I'm baaaaaack!

Thank you I’m sure I’ll enjoy hammering metal all day especially after car insurance bill comes in the mail. Couple of the boys will probably have some cheeky pranks to play on me during my trial. Industry rule number one get the apprentice to find the the left handed spanner

They might send you to the storeroom to ask for a long weight, or tartan paint, or a tub of elbow grease… or my personal favourite, two metres of fallopian tubing. :joy:

Just pray you don’t end up with layout stain or bearing blue on your tentacles… I mean, testicles. :thinking:

I don’t know I feel like panel beating might have some more unique apprentice pranks like asking to find the roof panel for a convertible or something like that. I’m sure the boys will cook up something pretty good just based off the one panel beater I met in there when I was asking for the apprenticeship.

Just pray you don’t get lit on fire with contact cleaner and realize a minute later with a couple of fitters and strip your overalls in a panic butt naked in the middle of the shop floor.

The old wogs thought it was hilarious :rofl: I won that one :rofl:

Well controlled environment, no harm to any flora and fauna was observed, just a subordinates hair getting singed with 6ft high flames off his back :rofl: I doused it out in seconds when he shat bricks and got naked.

Never seen a person get out of full length overalls so quick. :rofl: :+1: