M-60 / MK46 Review...(or, Gone in Squidsty Seconds...!)

Wat or the converters are mad men they actually changed the handgrip to the correct Vn m60 instead of the e3/e4 model which is a luxury the ass softers buying a&k don’t even have


And now, the magazine.

Ahh, what fun…how much do you wanna trust a velcro strap (long term)

This is on the blaster.
It has a “stretchy bendy, metal spring feeding tube”, a deans connector, and a jst plug, to power the magazine.
So, the one battery powers both blaster and mag, much like everything else. The mag must have a pretty powerful motor, to impart enough grunt to push gels through the twisty feed tube.

The 2 part mag comprises of

a) removable inner plastic box, with pickup at the bottom. This has good ventilation, to allow airflow / drying. It also has a flap at the top to open and pour more gels in. (once the mag is attached, you really dont wanna be removing it often)

b) outer green sheath, (with hole for gel passage), and velcro straps for attaching to the metal attachment panel.

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The price of your rental room, in QLD, just went up…!! :rofl: :rofl:

Now, the interesting part…making it fit.
Job one was to make the two gels holes line up. (i.e plastic mag, and green sheath). it press clips together, but took some wrestling to get them both to align.
Once i got them together, i let it sit overnight to give it some “memory molding”

Next problem, the 2 clips pulling together, constricted the adjacent space, where the battery slides into. I wedged a highlighter in there, to try to spread it apart. So, pulling forces , and pushing forces, in close proximity.

Got there in the end…

Next attaching the tube from the blaster, into the mag.

There is a tiny grubscrew in the plastic mag tube…you need to loosen that, or the tube wont go in… and, it needs to be aligned to be accessible from the top of the mag, to retighten…Murphy got me, pull it all apart and start again…

And, dont forget to run the JST connector to the top right corner, so the cable is out of the way, for the battery…

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At the end of the day, the now assembled mag, is retained onto the mounting plate, … via one velcro strap.

And this just wraps around once…

No matter how tight you tie it, it WILL want to slide down.
This is stopped by the springy,bendy feed tube.
Im sure that will distort, over time.

The better solution, would be to drill 2/3 small screws, through the plate / sheath/mag.

This would provide much better retention, and remove pressure from the feed tube. Also, if the velcro strap fails, who cares…

Another Quicker/ non drilling alternative, would be zip ties.
This would run through the velcro strap, so you’d need that to last…

Finished product…

Shells clip onto the outer part of the box…

And, just because its pointing that way…
How To Win at Galaga…!!

I think squiddy needs a break now, he may need to ingest some more fluids…!! :sweat_smile: :rofl: :rofl:


Great insight into these behemoths :+1:
The weight/barrel flex is certainly something interesting, not normally considered with Gelblasters when using tripods……. but it’s certainly the heaviest blaster replica on the market and can see why it would be an issue!

Certainly has a fair amount of fiddly work in the magazine/feed design to achieve the realistic look and getting it all to feed properly.

So theres no plastic tubing inside the coiled feed tube at all?

Nope, its purely all painted, coiled spring…

You can (gently) pull on it, and it stretches, which helps when fitting the lines and moving them.
Being painted they should last awhile, but i dont think they’d like long term forces on them…

The default setup , definitely puts pressure on the feed line.
I haven’t even fired it yet, ill get some zip ties , and see if i can get a solution working.

If you bend a barrel, you might struggle for a replacement one…!! :rofl:

That was the first thing that crossed my mind, as i saw one sitting on its bipod.

I was going to put “1942” up on the arcade shot, but that would be too cruel…!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

10-11kgs?? :exploding_head:

That’s one heavy toy! :laughing:

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I never really noticed the bending on first read, but now going back through all of the pics, it’s definitely noticeable with it sitting with the block of wood in different locations.

Definitely a weak point between the barrel assembly and the receiver, and doesn’t really appear to have any way of adding extra support to it :thinking:

Yup , it certainly is…

Other a/softers have said…its not a blaster you wanna run around with, all day…

Put it on top of a hill, crank up the fire rate, and suppress away…!!

Its big, its long, its slow to change direction…but its Cool…!!
Milsimmers would use them at a game day, but i wouldn’t take mine…

That’s why God invented the ZB26! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::joy:

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the barrel is fairly light, even though its long.

The wood supports the bulk of the weight, bracing the grip removes the (now induced) rear downwards forces.

The barrel will have a little bit of unsupported downward pressure…
But nothing like the forces, if it was on grip/bipods…!!

Let it get a bit of downward droop…then put it on the bipod…!! :rofl: :rofl:



Bipod used for front support,
New taller block for the middle…
Smaller block for pistol grip.

3Points of support…

Use clear acyrlic blocks, if they are cheap enough…!
I think cutting them / shaping them is the expensive part…not required for blocks…

You’d run out on the field thinking your going to be animal mother and then cripple in 10 minutes or less

Just rent a huey, fly over, and door strafe…

You can rent it and fly it I’ll take the m60 and bob can hold the other door with the inferior Zb

with those words, you might find Doc pushing you out the door, fairly quickly…!! :rofl: :rofl:

VC eat lots of seafood…!!

If I’m out the door then I’m taking the m60 with me drop in behind enemy lines like MACV-SOG

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