Friendly Fire's Fire Clearance Giveaway!

Southside Pickup Plan

  • @BME 12:30pm Friday - KFC Clayfield - pick up Southside Deliveries

  • @cogman 2:00pm Friday - KFC Browns Plains

  • @Jug - TBC

  • @shadow187 - TBC

Hi Wombat, thanks for organising this. Iā€™ll be at work 2pm Friday and wont get off until later in the afternoon. I could collect at a later date if that suits?

PM me if its easier to co-ordinate that way

Car is loaded, and ready to goā€¦

All set for KFC, 2morrow at 12:30.

Catch ya thenā€¦!


see you there - 20 characters

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Cool Iā€™ll watch out for the Boeing :rofl:

Sorry couldnā€™t help it :laughing:

Got a spare 5000 pounds.?

You too, could buy a time expired b737, and convert it to an airbnbā€¦

Itā€™d go well on your property, you could host guests for an "outback jackā€™ experienceā€¦

(read: they can be free farm workers for a weekā€¦complete with abusive boss.!! :rofl: :rofl:)

Get em shearing the sheep, cleaning the dags, milking the cows etc etcā€¦

Itā€™ll be a hit, for sureā€¦!!




You can even be Trolley Dollyā€¦



Go for the 5 star luxury resort version, in Baliā€¦

How the hell did they get it up there.?.?

I have arrived at the KFC, we starting fire signals to know who is who? Lol

And it took you 10hrs to dream up AIRBME.

Na got my own thanks :rofl: :rofl:

Should have worn a red carnation in your lapel.

Hang on, Iā€™ll call BME on his shoe phone. :rofl:

All good mate, he could sense my eagerness lol

@BME, @Friendly_Fire thanks again for this guys, all legends :+1:

Stage one , of drop off completeā€¦

No chickens were harmed, in this phase of the processā€¦

Even got a little pressy for you @Friendly_Fire , courtesy of @Wombat ā€¦

For those on the Southside, I would humbly suggest a small contribution of fuel/ toll money to wombat would be appreciatedā€¦someone had to make the trek to the Northside, and he did itā€¦

Just a thoughtā€¦


Yep, big shout out to @Wombat for doing the southside distribution. :+1:

Great stuff, Wombat. Youā€™re a top bloke for taking that on. :sunglasses:

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Iā€™m wheels down in 10. Looking forward to the sausage sizzle, jumpy castle and face paint. Donā€™t let me down man :rofl: Onion on mine thanks.

Just collected from Wombat, what a top bloke.

Wombat if you can get that leave pass for a Sunday at Nuketown, lunch is on me :+1:

Thanks everyone, I hope to pay it forward one day

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Thank you @Friendly_Fire . Gave the blasters a run this afternoon. Consistent 280fps from the Steyr. That little CZ is so much fun. Empties a mag real quick on auto. Really appreciate your generosity


@Wombat Iā€™m glad that American influencer didnā€™t grab you. Saw the newsā€¦ oh oh :laughing: Just joking. That thing got a stern get out of here.

No problem at all, matey. Enjoy themšŸ‘

280 was always my target FPSā€¦ itā€™s been sitting around for a while so the o ringā€™s probably due for a change if you could be bothered pulling that V3 down.

In case you didnā€™t notice, that friction fit Vector flash hider is sitting on masking tape over a 14mm CCW thread. :rofl:

But Iā€™m sure youā€™ve already figured that out. :sunglasses:

That little WZ61 is a bit of fun, hey? Tiny stick mag but looks better than the drum.

P.S. Cheers for the little capgun and holster, man. Much appreciated. :ok_hand:

Just collected the blasters from @wombat.

Big thanks to @Friendly_Fire for his generosity and @wombat for taking the time to pick them up and deliver them and @BME for being the middle man making it all possible

very much appreciate the blasters and the delivery service, tried to give wombat $20 for fuel for his efforts but he wouldnā€™t accept it. i appreciate that too, thanks wombat

Canā€™t wait to see the look on my sonā€™s face when he seeā€™s his UMP 45 and QBZ 95

Thanks again guys, youā€™re both legend, :saluting_face:

Quick search of the parts bin for metal hider and trip to X-Force for two extra mags. Was going to give it a run at Blacksite but itā€™s all booked out for the weekend. Flash hider needs a coat of battleship grey

@Friendly_Fire BTW - what is that hop-up?