Forum Outage

Hey guys and gals, just got off the phone with @AFX and wanted to give a heads up about being offline for a few days.

Was simply site maintenance, shifting data across servers to prevent data overload from interrupting the site.

Should be all good now with less outages and issues.

If anyone has any problems with images not uploading or anything else, just let us know and can look into it… otherwise it’s business as usual :sunglasses:


Oh good… Thought it was raided or something hhaha

I thought maybe blastermasters Chinese hacker mates did a number, after his “business” was exposed as fraudulent…

I was starting to get withdrawal symptoms, checking every copy hours to see if it was back up :sweat_smile:

I also thought it might have been some weird method of geo blocking cos being from NSW and all.

Glad to have it back! Had to settle for discord and Reddit shudders

This is so much better.

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Same here mate, and was starting to do my head in :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

P.S. Replied to friend request on the Akgelblaster Discord after not seeing my messages for a while :grin:


I dont go to discord at all, normally.

Interesting to see what others take, on the forum is…

I think that there is quite a bit of information on here, that is interesting and relevant.
New items are reviewed quite quickly.

As for banter, i think it makes the place a bit more interesting.
Anyone is welcome to join in…i suspect there a quite a few lurkers…
Which is why i was curious , as to what traffic numbers are.

No need to hold your tongue, get involved…!
We don’t bite…


These were part of quite a few topics that @AFX and myself discussed during our lengthy phone call.

There could have been an opportunity to retrieve some parts of the old GBF, but in reality, it would be a massive task to actually achieve anything with it… especially considering how outdated much of it would be in the hobby, taking into consideration newer technology and products these days.

This new Forum is up to date, has many experienced people who have a large variety of many different skills, and we are already building a new wealth of current knowledge from the members already :ok_hand:

A great place to not only share the technical side of this hobby, but also serves as a great Social Club for like minded people to have a bit of banter, get to know each other and have a place to enjoy interactions without any dramas :sunglasses:

It’s also good to see plenty of international people also enjoying the Forum, as the popularity of Gelblasters is growing steadily in other countries, which also gives them a good knowledge base to tap into :+1:

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I have one question, because I am a curious person….

Is the owner of the forum, also a gel business/ shop owner…??

No need to identify which one, if it is…I’m just curious.

It would make sense, having the knowledge base and input of the forum, to help boost the hobby…

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Believe it or not, @AFX is simply an old GBF member who got into the hobby during COVID and appreciated the Forum and it’s members who helped him out with plenty of information and advice that he deeply appreciated.

When the old Forum disappeared, he made the effort to create this new Forum as a “thank you” to everyone who helped him out in return.

Not so much into the hobby anymore due to other commitments, but still generous enough to donate his time and money keeping this Forum running for everyone to enjoy by using his skills as his contribution to the Gelbaster community that helped him and many others :clap:


Thank you, @AFX …!

Your efforts are appreciated.!
Despite what some other folks may say/think,

I think the forum offers a good amount, of useful information about products, retailers, parts, and upgrades.

This iteration has a nice tone, no toxic people or drama queens, and helpful and welcoming people…

Which is pretty much exactly what you were after, by the sound of things….


Maybe they should transfer operations over?

As in what way mate?
Apologies but don’t quite get the gist of your reply :thinking:
@BME , yeah we are all a bit baffled by the negativity hurled at a few well meaning people who helped to get this new Forum off the ground from ex GBF members.

But it seems that they were the ones that were involved in the dramas that led to the old Forum being shut down :roll_eyes:

Definitely a much better place here without the “Days of our lives” carry on distractions!

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If they are no longer in the hobby then maybe someone can take over site maintenance?

Just a thought.

If someone has the time, money and knowledge to do such a thing, I’m sure that @AFX would certainly like a bit of help or chat to anyone who would like to discuss further with him.

Am also on the lookout for another Moderator if anyone is interested as well :+1:

I don’t want to be a mod for any forum… Too much hassle.

Yeah, can only put the word out there and see who might be interested.
This Forum is quite smooth and drama free, keeping on top of any actions that may cause unwanted issues from arising in the first place :+1:

I’ve seen news about some moderators being too zealous with the ban hammer and causing outrage that way… That’s not for me.

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