Ooo good to see they didn’t vanish entirely, mag itself hasn’t had any issues, mechanics are scuffed, and the slide has gotten looser.
The grips felt good (i thought they were wooden, mine might’ve been but its in storage rn)
It’s a faux action, it doesn’t chamber or anything, but triggers light enough and mag dumping it is fun. I’m pretty autistic with these things and will sit for hours sometimes runnin them, so not sure if you’ll have it fatigue as quickly, but the slide has a weak spring holding it closed, you can jolt it and have it cycle, and after a while it seems to have weakened to the point of unlockin if nudged or tipped, don’t think it bothered anything functionally
the real issue was the mag catch not catching, that magazine won’t lock in and is prone to drop out, i think it’s wear and tear but it might have just been like that and I didn’t notice at first (or till it got worse)
But it’s decently heavy, and very pretty so if it’s not horrifically over priced sure
I would be interested, but only as a collector, not for use. Mainly as from what I have seen they are not something that works well for more than a couple of games in airsoft, and likely less so in gel form because that is what we get, something mediocre that is poorly converted.
The WE and KWC lugers are the most recommended lugers in airsoft, however both leak, jam, misfeed and aren’t good on gas. Still, if we did get them many collectors would snap them up.