Friendly Fire's Fire Clearance Giveaway!

@DocBob you may have to start up a mod thread for it… bet it’s been a while. :wink:

“Naturally Evaporated” for “Naturally Evaporating” them pesky flies! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Xmas time at another mates house, all their relatives seen these for the first time, next minute they were all driving to our neighbouring town to all “get one for the kids”.

Yeah right!
A whole week of all the giggling adults with about a dozen of these things going off everywhere… poor kids barely able to get their hands on them! :joy:

Lucky WA makes the most of Saxa with SA doing the rest. Been past the salt flats here, rather large I must say.

All I was hoping for was to break the speed record in my VP commodore ute. But oh a cool security guard stopped me and said, ah no. Ok my bad. :rofl:

Need to ramp up production :rofl:

With the amount of salt thrown everywhere for that week, wouldn’t be surprised if their whole house paddock is dead right now!:hushed::joy:

The stock version is alright…

But, you need the upgraded version…

The good news is … the stock is “Brown Bess” TM …!!

It also has airborne support, when engaging multiple bogies…

Brown bess- Bugassault Cobra…

B.B.C, all over again…!!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Standing by, to take orders…!!

Socks and Sandals?
Didn’t know you were a Pom! :joy:

Can I get the jack daniels drinks dispenser in the background?

Sorry mate, I got dibs on that first! :yum:

Nice slippers :rofl: :laughing:


What can i say…

Ankle’s playing up, and foot is more comfortable in thongs than shoes…

CBF taking socks off…

Also, think striptease…gradual unveiling…!!!

Sorry squiddy, your too late for the M-60…!!

Here’s mine after plowing through sand for weeks… at least she is happy about it…

:rofl: :rofl:

From blaster giveaways, to bugasalt, to foot shots…

This place is like hearding cats…!!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Yes, very unusual behaviour from the Clowns here… they’re normally much better behaved than this! :roll_eyes:

As messy as things get, not going over the top on Moderating the different conversations does give things a more natural flow, just gets a bit off topic a little bit sometimes! :rofl:

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Just a quick jump to the top seeing as we’ve gotten a little off track! :grin:

Will save a lot of scrolling through comments and help @Friendly_Fire and others to keep track of what’s currently available.

Just to make your life difficult, Doc :thinking:

I’ve editted the OP at the top and removed all the blasters boxed and good to go… only three left.

QBZ Type 95
Scorpion EVO3
Big Mac with Cheese

Yep, three… decided to hang onto the M14 EBR in honour of this forum’s great mad scientist who’s gone walkabout @Bigmuthadrums :rofl:

I can’t edit the repost you just put up though. I wouldn’t want to confuse anyone or have anyone upset over what they might have missed out on. :laughing:

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Cool, will remove my repeated post above.

Had a feeling that you might hang onto the mad scientists piece of history :wink:

Yeah that works fine with me mate, thanks again, greatly appreciated.

@bme and @Friendly_Fire, awesome humans right here. If there is ever a meet up or something, drinks are on me :wink:

Well some do need a correct reply such as yourself. As you might notice I stayed out of this until, well yea. I don’t care I’m just having a laugh. Ban at will is fine got plenty of other things to do mate. As always I’m just joking around. :+1:

Thank you. That will make it easier to transport

Crikey, free blasters holy shitballs!!!.. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I have a short attention span and didn’t read everything about this… but if they’re free I’ ll take

Scorpion EVO3
Big Mac with Cheese

Are they free…?? am i missing something…?? :thinking: