have a lathe, and can make your own, I reckon you’d sell a few…!!

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Yeah, I remember seeing it before, when you tagged me…

I wanted one, but
A) o don’t have a Ali express account yet,
B) I personally wouldn’t risk bringing one in , in my name, without a B709.

Call me paranoid, but with my security clearance checking, I don’t want any possible black mark, that could get me in trouble….particularly if it involves “firearm offences”…

Maybe I could do a deal with you, I send you the cash , for the Luger, onwards postage to me, and a bit extra for your trouble, …. And you bring another one in, and then post it to me.??

All legal, as we are both in Qld….


Actually…they are out of stock…

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Yea I guess, mine was butchered by the previous owner and I had my work cut out for me.

Originally had a LDT nylon GB in it that was fucked the screws had been boogered from being in and out many times. I threw that shit in the bin, wouldn’t even mount the motor the nut seats were chopped out. Ended up fitting a new APS Silveredge in bought off a fellow member. Bit of clearancing had to be done.

Then redoing all the outer and inner barrel, t piece, modified the A1 stock to accept 3000Mah brick 3s, redid all the FSB and fitted a decent A2 ish flash hider. As yeah never got around to getting hands on a 3 prong. Modifying the magwell to accept any Gen8 and Gen 9 mags which are slightly larger than the gen 8 mags and hand fitted the lockup so it was tight and right.

It was fun and happy with the end results.

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I’m looking into making a 3 prong… they’re only US$10 in the states, but I’m not game to go to the trouble of importing something with Brownells marked as the sender… :roll_eyes: Like I said it’s a dead easy turn and mill job.

Ya gotta love the M16 stocks for battery storage… the only other one I’ve got that comes anywhere near it is the MP5 A2 stock on my LDT.

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Oh yes please do, I’m down for two.

My pre order is in :+1: :laughing:

14mm ccw?

Well that’s the issue, the store that sold em is gone now, nobody else is sellin it, nor the other ones I had seen like the 57 or glock, there is just the trash plastic ones around now

aye I found a sig neat.

But yeah once again mine is the only one. It’s a tricky situation, cause part of me wants to trade it off to you, but I have nothing to fill that slot for me.

It’s a but fucky now, I’m sure you could find a way to fix it, the mag stuggles to stay seated, and the action lacks tension so jolting it can prop it up a bit.

The whole thing works off the trigger so that doesnt matter for anything but details, the mag problem might just be user error.

It sucks they stop sellin those things so fast.

I think we need an industry here makin that shit, full metal imitation arms ejecting shells, with the trigger driving everything.

Like can you imagine an m1 garand running like that mmmm.

And they dont cost anywhere near the bullshit prices of the full metal gel blasters.


It will indeed be 14mm CCW thread, good sir.

Steel too. :+1:

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were you able to get some chrono readings yet?

Nope…stuck down in Melbourne today…
Cancelled flights, has me hanging around the hotel, till late…

Well, due to this thread, my CYMA XM-177 is almost back in M16A1 trim again…

Still have to swap out the M4 grip, of course… and I made the steel outer barrel deliberately shorter… always found the standard one a touch too long, which made hopups problematic with a 500mm inner barrel. :man_shrugging:


Super quick test, this arvo, with fresh X force pinkies…

They seem to be too small, i was only getting 230-260 , with the occasional 290…

The box says 7.5 mm gel blaster, so i’m sure larger gells will yield better results.

Its a LDT gearbox, after all, and they are a known quantity.

Its also pretty loud…

Off to darwin, so more testing when i come back…


theyre out of stock, but if WATINT do get a resupply, this can comes with a real nice 3-prong inside that the can quick-detaches from. I was pleasantly surprised when I found that out.

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hmmm … so tempted to get one today.

Are you happy with yours? Any concerns? or still no play time? :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m actually home today, growing some older blue gels( larger)

I’ll see how they feed and perform…

It is a funky unit, obviously a bit forward heavy.
Sometimes the mag doesn’t fall out / eject smoothly…

I’ve gently used a black of wood , to open the mag well up a bit.
That, and free up the gel retention pin, on top of the mag.
That helps to push the mag out, on release…

Go check one out, in the flesh…

Just take your credit card, though….!!

Ok, quick update.
I tried some of the older , larger blue gels, with mixed results.

Being softer, some blew up, but I had a few bursts between 280-300 fps average.
ROF , from 1100-1500 rpm.

It’s all about finding the right gel, you’ll need a larger, harder gel.
I don’t have any more time today, gotta get ready for work soon.

I’m sure, with the right gel, it’ll be a good performer…
Hope this helps…


Very funny story…
I had a super early start yesterday, so got into syd mid afternoon…

Was supposed to have another super early start, today.
Going to bed, what’s on 7mate…Predator…

I watched for 30 mins, checked out arnies m16.( He didn’t have a 3 prong flash hider)…
Turned it off, and then went to sleep…

11 pm, crewing text my mob, saying the first 2 sectors were cancelled…have a sleep in…
Dammit…could have rewatched it all…!!

Did you get one.? 20 char

no … got distracted by other things (far cheaper things thankfully!).

Still keen - Im down WATS way later this week so will drop in and have a squiz … and drop off all my $$$ to them :slight_smile: