Jingji SLR V2 Blowback Mod Possible?

I was wondering if a JJ SLR V2 could be modded to have a blowback function similar to the V4? If yes what parts would I need?

If it’s the gearbox you’re taking about then no there is no kit or mod to add blowback.

If it’s the blaster than it should just be a matter of replacing the gearbox with one that has it.

Usually you want to remove the blowback not add it thou cause it’s just another point of failure.


I see. May I ask if there’s a way to increase “realism” such as felt recoil or added weight for the blaster? Does using harder springs work?

Mmm nothing that won’t be bad for the blaster unfortunately.

There was a gearbox designed for that, AGM or something, would have to look, the piston assembly is basically backwards so instead of slamming forward it goes backwards so the momentum is rearward giving the sensation of recoil.
I’ve never seen one in person so don’t know much more about them but they’re as close to real recoil as you’ll get in an AEG. Not sure if they’re receiver dependant either.

The best realistic blasters are GBBR but they’re $$$$ and I don’t think I’ve seen a SLR model, but that’s an entire blaster not a mod.

Edit: was this gearbox, ATM not AGM

ATM is kind of a electric version of a gas blowback. There was/is Azraels taranus gearbox which is similar idea, most I have heard is they are a prick to get working in anything other the aztech and aps things (no surprise).

Both systems have their flaws and quirks, and both send the “recoil” the wrong way. Lol.

You can’t beat gbbr for recoil/realism. Anything AEG the best thing you can do for reliability and performance is removed any blowback and recoil.


You cannot put an ATM gearbox in an SLR receiver. I know this because I tried to get one for my M16A2 and the guys at WAT told me in no uncertain terms that you cannot have the Cyma style stock connector, you need to have an open Milspec one for the EBBR recoil spring to fit. Since the SLR has the Cyma style connector, it’s not happening.


That doesn’t seem right cause one of the main selling points was that it’s supposed to be a drop in part :thinking:.

Can’t find an actual installation video but all images I can find it just looks like a typical V2 with the M5 thread on the back for that plate and screw that holds a typical stock on.

@AKgelblaster might know more seeing as they sell them and have a teardown video online.

WAT list it as being " perfect for LDT receivers" which are like any other V2 style so I don’t know what makes them say they don’t fit.


Apparently, LDT is basically the only manufacturer of Milspec receivers for gel blasters. I think it might have some sort of removable plate that opens up the rear of the receiver. I doubt they’d lie about something like that, and would have their story straight so as not to lose a pretty big-ticket sale. I would have bought a gearbox if it would have worked.


I’ve only ever physically seen or had the nylon kits which had that lug bit that the standard gel buffer tube attaches to buy looking at the images on WATs site for the LDT receiver it does look to be the threaded sort.

In saying that I can’t see anything to indicate the gearbox needs a buffer tube like that cause the rear of it is solid and only had the M5 thread you’d usually see, so I don’t know without physically seeing one, there could be something not shown in any images or videos or they could be mistaken or told otherwise.

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They have a few custom EBBRs. They must have built them themselves. I also talked about this to an airsoft tech friend of mine online from Russia. He tells me that EBBR gearboxes usually need a weight in the buffer tube. Therefore I think the WAT guys were right and using this will require a specific upper receiver.

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I know there’s a blow back kit you can get that adds a weight to the buffer tube and has a linkage that goes thru the back of the receiver and connects to the piston and is driven by the piston action.

But again I haven’t seen one in person so I’m only going off what I can see in videos and images so there may well be something missing from those that I’m not seeing.

EDIT: just had a re watch of the teardown video AKGelblaster did and there’s nothing that would go into the buffer tube, everything is contained within the shell so I honestly don’t know where the staff are getting their info from :man_shrugging:. Please don’t take any of this as I’m having a go at you or anything, I’m more annoyed at the staff for not knowing and/or bothering to find out for you.


Yes it’s pretty obvious in the video that it’s all contained within the gearbox itself :+1:

Would have been nice if there was a running commentary in the video, but I expect that if she had done this, the video would have stretched out way to long.

Best to hear her comments on this subject to get some solid information about these products.

Hey @AKgelblaster , keen to jump on in here and enlighten us :grin:


Yea sure Bob! The ATM gearbox is mainly used on LDT or SIJUN receivers, including the SIJUN MCX. Not yet heard any SLR with the ATM installed.

@DChapo let me check and upload the installation process to YouTube. From customers’ feedback, it is a medium level of mods.

That would be helpful for future reference too, very much appreciated :+1:.

That’s very interesting. Yes, it did look from the video like this thing is self-contained. Cost them a sale if they’re wrong about it.

@AKgelblaster The MCX has a folding stock, correct? There’s nowhere for a buffer tube to go!

What a strange interaction.

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They very well could have been told that themselves so didn’t know better too.

I just don’t understand how that belief would persist through clearly having built several custom EBBR blasters.

yeah that’s a fair point, maybe the tech who built said blasters didn’t pass on the info or has only used the LDT kits that have the milspec buffer, but even then you could tell just by looking at one anyway.

the only issue I can think of off the top of my head for one in a SLR receiver is the bolt release button, depending on how it links to the gearbox some dremmeling may be involved.

for very quick reference. If the receiver is non-Milsim spec, there are more efforts to mod it.

Thanks again for the information :raised_hands:
Pictures/videos show so much more than text can explain :+1:

No audio though @AKgelblaster ?