JINGJI PDX GEL BLASTER-Anyone have any reviews?

HaHa… just going off my experience…!

I have an older metal one, that has never let me down…

Mind you, it hasn’t had a lot of use…

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I was thinking isn’t Classic Army actually Wells but their premium shitboxes

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Yeah, that’s what I thought too…

A Wells in sheep’s clothing… :laughing:

Amazing to think that WELLS could “upgrade” their shite to a higher level of even more expensive shite! :roll_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Excuse my country bumpkin video I’m linking below, as this wasn’t filmed as a review on YouTube or anything, but was simply one of hundreds of videos that I recorded for myself as OOTB testing of all of the blasters that I bought.

I do believe that this was the WELLS PDW M4 that I simply fitted a tracer unit to the barrel to check out its standard performance and accuracy.

Because I always worked from sunrise until sunset in my Hot Rod workshop, 90% of my new model blaster tests were done at night, but was also much more accurate running glow gels to clearly show distance and accuracy than trying to see white/clear gels in the sunlight in the middle of the day :+1:

But seriously listen to the janky rattling gearbox noise, spring reverberation and the very obvious non-feeding shots where there’s many little glowing green gels that simply don’t come out of the barrel :roll_eyes:

The dog barking is a stupid sherman tank of a nasty looking Bulldog, typical of a wrecking yard guard dog that we had as security on the property, along with my Weimaraner/Staffi Cross………?which were awesome guard dogs that NOBODY would ever consider stepping onto the property without risking their lives…… but that Bulldog hated Gelblasters because my business partners kids had tagged it a few times whilst playing on the property, so it would always go spare anytime I fired a Gelblaster whilst testing on the property :worried:

My Weimaraner/Staffi couldn’t give a shit!

They were alright for $99 back in the day. Easily upgraded as everything got upgraded anyway.

Nice video, “fk off” :rofl:

You and I have had many conversations over the phone, so you would be one of the very few to be not surprised about my “commentary” in this short video! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The most important quote is halfway through trying to test that thing where I make the under breath comment that…… “@WELLS is a piece of shit” ! :joy:

And BTW, this was the stock standard WELL PDW, which I bought at the same time as the WELL ARP9 and XYL ARP9 , along with the HLF ARP9 all at the same time for comparison/testing purposes.

The WELL PDW and ARP9 were both a horrible sounding and performing blaster even when compared with the cheaper HLF models :roll_eyes:

Apologies but I got my previous information wrong…… whereas the blaster in the video was the WELL M4 CQB,

which I only just recognised as I had to label every single damn blaster that I had in my collection….

………. Simply because there was so many of the bloody things to try and remember exactly what each one was! :flushed:

and here is the WELL PDW9 in all its glory, which I had also written on the cardboard box as well as the instruction sheet to have a record of what it was in the vast collection :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I remember that PDW9 came out couple years after the CQB and thought… what’s the point :person_shrugging:

When the CQB and MRT came out it was a first with nylon, first to get a true V2 gearbox working instead of same half mashed hybrid made out of ABS.

All I did to mine was chuck that spring in the bin and fit a AG 1.18mm, chuck the cylinder head and nozzle in the bin and fit the Alloy replacement, chucked the piston and piston head in the bin and fitted SHS. Then the fker wouldn’t stop, got sick of burning through packets of gels trying to get it to fail but it never did and still lives today.

But I’ve said this many times before and people being sheep just jump on the boo train without listening. Or forgetting, or something haha

Of course Wells made some shit, their 1911 and revolvers were bin jobs. Hopeless. But their CQB and MRT at the time with their Cylinder head design to accommodate the 2mm bigger gel was a winner. Somebody was thinking at Wells back then.

Good cheap beater blaster. Better options these days.

