It’s funny how something legal to possess can be made out to be so shady, just takes one person to get the wrong idea and the shit storm beings. Though I guess public displays of these things may very well be illegal.
Side note: I remember going to SuperNova back in 2012 I think it was, and everyone had those realistic plastic M4’s, AK’s and M107’s just walking around the streets.
I can tell you that one of the conditions Queenslanders have to adhere to with gel blasters is that they’re not to be taken out in public… even to and from your car when you visit a gel blaster retailer.
The regulation is that they are to be in a locked bag or locked case when being transported. Even fields like Donnybrook enforce that in the carpark. Once you’re in the field area, no problem. To and from the gates to your car? Locked bag.
It’s okay to use them on your own private property as long as it’s out of public view and they can’t be seen by passersby. It’s also advisable to tell your neighbours you’re into the hobby so one of them doesn’t call the SOG or TRG on you if they spot you waving an AK around over the fence.
Might seem restrictive, but if that’s all we have to do to keep them legal, I’m good with that. As we all know, South Australia copped much heavier conditions and West Australia lost them completely in an outright ban.
Seems like things have certainly changed since those earlier days. I’m certainly not a fan of how vilified gun culture in this country has become but it is what it is and to most it would seem that vilification is warranted.
The listing for the blasters will be up until Friday 21st March, ten days away. Then I’ll figure it’s run it’s course and request that @DocBob take the listing down.
At that point the remaing five will be up for grabs to anyone, no conditions. That’s the EBR, the QBZ, the Big Mac with Cheese, the M870 pump and the EVO3… you want all five they’re yours.
Second dibs blasters are now allocated to whoever requested them :
Gotta say, it’s an indication of the quality of membership in this forum the way it’s been handled so far with courtesy and consideration for others… nobody’s been grabby and everyone’s gotten onboard with the concept of fairness…so thanks for that. Renewed my faith in the human species.
I somehow don’t think I’d be saying the same thing if I’d run this exercise on the Discord trading site.
I expect nothing less than a sausage sizzle, jumping castle and face painting… maybe a hot air balloon and a couple of whacky waving inflatable arms men out the front of your house.
Pick up from me here in Morayfield anytime, guys… I’m master of my own universe timewise these days.
DM to make arrangements if you’re picking up at my home… we don’t want to be doing boot deliveries in carparks around here, trust me
If you’re taking advantage of BME, Jug or Wombat’s generous offers you’ll need to work that out with them. Cheers again for offering to help out @BME@Wombat@Jug