Its all a big misunder-STEN-ding..! (or...let me take STOCK, of the situation...)

since you like your grips mate



Looks good, but…

in this case…


You want me to cover all that beautiful ugliness, with wood…!!
Dont you know, its SUPPOSED to be a rattly, cranky, cantankerous pig.??!
Mag jams, and innaccuracy are par for the course for these beasts…

And, how are you supposed to quickly pull it to bits, and hide in it the walls, like the resistance fighters of ww2…!!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Just taking the piss, of course…it would make it easier to handle, but it covers up the shrouded barrel, which is a nice display piece. Rear pistol grip looks interesting…

Nice to know though, and i’ll keep in mind for the future, but i reckon i’ll keep it " UGLY STOCK", for a while yet…

P.S, for @docbob, i still have that unopened ZB26, for when you visit…might have one of those larger volume gearboxes by then, for longer barreled models… hmmmm…


Next historical model to get…


What a sterling idea…!!


Robocop is working at customs, that day…


yeah nah wasn’t expecting you to desecrate it with too much wood but the foregrip and rear pistol grip may go alright, the rear grip at least would be ideal to make it a touch more manageable for sure

but from what I was reading they were originally meant to have more to them than what you have but they opted to cut back on production costs and time to pump them out quicker, I’ll have to find where I got that info and post it up

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Be up-Stenning and give Ian a big round of applause. :joy:

Looks like a trip to Chez BME’s on the cards very soon… I don’t think I can Sten the suspense much longer. :rofl:

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I don’t underSten what all the fuss is about :rofl: :+1:

The info is on wikipedia.

They came about, in ww2, as a quick, cheap, mass produced solution for British SMG’s.

Basically, the thommies were too expensive to be viable, the brits needed to make something themselves that was cheap, quick and easy to mass produce.
The very simple open bolt design had its inherent problems of (lack of) safety and accuracy, but they didn’t care if it got loads of SMG’s into the hands of troopers, and resistance fighters.

Mark 1 had the foregrip for better accuracy / handling, but this was ditched on Mk2 ( the most numbers produced) to keep it simple, and costs and material down. The mark 2 had no safety, full auto only, not very good accuracy ( spray and pray, like gel), and awkward handling, as you had to rest your left palm on the barrel shroud. Gripping the mag, could result in misfeeding.

Nevertheless, they were cheap, quick and easy to mass produce in large numbers, and good enough to use effectively, particularly in urban areas / closer range battles. Resistance fighters could pull them apart quickly to 3 small components ( barrel, receiver, stock) which was easier to conceal.

Conversely, the Aussie Owen gun was Very effective in WW2 in the pacific…it fed beautifully, was quite accurate, controllable, and didnt jam. Drop it in the mud, shake it out, its good to go. They ran a reliability test, demonstrating auto fire, while pouring sand into the action, and it kept going…

The Owen was more sought after, than the thommy, for jungle fighting. I believe it was politics that led to it not being as highly produced and utilised…


If i was going to get a new stock for this, i’d want a dirty old classic look…

I wonder where you would get a repro from…??

The denix sten comes like this, but i doubt its removable…

EDIT: this mob sell them, but they are in the USA…crazy shipping laws, even though its literally a lump of metal…

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know anyone with a metal lathe and a welder? could probably make one fairly easily if you had the equipment.
that stock would eliminate the need for the rear pistol grip tho


These bribary tactics are getting better and better :joy:

My biggest challenge to anyone is to find an aftermarket cylinder head that fits the ZB26 :astonished:

Taccies were selling zb26, advertised as doing 280+ fps OOTB….

Guess they must have cracked it…

What else could it be??

Handmade rear stock like that for the Sten?

I’m your Huckleberry… :laughing:

Just a hacksaw, drill post and a Mig welder’s all you need for that. :+1:

The factory gets back with something similar.
Shell-ejection: recommend 20 shells.
Gels only: recommend 70 gels.


It would be much simpler , if they used a better spring, with retention of the loose tip, on both ends…

LDT mag spring, locks into plastic at either end, containing the loose end.

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The spring has been the trickiest part. As I know, the second batch of the sten was delayed for around 6 months due to the Spring. The factory responded all are done, only the mag needs changes (same response during the 6 months)

Not sure if there will be a third batch of Sten, if yes, it is definitely something to research further.

What I feel fortunate, WWII gel blasters are more for appreciation than actual play in the past, this Sten does work in her way. Haha


These are all replica kids toys at the end of the day, not high quality replica firearms or anything else.

We are very lucky to have the manufacturers in China producing these Gelbasters for us to collect and enjoy no matter what their performance capabilities are :+1::sunglasses:


agreed, especially when the majority of the real steel of these replicas were used against them in the war

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Thanks. Any suggestions raised here will be directly passed to the designer for consideration.


Thicker mag wire / stiffer spring.

No free ends of wire….enclosed into plastic ends: battery cover and gel mag pusher.

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dunno if you noticed but that site also has the commando grip cheaper than the one I originally posted