Its all a big misunder-STEN-ding..! (or...let me take STOCK, of the situation...)


Quick intro post.

Looky here, what just arrived today…

Now the fun part…fit it all back together…!
The stock, and other magazine, are coming in a 2nd parcel.
Should be enough here, to get it working.

I believe you have to change internals, to swap between gels and shells.
I’ll have to have a look at the video on the website…there is some info there…

The mag is spring fed, and houses the battery in the mag itself, at the end.

Lets see how it all goes…!
Updates later…


When its WWII, the nazi’s are a coming,

And, you dont have time to wait for the proper stock…!!!
Just Make Do…!!
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

" Does this stock, make my receiver look fat.??!"
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Mein Gott!! Schau dir den Arsch da an…!!

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thats the same video, she posted on her website…

That is awesome! Looks like a very accurate replica for sure.

Look forward to the rest of it and some use results :+1:


Its been a busy day, and i haven’t touched it yet.

A bit of a heads up, re performance.

Its not going to be a big performer, OOTB.

@AKgelblaster was completely honest and upfront about this, BEFORE i purchased it, and brought it in.

Full marks for honesty there.

They chrono’d it at around 160 fps, so it was a bit meh.
There are two ways of firing…

a) Fit the gels inside the shell, go shell ejecting mode, fires gel and ejects shell. …OR…
b) Insert supplied t - piece into the nozzle, and just fire gels only, without worrying about shells.

I dont know which method they used, to get the 160 fps.

Mind you, all chinese made blasters seem to be made to very low fps nowadays, for their legal reasons…sub 200 fps seems the new norm.

@Friendly_Fire might be interested in having a look to upgrade the air seal, maybe gains can be found there, though i suspect they will be proprietry items. Lets see, what can fit…

The main spring is huge and chunky, enclosed in the main body, and it might be limited options to upgrade that.

It does smack pretty hard, i dont know if you’d WANT to upgrade it too much, you could blow everything to pieces…

It fires on open bolt as well, the action remains open on semi, and closes on firing. You need to run some full auto, to get the bolt closed, when not in use.

That relieves the tension off the big main spring…

So, in summary…

A) I knew it was not going to be a big performer, but hoped improvements could be made. Akgelblaster was 100% honest about that.

B) The other option is spending $650 for a Denix metal replica, which does nothing but cycle.

I got this with the discount code, I paid much less than that, and in my mind i’d rather have a replica which at least actually fires, and you can have some Fun ( Or another F-Word!!) trying to upgrade…!

Right enough natter, more info follow a bit later…

I’ve also got a review of the new Thommy to do, as well…!!!


We can look at airseals, no problem.

It’s a very nice bit of kit regardless of performance. My thinking these days is if I want 300+FPS, I’ve got plenty of M4s, SCARS, M14s, etc that can do that…

But nothing else looks like that Sten… beautiful. :heart_eyes:


Deep breath…update time…

Who likes rattly, clanky , cantakerous bastards.?.?

So, first things first.
I tried the whole shell ejecting thing, and didnt have much luck.
Gels blowing up, shells flying everywhere, very low chrono readings, picking up shells…i got tired of it very quickly. I figured higher fps were to be had through normal feeding, so set out to do that.

This involved installing the t-piece. Shroud off, barrel out, and ( very gingerly) split the end plastic part of the barrel open. Half of it comes off, the other half is glued on to the barrel.

Marked UP, for orientation.

And installed. You have to jiggle it in, resting on a hard surface.
I doubt i’ll go back to shell ejecting, so it will stay as is.

Correct orientation, for the mag. Note the power terminals, to connect to motor ( Batt is in mag).

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I like the torch light, very romantic :heart_eyes:
Did you forget to pay the power bill? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Mag approaching t-piece…

They align…test firing time…

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i spent all my solar refunds, on blasters…
torch light it is…!!
:rofl: :rofl:

Blasters are much more fun anyrate :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::+1:

Ok, not gonna lie, im a bit tired and frustrated…

Not as smooth sailing as i hoped.

I was told, about the low fps, and also its fussy on gels.
It likes the harder ones, but not too big.
I tried the ubituious xforce pinkies.

The issues i’ve run into are mag spring jamming issues, and gel motor blocking issues. Both result in nil firing.

Mag spring: I think it needs a thicker guage mag spring. Being a spring fed mag, the spring wants to flop and fold, as you compress it. you have no control over it. The very end tip, can catch on another part of the spring, and jam it. The mag then stops feeding.You need to pull out a flopped over, jammed up spring. This has happened several times.

This hasn’t happened in other spring mags ( ie Pulse rifle / MP5), and i think it is due to the spring stiffness. A shorter, stiffer, springier spring, wouldn’t deform laterally as much. I have thought about trimming the (dead) end bit of the spring off, or putting a dab of glue gun on it, so it doesn’t catch so easily.

Hi @DocBob glad to know you are back and now back again haha.


Motor blocking issues:

Being a spring loaded mag, it has a electric motor, right at the top of the magazine, which the spring pushes gels up to.

Assuming the mag spring is working, if its being fussy, a gel can block in the motor and stop all feeding. You think " is it the spring, or the motor??"

Either way, its pull the mag apart to fix it up.
How many times do you think ive done that 2night…??

In an effort to aid feeding, ive used fresh gels, and left them a bit damper, to be a bit more slippery.

Its very early days yet, and its going to be a matter of trying different gels to see which works best.

This happen to me sometime back but I cannot repeat it. Let me walkthrough what’s the trick to get it work and share with you.

Yes please…

Any info you have, on gel types, and techniques to avoid jamming would be apperciated by me, and everyone else.

How do you stop the spring from jamming on itself, any tricks/tips.?

Perfomance wise, ive had a few good runs.
FPS have varied, going around 160, and 192 max…

Firing wise, i think @docbob heard " Rattly Clanky bastard", and turned up…!
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I normally disable blowback, but i dont think you’ll be able to on this model.
Firing is “fun”, with no stock to grip on to…!!

Blowback smacks it around, im trying to hold it one handed, hold the chrono in the other, fire as its moving all over the place…!!

I think i shot the door, more than the chrono…!!
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Cheers @AKgelblaster :hugs:
I’ve been out bush for the last 3 weeks where there’s no phone reception or even any towns around that might have had some reception at all :hushed:

Good to be back to civilization again :joy:


I thought common sense had finally prevailed,
and you were in transit , moving to QLD…!!
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: