I'm baaaaaack!

Hi Guys and Gals,
Apologies for my absence, had a bit of a life hiccup that’s had me AWOL from the outside world for quite a while…but slowly managing to get back on my feet again :hugs:

Want to send a huge shoutout to all of the great people who have sent emails and messages concerned for my wellbeing, which I truly appreciate and goes to show what a great bunch of mates that are on this Forum :+1:

Will take a while to catch up and get up to speed on everything, so will have plenty of topics to read through for sure!

All the best to everyone and looking forward to getting back to the hobby to see how everyone is travelling with their projects :sunglasses:



Your presence miss a lot to the sports as a whole, welcome back!!


THANK YOU :hugs::sparkling_heart:
Yes I finally managed to login back here again, much the same as the Discord, so it’s great to be back for sure!

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Good to see you back, Bob…hope all is going better for you.!!


Cheers mate, one step at a time :wink::+1:


Ablublbublubilbububullubbul friending alive

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Great to have you back Bob :grinning:


Awesome to see you back on here, Bob. :+1:

You’ve been missed, matey. :blush:


What exactly is a ‘DocBob’…some kind of Muppet…??? :laughing: :laughing:

Lot of suspicious characters on this forum with not a lot of patients :rofl: good to see you back Doc :sunglasses:


Good to hear from you. Hope you have been well.



The Doctor is back in town! For sure I was wondering but great to see you back. Boy I got some farming stories to tell you one day. Hammer knocker time :laughing: :+1:

Fk you squid guts :rofl: :laughing: Infiltrator :fu: :rofl:

Thanks heaps guys, good to be back in the looney bin with the rest of the Frootloops :smile:

I’ll shoot you my new phone number @Maiphut … sure have missed a few stories for sure :wink:

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Leave the impersonator alone I was the original at shit talking the hillbilly

Look at squiddie out here flinging ink… you tell 'im mate :muscle::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

If only squids had a backbone…!!

Makes you wonder how they get a hard on…!!
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

No backbone doesn’t mean I don’t know how to use incognito mode

Oh damn , that why no answerer. It’s all good man I guess I was missing ya along with a good crew never mind FF fucked up some spammers and so did I haha.

You didn’t come so you banned . Leave me alone on false promises. Fuck around and find out kiddo.

Hmmmm…squiddy, and incognito mode…

That reminds me, of the cuttlefish mating strategy…

Full grown cuttlefish males, are big, dominant and jealously guard their mate.

Horny adolescent cuttlefish, are smaller , weaker, and little bitches… they would normally stand no chance.

When the adolescents have a crack, they change their their body shape, disguise themselves as females, to sneak up to the other female, and attempt an incognito coupling…

The downside to all that is, if the alpha male likes what he sees, the adolescent gets a unwanted rogering…!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Beware incognito mode, squiddy…!!! You wont crap right, for a week…!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

“You just got cuttlefished…!!”