LDT MP5-K....( Or, Time to come out of your shell...)


faaaaark … i want that LDT

Ya i got that SD6 too. So good with just a new piston seal and a bigger spring …

We’re in the Annex Skywalk. I can see the array. I’ll give you a call for protocol tests as soon as it’s hot. That’s all for now.


Full Kompact is das Uber Kool…

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Might need to borrow a gas mask from squiddy…

Ahhh, on 2nd thought, maybe not…

Come on Jing Ming…

Make an proper UZI, to the same quality, of the MP5k…!!

And sell collapsable stocks as an extra…they’d sell heaps…!!


Can you pull your JM MP5K apart so we can have a looksee at the gearbox. Pretty please :chocolate_bar:

I actually spent the day at @Friendly_Fire s , pulling the LDT apart.

We put in new nozzle, cylinder head and piston head.
Got fantastic air seal, but not much increase in fps…

Must be losing some at the nozzle, we tried putting in 1 oring around the nozzle, but not much difference….

Were you just wanting just a look at the gearbox from the outside.?
That was the first gearbox I got back together, with help.

I wouldn’t be super confident putting it all back together, by myself…

Yea just outside gearbox. The JM not the LDT. Cheers

Ok…I’ll give that a solo bash…
I’ll see how I go…

front piece…

The 2 halves, slide off , so much easier than LDT, courtesy of flat / recessed mag terminals. Front piece is one piece moulded.
If you wanted to remove the tri nozzle, you’d have to cut it off.
It has the threaded end, for suppressors…

Gearbox pics…

Looks to be a standard V2, with plastic nozzle…
sticky tape via factory…

It cut the tab off, and disable blowback, while im at it…
Makes it easier to get in and out, and quieter…

Hope that gives you the info, your after…


Be good to see the motor and selector but bit more involved. Might have to get one and see for myself! :grin:

If they get spare mags in for it that is :roll_eyes:

Worst case scenario, you can get a LDT mag, and mod it…
Wombat might be the first to do that…

You’d think they’d get spare mags in , though…

Pretty safe buying, at $190.
You wont be dissapointed with the shell quality…

Odd to be a full cylinder, with a barrel that short id imagine 50% or 60% would be sufficient, I say this but I ran a 100% in a 10cm barrel at one stage with seemingly no negative impacts.

Bit suprised today to see the LDT MP5K is running an 80% ported cylinder… seeing as how the barrel’s literally like 10cm long, it’s not ported enough. Must have horrible VE, but I don’t feel like doing the math. :laughing:

I agree, 50% would be closer to what you’d need for optimal VE… then you may as well short stroke it. :man_shrugging:

@BME Is it a nylon gearbox shell or metal on the JM?

I can’t tell from the pics but looks nylon. :man_shrugging: and it’s nice to see JM’s still using crappy tape to keep their wiring tidy. :laughing:

Next thing for your LDT is a 7.3 barrel and some more work on that t piece… we’ll get it choochin’… gotta get something out of that great compression :wink:

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Not really sure…didn’t tap it.
Nylon, maybe…

iHobby said mags weren’t available from JM yet. Will try and mod a mag sometime in the next few weeks - currently modding the kitchen

Do you have a pic of the t-piece and inner barrel. Want to install a longer one to fit hop-up in suppressor?