Is legit?

Hi I am new to gel blasters and stumbled upon this website :

May I know if this is a reliable website? As I could not find any reviews on it.

Welcome to the group! :+1:

Not familiar with any of the UK based blaster companies being in Australia (most of us in here are, Queensland mostly).

But we’re getting a good mix of internationals joining in so hopefully someone UK based will share their experience with this particular vendor with you.

FWIW, the webpage looks legit, prices seem reasonable… although I wouldn’t pay AU$330 for a Bing Feng Type 95… :rofl:


Im from the UK and I’d also like to know the site looks good theres no other uk site like it.

Welcome to the group… :wave:

It’s hard for us to comment on that UK based gel blaster seller. :man_shrugging:

Here in Oz some vendors treat the industry like the Wild Wild West and make up their own rules of trading… it’s very much buyer beware here and you have to be prepared to stand your ground with some to get what you’re entitled to. looks legit enough, really can’t say if their prices are fair not knowing your local UK marketplace.

In the spirit of sharing knowledge and experience we’d encourage any non-Australia based member to report on any buying experience in their own local area… others may have a need to know. If you do buy from them, share your story, good or bad. :+1:

One if this forum’s greatest assets is word of mouth info… many an unsuspecting buyer has dodged a bullet by hearing about some other unfortunate’s tale of woe with a prospective seller on here… or simply which blasters to avoid. It’s how we separate the rotten fruit from the yummy. :wink:


Hello, mathew here.

I own BlasterMasters uk, rest assure we are very really and do our best to impress.

Please feel free to mail us and we will do our best!!

Kind regards
Mathew | sales


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Welcome to the group, Mathew. :wave:

Nice to see a UK based retailer on here to give our UK members a bit of guidance. :+1:


Welcome @Blastermastersuk , great to see you joining us here on this Forum :+1:

I can assure that comments from our members here were of a positive nature after checking out your business website that was queried in the comments, which I also checked out myself, and was very obvious that you are running a legitimate business :white_check_mark:

We all tend to have a pretty good nose for dodgy retailers around here amongst our members, purely from many years of experience with the very best and very worst that can be found in this hobby/industry.

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Hello :raised_hands::pray: thanks for having me. I was doing some work on the site and came across our name so have to have a look. :sunglasses:

Pleasure to be here and what a very exciting / draining sport we find out selfs in.

Always happy for a chat.

We ship all over so if your ever in dought consider us an ally :closed_lock_with_key:

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Order item from Blastermaster website. Took my money .next day told me out of stock. Can wait 3 4 weeks or have refund. I asked for refund. That was 12 days ago. Still no refund. No one answer my emails or webchat on ther site. Phone numbers is out of order. Have i been scamed. How long do i give them to pay money back yo my account… thanks

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Have you tried a charge back with your bank? assuming you used a card, or PayPal can reverse it too somehow from memory.

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I eill give them to the end of the day. Then see what i can do… As anyone had any problems with this vender

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Contact your bank or Paypal if you used either. Don’t wait around, 12 days is too long.

Yeah, if it’s out of stock they shouldn’t have taken your money. If their stock inventory system showed availability when there was none there should be an immediate return of your money… certainly nothing justifies a delay of 12 days.

Not sure about UK legislation, but nobody here in Oz would tolerate that level of service.


All sorted now… they got back to me after many emails and webchats sent… money now back in my account.

I just bought off this site a few days ago, I’m also starting to think I’ve been scammed. Bought a gun then got an email saying not in stock. I’m guessing most of their rifles are not in stock and are being sent from China even though their site says in stock which is misleading.
No response from them whatsoever after numerous emails.

Normally I’d be happy to wait a few weeks but this was for a birthday present.

Reason I bought off them was they seem to be UK based so thought delivery would be quick

Any news? I have ordered a kriss vector gel blaster and it said before I ordered it that it would take 3-7 days to come but messaged them and they said 2-3 weeks and still no updates so I am quite worried. If anybody has any news pleat let me know.

Nope, got another automated message a few hours ago thanking me for shopping with them but no messages directly from them.

Their website is very similar to, prices for some guns are the same price too.

If they are legit and their items are being shipped from elsewhere then they shouldn’t really say delivery is 3-5 working days. Obviously it sounds like they aren’t really UK based which was the main reason I bought off them

How long ago did you order the product?

And also what did you order?

Welcome both!

Sorry to hear the problems, haven’t used the store myself.

You’ll find it is most likely a drop shipper located in UK but orders direct from China when an order is placed. Why it says out of stock when order is placed and take a few weeks to arrive.

Drop shippers can be spotty because if they can’t get the order instead of refunding they shut shop and re open under another name. Operates from a residential unit in Manchester. CEO is Matthew supposedly.

Are you emailing [email protected]

Could always go for a drive to Manchester and see what’s up :+1: