M-60 / MK46 Review...(or, Gone in Squidsty Seconds...!)

I reckon Bob would wait till were over the VC latrine trench, and push you out then…!!

The odour might give away your position…!! :rofl:

Push @Deadsquid out the door, drop that big lump of metal on his head, then empty the 3000 round ZB26 Mag into his squishy inky blob stain! :joy:

3000 rounds my ass that piece of junk is 500 at best :joy:

save ammo.

Chuck him out the door…super quick dive…

Hello, main rotor sashimi…!!

Did you have a look over the PKM? Im contemplating getting that one.

Yeah, i had a look.
WAT had them all layed out on display, and the PKM was in a class of its own…

Being the Longest…Good quality wood stock…
I didn’t wanna look too closely, lest i get tempted…!! :rofl: :rofl:

Head on out for a look if your interested, Johnny said the M60 and PKM were the 2 most desired models…


Thanks man. Those are the 2 I’m torn between. Can only get one and im leaning towards the PKM.


get the PKM, and we can do joint custody…

Week long swaps…!!! :rofl: :rofl:

Hahahaha, deal. Squiddy, there’s gonna be none left for you :sob:

I do attend the Nam milsim events, i reckon there’s going to be more M60s than soviet era stuff as usual. There was 3 or 4 ZB26’s at the last event. Wonder how many M60 and PKM we’ll see at the next one.

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The M60 guys, will need rockape arms…

These suckers are heavy…
Im sure they’ll be super popular , for milsimmers…

You know, the thought just crossed my mind…
Buy and rent out a M60…not everyone can afford $1600 to buy one, but…

$100 for a weekend/ event? Should be some demand for that…!!
Pay it off, and get it battle weathered…!! :rofl: :rofl:

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I think after this my next purchase will have to go in the gun safe. Ive got my eye on a nice tacticool shotgun

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Did you grab a SPAS…??
awesome, and good value for money…

Lucky for us the venue has plenty of gun pits and defence installations so we wont have to lug the LMGs everywhere. :muscle: Not many will want to patrol with them :rofl:

No Im not to concerned about the SPAS. Never really fancied one.

Cool. everyone has different tastes…

I would suggest, when you have a look, be mindful of flex on this model as well.

This might be a bit easier, on the bipod.

It looks like it would sit on the bipod at the front, on the stock on the rear, and wanna flex downwards.

All you would need, is a small block to brace under the pistol grip, and done.
It looks like that should work…these suckers are long and heavy…

Ok…last photos, for the evening…

This one, is down and low…
to show the flexing arm length, between bipod, and stock…
The magazine is pivoting up, and not supporting weight…

Do you know, a small point, on the m-60…?
Teeny tiny pistol grip…

For a big LMG, the vertical pistol grip, is quite small…

Here is a Kehle glock 26, alongside the m-60…

Trump faked bone spurs…did he fake a “small hand LMG…??”

Seriously, its a small vertical pistol grip…for a big LMG…!!

“only my tremendously bigly hands, can use a weapon like this…to dodge a draft…So big, so powerful…, So No…i wont go there…im too tremendous”

Also, my earlier estimation , of weight was wrong… the M-60 is actually about 7.5 kg’s…
But still, bloody heavy…!!


Damn! Small grip indeed… puts in into perspective seeing it alongside that G26 :exploding_head:

I had to put a mag extender on my G26 because I found it way too small to grip comfortably… and that’s with a tiny pistol that weighs bugger all.

I can’t imagine what it would be like to manipulate that LMG off bipod with a grip like that. :person_shrugging:

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Small grip syndrome indeed… Unrelated but sort of… I was trialing the recently released Winchester expert twenty two as I was interested. To sum it up, no I aint buying one with the Ruger mag capability, it is real small in the trigger/pistol grip area. Unbelievably so my booger hook hangs out the front of the trigger guard. I guess it’s aimed at youth.

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