I totally agree, which is why I obviously never listened to the sheep and still spent my hard earned money buying every single model blaster that was ever released, not giving a shit about reviews or online gossip at the time………. the whole point was to build a collection of every single Gelblaster model ever made to put into my collection :sunglasses:

We have all said many times before that it doesn’t matter whatever performance these models put out, nor what issues they might have OOTB, because we are all smart enough to solve these problems and build something awesome from the base standard platforms👌

I always simply recorded these videos for my own personal records to capture their standard OOTB performance for future reference purposes.

But as you will see from pretty much all of my photos, I would buy a single brand new release model blaster, no matter what brand or reputation, to have nothing more than another new model to stash away into the large pile of my collection that captured the timeline of Gelblaster design progression over many years of development.

You can see in my photos that these blasters were 100% brand new and untouched in their original boxes accompanied with their original packaging/accessories and paperwork, which is exactly how collecting and preserving models is achieved :white_check_mark:

Gelblaster models that I was really keen on customising/modifying, I would buy 2 of those new releases straight off the bat, so one could be left untouched in its original packaging in the collection, whereas the second one was destined for a complete strip down and upgrade/custom build from scratch.

When models such as the full Nylon Gen8 M4, Gen10 ACR, UMP45, J12 AK 74U, CYMA M4 CQB etc. became available, I would still buy 2 to start with, and then buy 12 more to add to the custom build collection because I loved them so much!

Interesting though that there were many models that I really didn’t give a shit about, so only ever purchased a single brand new release instead of two, and pretty much never even bothered pulling them out of the box, fitting a battery and never even putting a single gel down the barrel to ensure that they were operating correctly or bothering to test their stock performance.

The very short list of examples are the JM J9, WELL M401, JM SCAR, JM J11 AK47, JM J13 HK416, Kriss Vector, BFP90, AUGS/STEYER/Bullpups etc etc………. which are all awesome individual models, but were the types that I only ever purchased a single one to throw onto the pile of collectibles, without any desire to use/modify or upgrade.

I was very lucky in the limited years that I had the opportunity to enjoy this hobby, and can 100% relate to anyone who has a passion for whatever type of blaster that they enjoy :smiling_face:

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Everyone has different tastes. I like mine aesthetically pleasing and they have to feel good.

Why I liked things like the LH Aug. Plus it was fun to do a mad scientists 2nd mosfet job on it too to make the renowned burnt mosfet unbreakable. Few other faults with the LH Aug I addressed and still one of my registered firearms now :rofl: Faults being the front grip, and a rewire for the shoddy wiring for the shot counter that would always fail. Giving you that lovely 4 position selector. The ABS hybrid gearbox only cracks when you over spring it with equal springs. It’s good for 300fps with the long barrel if done right. Good enough for me.

You’ve tried many more blasters than I have. I don’t comment on ones I haven’t used unless it is part specific that I know something about. Even worse these days as I am limited in how many I can have. But oh well it is what it is. Bradley P must drive SAFB mental with the changes of blasters. He’s dedicated in doing that.

Eventually with things going the way they have I settled on blasters I was happy with and don’t see any replacements that’d tickle my fancy compared to them. Do I want some of the newer ones that have come out in the last year or 2, fuck yes. But I may as well just go buy that real one I’ve been thinking about, it’s cheaper LOL

Absolutely mate!

Certainly agree with enjoying whatever blows ya hair back, and I’m out of the loop these days, but even back then I still enjoyed the simplicity and reliability of the original old Dinosaur designs :sunglasses:

I’m seriously impressed with all of the modern upgrades and improvements that have been made within this hobby, which keeps these “toys” relevant in a constantly changing market for providing more and more upgrades and performance improvements to keep the hobby alive :ok_hand:

I still hold a grudge to this very day because I was running/modifying 2 x SKD/STD HK 416’s and a couple of SKD/STD M4 SS’s way back in late 2017/mid 2018 that had so many modern features that they were light years ahead of any other manufacturer for years to follow……… and yet the whole Australian Gelblaster Industry/Hobby ignored these groundbreaking models, because everyone was solely focused on hyping up the very latest “soon to be released” JM J9 and the WELL M401 as the industry leading new high performance/technology models.

I was pretty pissed sitting back watching all of the marketing/media hype about those blasters, and was so utterly disappointed when all of the hype amounted to exactly diddly squat :roll_eyes:

Obviously the SKD/STD brand didn’t have the saturation of marketing reputation that JinMing, WELL was enjoying at the time, so it seemed that the SKD/STD models were being purposely shunned because they would have absolutely ruined the hype around the release of the latest JinMing/WELL model releases and sales :thinking:

To put all of this into perspective though the history and development of Gelblasters over the years, let’s compare what SKD/STD had already achieved years before any of these larger/more famous manufacturers.

Back in late 2017/early 2018, I owned 3 x SKD HK 416’s and 2 x SKD M4 SS’s.

These are what they had fitted straight out of the box as standard:

Full Nylon receiver/handguard/stocks.
Full Nylon Gen8 style Gearbox.
Alloy Barrels.
Mag Prime Function.
4 Position Selector Switch……….
Safe/Semi/3 round Burst/ Full Auto.
Upgraded high Torque/RPM motors.
Upgraded 1.2 springs.
270-280 FPS Standard.
Weighted Pistol Grip for equal balance.
Holographic illuminated sights.
Front fore grips.
Laser Sight attachment.

Now compare all of these features as to what all of the rabid customers were drooling over waiting in anticipation for the release of the much hyped and anticipated JinMing and WELL M401 that was eventually released many months later.

How many of those SKD/STD HK416/M4SS features were available on the very latest J9/M401 models? ………… absolutely NOTHING!

Yeah, that’s the point where I previously stated that I had absolutely ZERO interest in every owning a J9 or M401, and continued to purchase/modify much more “advanced” models than whatever the “mainstream” manufacturers were selling.

Don’t get me wrong, I still purchased all of those very important and historic models, but I simply only ever bought a single model of such blasters and never even bothered taking them out of their boxes, let alone use them or waste my time modifying them!

Here’s my one and only Gen9 in its original packaging, never had a battery connected or a single gel put through it……… just there for the purpose of having such a significant model in the collection :+1:

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I love the purchasing for preservation and collection purpose @DocBob !
Kinda wish I had done it, instead of spending the same small fortune on modifying and upgrading, but that is what I enjoy. As stated, enjoy whatever you enjoy!

The Wells/Classic Army thing… Yes Classic Army is just Wells with bells and whistles, but airsoft is famous for stealing parts ideas and rebranding so we are just seeing that trickle into gel.

As far as Wells and their reputation, it is both deserved and undeserved. Their 1911 and G17 definitely deserved it… I still see the odd 1911 roll across my bench, but to be fair, most of the functioning examples all have the Atomic Army green gas mag not the C02 mags (rebranding!). TBH C02 should never have been an option in QLD and probably attributed to the short lifespan of the blaster.
The older nylon box Wells were good. They weren’t trying to be more than they should be. The original black metal box examples lasted well, then came the grey box they have truly become famous for. The main reason I believe the black well box lasted longer, is the nylon cylinder head. The grey metal box comes with an alloy cylinder and piston head. The pad on the alloy head is also pretty stiff, so it doesn’t absorb alot of impact, which it then imparts to the front of the gearbox.
They also use a terrible motor tower than allows more movement than you should see. Also they came with an 11v instead of a 7.4v. So the wear is accelerated vastly. And the cast metal lottery, and there we go. Add to that and the shear numbers of these things pumped out over a few years and you will get a reputation.

I have had my missus trying to break a grey wells box, in a CQB with double drum mags. I have done all my tricks to it, lighter piston, nylon piston head, padded cylinder head that has been sealed really well, radiused gearbox, and my own designed 3d printed spacer that jams in between the gearbox and barrel adapter.
It does have 13:1 gears short 4 teeth, an m100, and a bearing spring retainer. Doing 305fps, it is only just a hair above standard, but with the frankentorque motor it is slightly slower rate of fire than standard, only noticeable next to a standard one, but with no reference it seems similar.
Now this thing has seen some rounds! The missus loves to dump endless full auto with drums… and its lasted over a year of outdoor full auto double drum gel slinging, and the only thing truly wearing out is the alloy spring retainer! There is loads of filings everywhere. I should clean it… But I refuse to give it a service, as that would ruin the test of it being abused.

So in short, there are short comings in the Wells grey metal box lineup, but bear in mind, alot of people buying them are new, they are using only that blaster, all day, dumping full auto at outdoor fields. It is a blessing and a curse.

I still maintain that everyones first blaster should have nylon gears, like a JinMing, or a JingJi SLR. Because they last well, get people into the hobby without scaring them off due to repair bills. Metal is stronger yes, but upto 300fps, nylon will last a long time and need far less maintaining. Metal wears and leaves filings everywhere, and accelerates wear. Nylon, doesn’t. If nylon gears fail, it’s $15 for replacement set including pinion gear, and you just slap them in and off you go again.


So glad you posted this. :laughing:

I was thinking of picking up one of these… just for the wall, so no expectations. But being gas, I was expecting a LITTLE bit of performance.

Yeah, won’t bother.

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Nylon geared blasters are a whole lot quieter too.

I still have a Vector that’s running nylon gears, love the muted sound of it on three round burst.

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Wells is a lottery. Had two G17’s when they first came out. Finish and fit on one was great, the other one looked like it hadn’t even seen a linisher. The one on CO2 failed while the one on green gas is still going strong even though it is thrashed to death

Same with 1911. The CEH Atomic Armoury 1911 is the best pistol I have. Accurate and reliable (has upgraded barrel) and the guys running Wounded Heroes run Wells 1911’s that are so used that the finish is warn off

Wells Webley is probably the best revolver I’ve owned. Far more accurate and better range than the SRC’s

Worst pistols I’ve owned we a WeTech 4.3 and CEH revolver. The WeTech is touted as the bees knees but the only time it worked OK was when APGS put in a golden eagle barrel

If you visit x-Force in Meadowbrook, ask RJ to show you the variation in quality of the Wells 1911’s. Some of the frames are top shelf, others still have teeth marks and jaggered edges

Thankfully quality has improved a bunch since M4a1 brought in the initial bunch of Wells CO2 pistols that, as has been pointed out, should have run on green gas and not the CO2 they were delivered with

Main problem with Wells is a lack of spare parts

Now do I need another CYMA or should I save up for Golden Eagle CAR15, neither of which will happen until I unload all my Denix at the Arms Fair?

FPS was great if that is performance for you.

The clockwork on the trigger/hammer/cylinder mech was like going on a blind date, you never know what you’re going to get, work, half work, jam, nothing, swearing ahh this is fked with no obvious way to correct it as there was so much wrong with the mech. The pistol grip fell in half if you thought about using it.

Wall hanger only. After glueing the grip on so that doesn’t fall off hanging on the wall.

The way I remember it the SKD were the bees knees and extremely popular at the start of the rise of fame of the blasters for the masses with JM coming out with a cheaper blaster which caught on for it being half the price.

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That’s true, which is why it was strange that both SKD/STD Products seemed to mostly disappear from the scene and other brands became more mainstream in the hobby.

I still see the odd SKD/STD product here and there, but is definitely rarer these days :thinking:

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My Wells MAC-10 has stood up well after 2.5 years. Still spraying 45rps even though some piece flew off it some time ago. Right angled bit of metal from somewhere at the back i think. It’s a real welter up close too! Never chrono’d it but shreds boxes like only my high end M4s do.

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“Rocking horse shit is easier to find.” Is my new favourite expression. Cant’ wait to use it:)

I am now narrowing down to a “Double Bell M4SS SIR (S-System) Metal Gel Blaster” and a [APS AK74 with Real Wood Gel Blaster"

I would highly recommend the Double Bell products over any of the questionable APS brand blasters :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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