Would love to have a run but looks like the grandson’s birthday party is at our place. Not all bad as there will be lots of gelball action in the shed
That is awesome @shadow187 glad to hear. See I’m just batshit crazy the others are cool
Glad it picked your spirits up. Soldier on legend
Good stuff.
Glad everyone is happy.
Did @cogman pick up his parcel yet.?
@shadow187 , when is it your sons bday.?
Yes all picked up
@ cogman yesterday afternoon
@ jug last evening
@ shadow187 - this morning
Thanks for delivering them to Clayfield. Hope you heal up soon
it’s at the start of July, so plenty of time to get the ump a hopup, hopefully I can still get a tracer unit on there as well, already got a spare brand new tracer mag for the QBZ 95 just need to get a battery, and friendly was an absolute legend for throwing in a couple of batteries for the UMP 45, total legend and his generosity is through the roof, very happy and very much appreciative to him and everyone else involved in his giveaway process, thanks guys.
@Maiphut nah you’re not crazy, well you might be putting up with the likes of me . sorry forgot to give you a mention both times although I did go back and tag you in my original appreciation message
. I’d consider you more the forum’s cheerleader raising members spirits
wait, raising members probably isn’t the best wording my bad
Cheers mate, if everyone is happy I will give it a couple more days and then close it down.
Well done mate, quick and clean from start to finish!
Thanks again for your generosity and organisation skills, along with the rest of the great volunteers and their generosity as well.
Another show of gratitude for FF and a quick pic before the thread is locked.
Blaster, bag, drum mag and 3 stick mags is very generous indeed
It’s all good man, I did not do a thing. I figured you are the sort of hard working Aussie with a few problems that in all honesty, it does drive you around the bend at times.
I’m very proud of the good fellows on here, they have put a lil smile on your face and we look forward to many more
Remember it was all them initiated by @Friendly_Fire and not me. I’m the class clown
I was hoping you’d stick your hand up, as you are worthy
thanks mate, I appreciate that a lot. my industry is full of a lot of useless lazy buggers, I quite often get the majority share of the physical work dumped on and we often get a bad reputation because of those types of people. but there is a generous handful of us that do bust out asses and cop abuse from the general public because of the lazy pricks that make the rest of us that do all the work look bad.
thanks again mate
Hats of to everyone involved, was handled very graciously by all!
Especially, props and kudos to @Friendly_Fire for the mega generosity to you all.
Huge +karma stats to him from that indeed!
That Karma always comes back to bite you on the ass. Seen many go down with that problem
All good, guys… as you were.
Just happy to see them go to people who’ll get some enjoyment out of them.
Your expressions of gratitude are graciously appreciated.
@DocBob yours will be in the mail Monday morning, matey. I’ll DM the tracking details to you so you can watch it travel from Bris to Melb to Darwin to Sydney back to Melb again and then over to Perth before being sent back to Bris again on it’s way to your place at Upper Cumbucta West.
Damn, man…
KELe Peacemaker fits the holster you donated to the cause. Very kind of you, thanks heaps, man… definitely the direction I’m heading in.
Going to have to get another KELe now. Maybe a chrome one
Looks good - It was designed to fit a smaller sized revolver like the KEL. Timber grips really suit it