Its all a big misunder-STEN-ding..! (or...let me take STOCK, of the situation...)

Yup… could hear it all the way over here in WA!

Love it! :heart_eyes:

My sister has convinced me to join her on a lap of Australia next year… and I’ve already told her that there’s gonna be a few people who I need to call in and see along the way! :cowboy_hat_face:

Might not even make it back to WA :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Anyway, as i said, still early days.

Get the mag spring sorted, and see what gels feed best, then worry about performance.

I wonder, if pulse rifle / mp5 springs would fit…??

Or, where would you go, to get similar springs…??

Anyone know where to buy springs.?

Failing that, trim the “dead protruding part” of the spring off, and a dab of superglue…
Lets see…

The size of that mag doesn’t make getting a spring easy…

Any chance a spring from a P90 mag will fit it? No feeding or spring folding with those, although they might be a bit short. :man_shrugging:

i’ll have to check.
im a bit buggered, tonight…

I’m hoping a trim, and a dab of glue gun glue, will help…

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Damn, man…

These mag issues must be disappointing when you’ve been hanging out to get this blaster.

I mean, low fps you can kind of live with, feeding issues, not so much.

hopefully, it will be solveable…

i’ll try the glue gun tonight…

Everything is fixable with enough beers and time staring at it! :joy::+1:

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It end up Fixed or F@#$ed…

either way, no longer a problem…
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Don’t forget the beard stroking… vital.

Oh shit… BME doesn’t have a beard. :joy:

I had a Ned Kelly beard until recently, trimmed off after winter in time for summer :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

@BME … wasn’t it the Stug that was offered with two different tension springs for the mags?

Possibly need to shorten the spring to lower the compression tension for better feeding :thinking:

Try one of these in it :thinking: :rofl: :upside_down_face:

Austen 30 Round Magazines - Warwick Firearms and Militaria (

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Ok, problem improved…i think.

The issue…fill less gels.

For a big long magazine, the trick seems to be…just half fill it.

This leads to less overall compression of the spring, leading to less spring flexing.
Its a shame to waste mag space, but any more than that, puts stress on a smaller, thinner spring, and just makes it buckle…

It seems to be feeding much better now.

I’ll test it a bit later on, when the SWAT helicopter, with the searchlight has gone…!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

It was firing at a more consistent 160 fps…back to worrying about performance now…!! :rofl: :rofl:

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That’s the issue that I remember from previous spring fed mags.

Fully filled mags gave too much spring compression and effected feeding, hence the fix by cutting the spring a couple of coils shorter to release the tension :+1:

Pop into the panel shop if your in Melbourne

Don’t worry mate, I’ll be definitely looking forward to being a suprise guest at a few of you guys places :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Oh thanks, I have not yet has a time to check. I recall I have the spring issue initially, but after fillong less gels to it, the mag spring does not turn around haha


@AKgelblaster , any chance you could grab a couple of spare mag springs, from the supplier?

And, send them over with the Tec-9.?

I might need some replacement ones, in the future…

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Definitely. Believe me I encountered the same journey and have asked the supplier to have two extra spring per box. and 2 extra “mag lip” included. That’s also the reason i mention in the video, any of these spare parts can be requested.

Your second parcel already included those.

Great service.