HK SCOMO MK23....(Or, Shhh..! you'll wake the baby..!)

Title Typo intentional.!

My word is my bond…bye bye tax cuts…!!

Anyway, the early bird gets the worm.

Here it is, the long awaited SOCOM MK23.
Ive never played metal gear solid, but this is his signature weapon, apparently…

My appeal, was 1) The quietness, and 2) the performance.

Here is the custom box…


Being a TM, the blaster is all heavy duty plastic construction.
As such, it is quite light, but sturdy.

The big thing is, the slide can cycle, but does not cycle on the firing shot.

This means less gas is wasted, for aesthetic mechanical movement.

The end result…Much less noise, and more shots per mag, as well as more consistency of fps on the way down. More shots at a higher fps, which drops off a bit more slowly.

Speaking of the mag, this one double stacks…

Brad says it likes the green summer cat gels, grown for 2:10 , and then sorted.

I’ll do up a batch, but i dont have any any sorting gear.
I prefer not to have to be so finicky.

In the interim, i used my generic go - to’s… xtac Boom.

These are a bit older, but i was able to get 14 in the mag. As you try to squueze more in, you risk a breakage from pushing it in past the metal edge of the mag. If one shreds, it jams up the feeding of the whole mag.

I put in 10 gels, no bunching pressure, and it fed the whole mag fine.

Fps results, i did see over 300 fps initially, then 290’s, 280’s down to 260’s.
It tended to be fairly accurate too, with not too many wild fliers.

I put this first shot down, to a false high read…

More reliable results…

I’ll do more testing, with the green cats, after 2:10.

@Dirty_Sanchez , if you want a quiet performer, this could be it…if its within your price range…


Can you slide the torch off and revert to standard UMP45?

The blaster is very light ( about 800g), and the torch is removable.

Speaking of the torch, its all plastic as well, and has a weird battery configuration. It takes 3 AAA’s, in a 2 forward, 1 back, stacked on top configuration.

The torch is only 200 lumen, so i wonder why the hell they need 3 batteries.?
Particularly when the 3rd top battery clips just get in the way.?

I couldn’t get it to work, so i’ll have a bit more of a go with it…

All in all, im liking the lightness, quietness, high performance and better consistency. Sometimes it does jam with feeding, but i’ll lube up the track a bit more. Maybe have the gels a bit damper.

Brad was saying, they will bring out barrels of differing lengths, which may affect performance a bit ( barrel going into silencer). You will also be able to buy a metal upper slide, if you want.

Yes, It is expensive for a plastic pistol, but all TM’s are like that.

Its certainly quiet enough for backyard use, without disturbing the neighbours…

Go have a look, if you’re interested…

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Yeah, torch is removable…

Its a bit longer than the KEle UMP that i have, but very similar design.


I was maybe going to skip this one, but peer pressure :joy:
Online orders are up

By ‘Peer pressure’ , do you mean…

When internal desire for an item, overrides self imposed restraint??

Don’t worry, I get ‘ peer pressure’, all the time…!

Best thing would be, go and have a look for yourself.
Hold it, fire it, experience it, and see if it’s for you….

That way, you can’t blame me…!!


Also, got the torch working.
It’s pretty weak, 200 diffuse lumens sounds about right…

Had a crack, with the 2:10 grown green cat gells.

Not size sorted, but anyway ( where do you get those from?) …

Did see a couple over 300, and a few around 260-270…but most around 290- ish.

Pretty good, for a very quiet gas pistol.

I found if i went over11/12 gels, i could get a lower gel breakage, which then stopped the follower from ‘rolling the gels up’.

If i left it at 10 gels, it fed fine. Maybe there is a trick, to feed in more gels without getting a breakage…and maybe the sizing thing plays a part as well…

More info, for those sitting on the fence…

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@BME How did I know you’d get one? :rofl::rofl:


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

20 char…!!

You got a spare one, didn’t you? :joy:

Okay… that’s it… you’re barred from the property now. :rofl::rofl:

MK23 is pretty much the one blaster that’d get me buying another one… the only blaster. :wink:

Couldn’t resist winding you up…!

I only got the one.



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That looks awesome dude!

I Have been looking at that on Brads site for ages but it always said sold out and i just figured it was never coming back. Would love to see the results of a side by side comparison of that and a standard GBB pistol using the same ammo on one of those free sound meter apps.

In fact, if you really really don’t want to wake the baby, try a can of Laser air duster through a mag or two. You will probably be able to hear a mouse fart while yer shooting it. :grinning:

Just put a mag of the greens, through the CZ-75, which is also a new addition, and likes the smaller gels.

First shot was 290 fps,… but quickly dropped down to the 260-250 fps you see on most GBB’s.

Therein lies the appeal of the MK 23…higher pressure for longer…with a slower tapering off of performance.

Noise wise, i dont have a meter, but the CZ-75 is definitely louder, with the metal mechancial cycling noise of the action.

If i had to guess, i’d say noise is about one third less, from the mark one ear…

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I have tried doing a few mags (11 gels per mag) without re-gassing.

On the 3rd mag, no regassing, the first shot was 280 fps.

I saw a 300 fps from one ( and a couple of 230’s as well), but average was 280 fps.

4th mag: Started at 290 fps. max was 320, several 300’s, the rest 270-280.

5th mag, started at 290. same as above.

Awesome little blaster.!!

And, so quiet i have no problems doing so much blasting, in the middle of the day.

Normally with GBB’s i do one mag only, at the evening…

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Im loving this Mk23 … best gasser yet!! How the hell do i remove the flashlight though??

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I went the 2.10 grow to the dot. Seems to work great … no shatters at all. Might try in some of the AEGs

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Screw out the vertical adjustment wheel.

Thats all it does…extend/ retract the retention screw into the front of the trigger guard.

Theyre a great little gat…!

Its almost like its “regulated”.

i.e. fairly consistent fps, until the last few shots where it drops off rapidly to empty…

From what I’ve heard the faux supressor actually does reduce the noise a little too… :thinking: at least on the A/S version it does, and I don’t see why the gel one would be any different. :man_shrugging:

One of these little much quieter gas non-blowbacks has been on my want list for the last two years.

No doubt by the time I locate and sharpen up the ice-cream scoop then excise my left kidney AH will be sold out again and I’ll be waiting another two years. :joy:

You never know your luck…

Brad said he was going to bring more in.

They did a bit of R&D , to get these things working, and no doubt demand will be high.

They’re the only GNBB ( new term required!).