Escape from Nude York....( or, I'll have a Big MAC-10, and fries..!)

I just deleted my comment on this post. :laughing:

I made a reference to Egg Chen… whole different movie! :roll_eyes:

That’s what you get when you back “Escape From New York” up with “Big Trouble In Little China”. :rofl:

The missus and I decided to have back to back cheesy Kurt Russel movies last Saturday. :wink:

I haven’t finished the big mac yet, and you wanna get me started on the tec-9…!!! :rofl: :rofl:


" I dont drive faster than i can see, and after that, its all in the reflexes…!!"

For sealing the front and rear of the suppressor, i was actually thinking of using a hole saw kit.

Get some 20mm wood, drill your hole, use the offcut…viola.

You should be able to get something close, size wise…
Bunnings sells a 19 piece kit…something should be close.

Then drill a hole at the front ( use the kit again) , and rear to mount the bolt…

Just a thought.

Like your thinking… probably the best way to tackle a problem and the most fun part of the process is thinking outside the box and coming up with a fix that works with whatever you have at hand. :+1:

Should be more of it. :wink: the chewy and spit approach always worked for me with these plastic anti-Christs. :laughing:

You got me good, I was scratching my head thinking watchu talkin bout willis then thought I am getting old and senile as I couldn’t remember any egg :rofl:

What You Talkin Bout Willis Meme GIFs | Tenor

Yeah, my bad… :laughing:

Just a little brain fart brought on by an overload of 80s cheese. :roll_eyes:

Would anyone know if/where the BF MAC10 v2 metal gear set can be bought locally? Have come up double zeros searching Aust retailers online. Just seen them at Zhendou so far

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Pretty much a pistol gearbox in those, and BF didn’t make any pistols that I know of… only the Mac10 and MP7.

And unfortunately Zhenduo don’t ship to Oz anymore. :person_shrugging:

It’s possible BF used the same gearset in their MP7 blasters… or not. Similar gearboxes but different. If they do share gearsets, MP7 metal gears are available locally at X Force, Tac Edge, etc.

Maybe someone in here will know the answer to that one.

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IHobby have replacement OEM kit for the complete internals anyhow. At $49, might just get a spare instead.

If anyone does come across the metal gear kit though, please speak up :slight_smile:

It’s on Aliexpress if you want to play with that. I had a look around earlier today but remembering you said local. I’ve had good success with Ali, just gotta wait awhile.

Could try ringing a few shops they may have it just not listed on their websites :person_shrugging:

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Good idea re: Ali - thanks!

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Hmm just looking again. Seems Alix is a bust.

There is this UK shop BF MAC-10 Metal Gears Upgrade – m416gelblaster that be worth a go. I have no idea what they are like. Seem legit.

UK’s a good option… reasonable shipping costs and delivery times. :thinking:

I buy a lot of guitar parts from there regularly, no problems. :+1:

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Indeed has been my experience, something to do with postal agreement and commonwealth something…

Busy day today…
1 day off, have to run some errands…but…

Bought a circular hole saw kit…now to see if the sizes fit…
Bunnings sell individual ones, for about 25 bucks each…ie 41 mm.

Probably slightly oversize, for a 40 mm pipe, then gently sand it down…
Time will tell.

Also, bought a 6mm metal dowel rod, for hole alignment…stick it down the barrel, and have the centres of the holes align.

Im also thinking some graph paper, to aid with vertical alignment.

For horizontal lateral spacing, im thinking lie it on a flat surface.
Then use sheets of A4 paper to gradually rise the blaster, so it lies flat, and the
centre of the barrel, aligns with the centre of the mock suppressor.

Its gonna take a while…!!


Sounds like you need a lathe. :rofl:

Keen to see the finished product… love a good movie replica. :+1:

I ended up extending the barrel on the suppressor of my VZ61 so that the stock can be folded over it. At least you don’t have that consideration with your Mac10.

How are you going to attach that scope to the can? Hard to see how it was done on the movie Mac10, but knowing Hollywood props it was probably just glued on for visual effect. :person_shrugging:

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I was thinking that myself. Could use a weaver rail and through bolt it to the outer shell if there’s room on the inside. With some glue, or just some glue/epoxy alone might do it. I’ve probably got something in my parts department. Then use scope rings.

Going to cleavers today, to pick up the badger…

While i’m there, i’ll grab some low scope mounts.

i’ll need a small section of rail to attach it to, probably have to just glue it on.
Or, drill through, small bolts , and nuts underneath might be more solid.

It might be easier to take it all in, and make sure everything fits, but i might get a few looks…!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

But then again, with what they have on the wall, maybe not…!! :rofl: :rofl:

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sexy looking scorpion…looks good…!!

Do you have a lathe, and are you offering…?? :rofl: :rofl:

Ill perserverve with my method for a bit, half the fun is having a bash…!!

Careful you don’t have a heart attack at the prices of rail and rings :rofl: Hopefully they have some cheap shit ones!

fleabay , here we come…!!