Friendly Fire's Fire Clearance Giveaway!

Cool. we’ll wait to see what the other say…

If there’s room Wombat, I work in Tennyson and live in Greenbank. If not all good

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Should be fine - I’m at Forestdale

Hey mate, I work at Hamilton so clayfield would be perfect but please don’t let me put you or anyone else here out if it’s even remotely a pain in the arse

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as in will be shot with the m60?


I will need to figure out my availability, as a nightshift worker I’m usually not up until around lunchtime and leave for work at 5pm

if I can’t sort a suitable time with anyone local to me that’s making the trip or meeting bme at the halfway mark I’ll make the trip up to friendly on a Friday afternoon if possible. depends on when those offering to collect on my behalf are available.

I have a refresher course for my work accreditations this Friday and next Friday my work ute has to go back to Mazda for a recall so I won’t be available those days

thanks @BME and @Wombat for the generous offer, much appreciated :pray:t2:


If you’re unavailable shadow Im happy to accept on your behalf and get it to you later. If you’re around the Pacific and Logan motorway I could get it to you on the 23rd

Now that’s what I call teamwork. :+1:

I’ll box up whatever blasters I can… should have a few kicking around. :man_shrugging:

No problems chimera…we can lock that in if you like…

I can pick up from FF, and do a Clayfield drop off…

Dates tba… does mon-fri lunchtime work.?

Yknow…thought just crossed my mind…

Maybe we could pull a blaster apart, remove gelsoft bits, and send the shell to @DocBob in WA…

It would then be a legal , non gel , replica…

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Hmmmm… very good idea :+1: be happy to do it if Doc wants one of the blasters that’s left. :thinking:

Other than that option, know anyone with a lot of blasters lying around their house? :rofl::rofl:

All the gear that’s spoken for is boxed or bagged, so no byo bags necessary on pickup. :+1:

I even put Christmas tags on them so everyone knows what’s what and we can all feel special. :rofl:

Huge thanks to @BME and @Friendly_Fire for the kind offer. :hugs:

Will see what’s leftover at the end, but my pick would be the Springer Shotty.

Perfect for a wall hanger here in Hillbilly Country. :joy:

Done deal @DocBob :+1:

Every hillbilly should have a shottie on the wall. :laughing:

Housemate just said will look good hanging on the wall next to his springer bug-a-salt gun. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Keep threatening to see if I can upgrade the spring and o-rings in this thing from my leftover blaster parts and see if we can take down the huge March flies getting around lately.:joy:

Do those things come with fibre optic iron sights? :rofl:

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Sure do!
20 character

I wonder how I would go fitting a salt reservoir to the shotty. :thinking::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

You should have seen this thing out of the box, Doc. :rofl:

The double nozzle wasn’t even going into the double t piece because of a moulding flaw. :laughing:

It’s had the treatment, works a well as it can… your houseflys should be shaking in their boots.

Typical Chinese mass manufacturing quality I see. :joy:

Barrels/t-pieces/gels no good to me anyrate, so trying to figure out if I can work out a way to throw salt out of it at a decent velocity.:grin:

Oh fk yea now ya talking :rofl: