JinMing MP5K

Ah, one more positive report for the Jin Ming… needs upgrades though? When have JM ever really made a blaster that didn’t? :thinking:

Based on this though it’s just inched a little closer to my shopping basket.

Thanks for the detailed info. Just got a couple of questions before I pull mine apart

  • Does the stock gearbox have metal gears?
  • Do you have to change the piston to fit a “normal” spring if using the standard box?
  • Did you find any issues with motor height / pinion clearance on the stock gearbox?
  • What gearbox and t-piece did you end up using?

Thanks - appreciate your input

  1. Yes stock gearbox has metal gears.
  2. Stock piston will accept other springs.
  3. If running any motor that’s not the stock one you will have lots of issues. The stock motor shaft would be a good 3mm longer than any aftermarket motor I have. I used two 2mm thick orings in the base plate to space a warhead motor (it’s not perfect, still a lil off but good enough).
  4. I kept the stock gearbox and tpiece for now and will probably keep them as I’ll more then likely end up putting a hpa engine in.

If you want to keep the blow back function you will need to keep the stock piston and cylinder. I don’t have any stock LDT pistons but they should work. Personally I don’t care for that feature so have disabled it (have to cut the tab off the charge handle that catches on the piston). Cutting the tab may remove the mag prime feature.

Also forgot to mention the LDT mag coupler will work but same as the stock is very tight.

Certainly does on the LDT, hey @BME :thinking:

I didn’t measure and just eyeballed it and somehow managed to retain magprime on the jinming. Can take pics and measurements when I get home for anyone interested. As for blowback have removed it from my LDT as well.

So what is the general consensus on minimum upgrades to this blaster - ie. the simple things.

I am guessing cylinder head (ported), 7.5mm barrel, o-rings.

I would think o ring and spring at a minimum.

Personally, and everybody’s different, whatever the techs like to call it, I call a FF minimum upgrade on any blaster that doesn’t already have these a non-factory o ring, M90 spring, alloy cylinder head, alloy piston head, alloy nozzle… if it’s apart you might as well do it all while you’re there and usually get me up in 290-300 territory.

Upgraded spring retainer’s not a bad idea too.


Yup as @Friendly_Fire said those would be a min “standard” type upgrade I would/did do. You could get away with using the stock gears/piston combo for a while as long as you’re not pushing it hard with crazy spring rate or even a high speed motor.
For mine the piston/oring was actually decent enough for a stock blaster, but I did swap it out.

Make sure you calculate your cylinder to barrel ratio if swapping it out. For me the cylinder I swapped I know that roughly a 21cm-25cm 7.5 barrel pairs well. I think another issue from factory (and it could have just been mine) is the tpiece and barrel were not glued together.

Another thing to look at is the bushes. But this isn’t necessary straight away. In true jinming style they went with their 7mm cast bushes (could have been worse). Luckily I found some shs bushes I had from back in the day and swapped them out.