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Plenty of OCD in this group, Martin. :joy:¹

But I agree, my target on a build is usually between 270-290FPS (82 - 88MPS). Better accuracy. :+1:

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where does one get one of those sifters like lowguidos got? :thinking:

or are they a custom made dealio?? someone should definitely sell them if they’re not already available

Thanks for reply, I am not the sieve sorting OCD type :laughing:

Still we are a bit over the top on occasion. All in the name of fun and that’s what is all about :wink: :+1:

why thank you kind sir :grin:

wait, $75 bucks… dwaaamn son…

got excited when I seen it showing as $20

I think I might have to demote myself to Corporal TightArse :sweat_smile::joy::rofl:

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I reckon I can get a beer bottle on there :rofl:

@Maiphut or three :rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy:

The ones I’ve seen in the group chat look something like this:

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That is very true, and I’ve seen some real OCD, like people that buy a specific type of crayon when filling in the engravings on the side of a rifle/mag. Technicians that put tape on the rifles they are working on because the buyer won’t accept having the natural oils on your face/hands touching the rifle at all.

with the oils issue you’d think they’d just wear gloves :gloves:… possibly allergic reaction to the oils I suppose which is understandable but you’d think they’d just wear gloves :flushed:

Errr… when did you sneak into my workshop and install the hidden camera?:thinking:

You have to keep in mind, one man’s OCD is another man’s high standards. Depends how you look at it. To a carpenter, a fitter’s OCD… and to a fitter a toolmaker’s the OCD one. It’s all relative. :man_shrugging:

I once worked with a guy who thought I was an OCD toff because I washed my hands after taking a dump… think you get my point. :joy:

The strive for perfection is real… this is the way.

If i ever need brain surgery… i want a OCD brain surgeon.
If i ever need heart surgery…i want a OCD heart surgeon.
If i ever need eye surgery… i want a OCD eye surgeon.

It aint a bad thing, in certain professions…

Now, excuse me while i spoon my tub of peanut butter, back to perfectly level, which i check with a spirit level against a perfectly level window.

I cant get to sleep, if i dont do it… :rofl: :rofl:

Just Joking.

I didn’t have peanut butter… :rofl: :rofl:

oh 100%, I’m the same, usually ocd asf with my motorway setups and I’m actually very dissatisfied with my setup tonight, I’m just absolutely knackered from moving all weekend and cleaning the walls, screens, sliding doors n blah blah blah,

I looped around ready to readjust it but it didn’t look quite as bad as I originally thought, usually I would’ve stopped and readjusted but I’m just that worn out and it wasn’t that bad I just couldn’t have been bothered.

the crew let me know about it tho lol cuz they know my setups are usually spot on, all my distances were, just my tapering wasn’t as up to snuff as it usually is.

oh well, but definitely agree with you there @bme minus the peanut butter :wink::rofl::joy:

Exactly my thoughts, or practice. What I might take extra care with to perfection then something else of another profession like wood. Fk that shit just burnit :laughing:

I might fiddle around with a vertical up weld and get it prepped properly so I get a result I am happy with. Yet an electrician might come along and can’t even start the thing :rofl: Typical sparkys :laughing: The sparkys I worked with were great for reversing the 415V 3 phase motor polarity to un jam off bottom a 450T press when a worker stuck his hand in. Good for some rounds of beers at the pub too.

But it’s all relative. Toolmakers I always liked as they’d make tools I requested so I could hammer knocker a job out. The Engineer in the drawing office, cmon mate redesign this fkjob of a tool to work better. Pleeease. They would. Then do whatever it was and get results.

You always try to better yourself in one way or another, and it translates to your hobby fun time is the way I see it. Some are way better at it, some are beginners, some medium still learning. It don’t matter as long as you are having fun.

My neighbor is an expert everything doctor. He’s really good, exceptionally good. I have a joke with him often. I know the problem administer more alcohol. So funny, I’m c’mon man but health wise I’m good to go for years now, generally don’t get sick. Lean mean sheep loving machine.

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The issue wasn’t fingerprints, the technician was wearing gloves. It was when the technician was checking zero on the rifle, his face touched the stock and left a little face oil on there.

Anyway I’m not judging, just reporting what happened. These clients pay top dollar for top builds, some even with custom CNC metal parts like receivers.


yeah well in that circumstance, paying big bucks, you want what you’re paying for, not a face print oil stain I suppose

Hi all,
I’m a 16-year-old guy with a small collection. I really enjoy gel blasting and got my cyma m4 about 3 years ago. I am based in SE Qld and am currently looking for a new, higher-end gel blaster to mod the life out of.

I was looking for info on the ideal barrel length for a 100% cylinder when I stumbled upon the forum with the Wombats spreadsheet and wow this is gel blaster knowledge heaven. It seems like a great community full of great people, and I’m always looking to learn more.

I currently own a cyma cm097 with a Perun v2 hybrid mosfet, DB vsr-10, and WE g17 with a couple of guarder parts. I am planning on replacing the cyma because it is very long for indoor use, and I believe the barrel is under volumed.

If anyone has any recommendations for a good metal m4 that is reasonably moddable I’m open to suggestions. I am thinking of purchasing an e&c m4 from watint, maybe the URGI or DD MK18 RIII.



Hi. Welcome. That’s a nice set up you have there.

Can’t help with metal M4’s as I prefer lighter nylon ones for games. Been using CYMA M4’s (Jund 100) with 100% cylinder, metal gears and M100 spring giving fps ranging between 280 and 320 depending on barrel length. Generally run a Uband hop-up in a suppressor as the noise amplification helps to hear the firing in an indoor game

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