LDT MP5-K....( Or, Time to come out of your shell...)

BTW I was checking out the GE MP5s while I was there.

The mag terminal arrangement on them is beautiful. Instead of bare springs hanging off the front of the gearbox (that foul on the receiver on disassembly) GE have dead flat contact plates. Nothing to foul on the receiver shell when you slide it off.

The spring terminals are in the mag, recessed so they’re out of the way… and they’re enclosed brass pins, not just bare springs. :+1:

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Got your MP5k yet.?

Care to give us a rundown…?

Working on it and a few characters more

All good.
I got mine this arvo.

I’ll bow out, and let you have centre stage…!!

How does it fare in a head to head with the LDT, BME? :thinking:

You’re in the fortunate position of being able to put them side by side. :+1:

BTW, I disabled the blowback on my LDT MP5A3… so much easier to tear down with the forward wiring. :rofl:

Do the LDT mags fit the JM?

Okay…time for a side by side comparo…

LDT vs JM…!!

Ding Ding, round 1!!

Honestly, JM have done a pretty good job, with the MP5-K.
The shell quality is good, much better than their mp5’s of several years ago, details and decals are good. LDT has the upper hand though.

Heavier grip and lower receiver, when you pick up the LDT, it feels heftier and sturdier in the hand, like your holding a real one. Dont get me wrong , the JM is good, but LDT ‘feels’ a bit better. The grade of plastic is a bit better and darker on the LDT, though this is minor, and only picked up when side by side.

A point for some, with the LDT, you can remove the tri-lug, for the ultra Compact look. With the JM, the inner barrel goes all the way to the end of the tri-lug, so you would have to cut the inner barrel back, for the Compact look.

Performance wise, i got very similar figures for both, through my chrono. Both around 1000-1100 r/min, and 180-210 fps, with a few higher and lower flyers. So, a tie on performance. The JM gearbox is quieter.

Now, the mags…
STEP 1: Physical fit.

*The LDT mag, fits easily and crisply, into the LDT with a sharp click

  • The JM mag fits into the JM, with a bit of a jiggle required, and no sharp click.
  • The LDT mag, fits into the JM fairly easily, with a slight click(sometimes)
  • The JM mag, fits into the LDT, BUT DOES NOT LOCK IN.

STEP 2: Electrical contact.

The issue is, reversed contacts.
The LDT has protuding springs in the magwell, and recessed contacts on the mag.
The JM has recessed contacts in the magwell, and protruding terminals on the mag.

The mags do physically fit, as above, but you would need to do some terminal work, to ensure compatability. Using LDT mags (plentiful in OZ) in the JM, you would need to work on extending ( and forward angling) contacts…

Is this a maori war face mask, or a couple of bird chicks waiting to be fed.?.?
:rofl: :rofl:

Protruding JM terminals…

Recessed LDT terminals…also slight difference of placement.


So, It really comes down, to what you want.

The JM is great value for money, quite a good shell, same OTB performance, and a bit quieter.

The LDT is a bit more expensive, hefty feel, more detailed shell, of a higher quality plastics, can remove the tri lug, and compatible with available mags.

Both would benefit, from a bit of work on the gearboxes, to get them up around the 250 fps, consistently.

Most people would be happy with either, if i had to chose one, it would be the LDT, due to the better shell. The JM is still a very good unit, quality wise now up there with the recent MP-7. Good to see quality shells, at a reasonable price.

Beware the battery cap on the JM, it falls out with some use/vibration.

A few detail comparo shots…

Slightly darker/sharper plastic, on LDT

JM close up shots…

LDT Close ups…
Lines are sharper / a bit less muted. More overall details on blaster. Darker plastic.

Also, a family photo…!
Breeding like rabbits.!

@Friendly_Fire , you though i had a beretta problem…!! :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:


Finally, why JM REALLY gave us, the mag couplers…

At rest…

Whats that… Taccies have a sale on.?.?!


…OH…of their overinflated prices…yawn…nothing to see here…

What is the gearbox like in the JM? Would like to see it if possible. :+1:

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I get excited when I get one new blaster… :rofl: :rofl:

I’m interested in seeing the box JM use in these as well. :thinking:

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So i decided im too lazy to do the import stuff for the LDT shell, and since i have 5 MP5’s i would sacrifice one… and turn it into a K.

excuse the paint job im broken

Also seeing as i make and use a mag adaptor, i have 3 spare mp5 mag couplers which need a good home… and about 15 mags but im taking the motors out of those.

That is an …interesting…paint job…!!
No chance of it getting mixed up, on game day…:grinning::grinning:

I might be adding a JM to the stable, something I haven’t got is a MP5. Might fit the ticket :thinking:


I put my LDT back into A3 config… I figure the stripped down naked look is quitessential MP5.

I’m liking these MP5Ks, but if I got my hands on one I’d put an A3 stock on it… then it’s just an A3 with short front end, so I’d see no point. :man_shrugging:

What I would spring for is a GE MP5SD, take off the A2 fixed stock and fit an A3 slider… that works better than Viagra… :wink:

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Ive got the LDT version of the MP5SD, released a few years back.
Your right, the sliding stock is the go…!

The GE version has the flare on the handguard, which may or may not be a preference.

The Supp on mine got sticky with age, the best thing i found was soaking it in WD-40. Letting it sit for awhile, then wiping it down got rid of the stickyness, and didn’t attack the plastic.

Blowback hasn’t been disabled (yet) on mine, i just wish the gearbox was a little quieter. Otherwise, the LDT’s are spot on…

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I’ve had my eye on an SD forever… one day. :roll_eyes:

But it does beg the question…

Is there a variant of the MP5 that you haven’t got? :rofl:

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I plead the 5th…!!
:rofl: :rofl:

Same for me… the mp5sd, and mp5k from ldt will one day be part of my collection.
Gotta catch em all!