M-60 / MK46 Review...(or, Gone in Squidsty Seconds...!)

Ok here it is…

This is going to take awhile… Deans plug battery is required, and i’m going to have to get one.

A few points, when i was instore, another gent had his mk46 in there, looking for a spring upgrade…

Not required.
OOTB, was doing 350-370 fps, and Laser accurate.
I watched the test firing, and it was hitting a small plate sized area, at around 16m… awesome.

M60 has similar performance, apparently.

7.5 mm inner diameter barrel, i bought some of the (non branded) gels that were being used.

MK46 has a very nice case, lockable combo locks on the front.

The weathering on the mk46 looks good…the M60 falls into the same category as the ppsh-41… It almost looks Too New, Too clean, and could do with some weathering…

Anyway, some quick shots, before i step out to get a battery.
WAT didnt have any Deans plugs in stock, so grab one from a R/C shop first.
Nothing worse, than new blasters / no battery…!!

Now, i’d better set security deathbots, to " VIC-SQUID" mode, while i step out…!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

stay tuned…


Thanks a lot now I have to wash my sheets, clothes, walls, roof and carpet.

Wonder how many will be at Nuketown on Sunday?

People, M60’s or Squids? :joy:

I told you, it would be a 2 for 1, squiddy…

One visit, to WAT, has both of your orifices, blurting, squirting and hurting…!!
No pics of that please…

Its been a long day, and i’ll start with a few features of the mk46… its smaller more managable, and leave squiddy in suspence, for awhile longer…!! :rofl:

Both of these units are Heavy…

The feed tubes, for both of these mags, are coiled springs (circular interior).
Time will tell how well that works, one one hand they are stretchy and durable, on the other hand rust/ shape distortion…?

Here is a pic, fully assembled, sorry for the blurring…

The mk46 Doesn’t have a bipod, just a foregrip…but thats ok for me…
It slides in from the rear, as plates at the front, dont allow forward feeding backwards…

Lets talk mags…
here’s a pic, in the ready position…

I think the mag feed, and terminals, are the weakest point…plastic meeting metal…with terminals on top, and, ultimately, a plastic latch holding it all in.

Go slowly here. Lube it, with silicone. Use minimal force. Then, it should last for awhile.

note the 45 deg, offset in the barrel.
That is aligned, to meet the 45 deg offset, from the mag top.

Speaking of the barrel, it pulls out , and you need to remove it, to fit the battery underneath.
Some “terminal backwards finger bending oragami” is required to get a small, 11v deans stick battery to fit…

Finally, dummy shell size comparo, from 5.56 to 7.62…

Now squiddy, gerni off your clothes, bed, room , house…
I’ll do a review of the m-60 2morrow…( p.s. it has variable ROF)


Looks awesome. Finally some MGs that aren’t a 249 (and 249s that actually does them justice!)


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Keep up the sass… i’ll make you wait another week…!! :rofl: :rofl:

Nah…i’ll do it 2morrow, with a fresh batch of gels…

Atleast a photo out of the box with the mag attached please :pray:

Only because, its xmas…and you still believe in santa…

You do keep turning up, on the naughty list, though… :rofl: :rofl:

the mag is complicated… you’ll find out 2morrow…


Looks sweet one thing I’ve noticed though is that the plastic pieces look like they have a glossy finish like an m16 hand guard would but from what I’ve seen for the Viet models atleast it seems to be a lot more dull even compared to m16’s that have been through hell

Sorry, you sound like harry/meghan now…

A gold bracelet , is delivered unto you, and you whine about a scratch upon it…

“For verily, verily , i say unto thee…
Complain too much… No more M-60…!”

What can I say when it comes to historical pieces I would be a perfectionist if I lived in QLD. Making the plastic hand guards and stocks duller would be apart of the weathering process to make it extra spicy for nam games

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All jokes aside, i did say…
The m60 looks a little bit too shiny / new/
it could do with a bit of weathering.

You know what…
Today is day one…
Never before, has an item like this been available, in qld…
People who know and want, m-60’s… can have them.

Thats a good thing…
And another reason, to leave Vic…

It’s good that there available but it’s going to be the magnum opus of 30 different collections very shortly as the 30 units haven’t sold out yet so I don’t see Wat bringing in any more lots as you’d think with the hype around these that 30 units wouldn’t have made it past the pre order stage. The Vn m60’s especially will be the sought after hens teeth of the hobby.

give it, a bit of time.
i’m sure, they will sell.

houses, are still selling, like hotcakes, in Qld,
So im sure it wont take long, for these blasters, to sell…

Finding Nemo Wow GIF - Finding Nemo Wow Amazed GIFs

I went and looked at these at WAT today. It took all of my strength not to buy an E4. I didn’t shoot one, but the quality is obvious. It’s just the goods.

I hummed an hahhed for about 10 mins but decided me spending $1500 on a gel blaster will push up interest rates by .5%. It just too luxury.


HaHa…very tempting, i know…

Got called out on reserve yesterday, so will upload more updates later today…

Ok, time to give squiddy a reason, to reclean his room…!!

A few general pics…

The bipod, has extending legs, to increase length if required.
It has variable rate of fire (yes thats correct), by rotating the knob under the barrel, rearwards of the front sight.

It must have a variable resistance resistor, in the circuit, to limit the current flow. I’ll let you know, when i do a firing test…

One problem i can see, is barrel bending.
If you supported it, resting on the pistol grip and bipod stands, it would place a LOT of upwards flexing weight, on the barrel.

This would cause bending over time.
Great if you want a “inbuilt hop-up”, but in reality , undesirable.
This sucker is heavy, i thinks its around 10-11 kg mark, so theres a fair bit of weight behind those flexing forces, if it sat for months like that.

I believe the real ones, had this problem too.

By curious coincidence, my white block of wood is just the right length, to rest it, supporting and spreading the weight from the trigger guard foward to the start of the barrel.

As a consequence, the pistol grip handle is now in the air, allowing the heavy stock to want to introduce backwards bending forces.

Once again, by lucky coincidence,a 50c piece slots in perfectly, wedges and balances the handle, and gets it close to zero sum forces.

Sorry bunnings sausage, this 50c piece is spoken for…!!