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Seen those “yeehaw” dumb American videos hunting pigs with a Minigun, 30/50 Cals and all sorts of other stupid things.

Was a joke the amount of brass piling up when 90% of the rounds were only digging dirt and kicking up dust! :roll_eyes:

Definitely more money than sense and a pretty horrific way to “cull” animals with probably 80% of whatever they did manage to hit only being wounded and dying a slow death instead of a single accurate clean kill.

Goes against everything that we were taught as kids as how to shoot and cull humanely. :frowning:

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Aww come on you boys. Agree on both accounts.

My Gov will not permit me to be a tourist park for OS shooters. <notice the full stop.

I never said it was a humane way to cull pig populations. Look up some Oz hunters using NV scopes to drop em 1 shot per humanely.

I don’t think it’s very smart blowing a quarter mill on a helo and hired licenced legal M14 for the NRM board to claim they are reducing numbers. When they achieve fuck all.
They could at least chuck me a carton of beer now and then be hell of alot cheaper to keep the goat populace migrating from NSW/Vic which is where they come from. I’d run too… yep the NRM has gone to the extent of GPS collaring some of them to find out their movements. They travel interstate over the course of 12 months.

I was just sharing how a video made me laugh that E!Minigun has been round since Nam and it’s introduction. General Electric made some good shit.

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Yeah was interesting to watch…… but I do have a natural major dislike of yeehaw American “we are the greatest in the world” attitude :roll_eyes:

Most likely stems from my military family background where I was told many times by my grandfather/father/uncle’s/cousins etc that…….

“If you want to survive in conflicts when grouped together with American Soldiers, your best chance of survival is to shoot them first and then get down to the real business at hand.” :flushed:

I definitely agree that there should be some type of Australian Government recognition of the importance of farmers/landowners culling destructive pests on their own lands.

Whether it be reduced gun licensing costs, subsidised ammunition or whether, there’s a big benefit being given that separates such people apart from the average target/sports club shooters :thinking:


Do they let you have semi-auto’s in SA?

My understanding is, in QLD, primary producers on certain size properties are allowed to have semi-auto’s / larger capacity magazines.

This is to facilitate more efficent, genuine pest control, on their properties only…


Yes that is correct, I could get a C class licence in my state but I do not see the point as I’ve already extensive use pre howard ban. I will then fall under the c class magazine restriction and have to have extra security storage requirements, magazine 10 shot for .22 and 5 shot for a pump action or semi auto 12G and that is all I can get. No AR15 is under the unobtanium D class which is what a rare few have ie “the guy with the M14 trying to shoot goats out of helicopter” then you can have 20rnd mags and such. As on A and B class in SA there is no magazine restriction at all. I can have a 60 round bolt action .22 under A class and it is legal. Queens, NSW and VIC are 10 round restricted on A class. WA not sure. But it’s got to be your sole source of income as well. Affidavit, reapply every 12 months all sorts of crap for a D and C class in SA.

So I could get a Ruger 10/22, but I’ve thousands of rounds through that platform already and it’s meh and I can’t be bothered when my CZ .22 bolt action is more accurate and I shoot just as many rounds pinging rabbits off or use it to put down the odd sheep when they need a bit of help passing on.

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Sounds like its hardly worth the bother…

Stark Varg at the Manchester UK Arenacross. I see it rocks KYB SSS forks pioneered from mid 2000’s Yamaha’s, factory edition with Kashima DLC coating. Regarded as the best out of Japan in the dirt bike world.

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@DocBob and Biker , I’m on the road to success. With all the info you took time to provide with the fuel problem I was running in to seemed like end of days.

Since then I’ve worked out that just get fkn BP98 and fk save 2 cents. I had to drill it in to my dad as he bring me a jerry of fuel from the big smoke and buys the cheapest shit, then an argument ensues oh yea he’ll fkn go ya.

I made him and my mum read all the info you posted docbob and can’t thank you enough. My mother commented it was very well written. That’s saying something. I shat my pants in a VJ Charger 265 took 45mins to start one morning, she was late for work, I rolled up at school in a cloud of tyre smoke. In the 80’s maybe.

I was pretty sure that may still be the case in my experience BP98 always was my go to when I got banned from getting BP100. You can just feel and know the differences. Especially on single cylinder engines.

I copied your info for reference if you don.t mind personal use.

But fk me even the Victa 2 stroke lawn mower goes first pull now, along with the AG bike. Haven’t tried the 450 yet but I know that’ll give me a sore something holding on, busy doing sheep work on Australia day but damn now the aggy starts first kick.

Just working my logistics out. Mate rings up. Wanna come my farm, gonna cost ya litres of BP98 :point_left: or something like that :rofl:

Opened my Dad’s eyes(76 ) even after I’ve been arguing with him for years. Stop buying that liberty ulp cheap shit, oh but it’s cheaper. Yea but it won’t even work on it so it’s fucked may as well piss in the tank. Oh it’s the plug oh it’s this, oh it’s that. Next minute fukkin half the day’s gone got a motor half pulled apart and no resources or knowledge oh it’s just fucked :rofl:

I don’t use much petrol maybe couple hundred a year.

Anyway the AG bike does monos now chasing sheep just wanted to say thanks for your lengthy knowledge/ help /time it would have took. Much appreciated, seriously thank you :v:

So happy to hear that information shared here is helping people out in daily real life :hugs:

I can only comment from my experience in this industry, which also includes inside information from the large fuel companies representatives and mates who have been working at the highest levels of fuel industry production/manufacturing/marketing for many years……. Globally…… throughout the Middle East/UK/EU/UAE etc etc.

My only 100% guaranteed advice from all of this knowledge/resources/recommendations is simply, BP98 or VORTEX, used as required with the minimal storage time in tightly sealed containers to negate any exposure to air/oxygen……… and add/run FLASHLUBE into any old school carbureted engine, whether it be a car, motorcycle, lawnmower, whipper snippet, chainsaw, generator, water pump or whatever :ok_hand:

Obviously the results speak for themselves and can’t be denied/disputed/criticised when such results are experienced first hand :sunglasses:

Oh it’s night and day.

My Yamaha AG200 is a tool. When I need to go and round up sheep that is my tool. '93 not bad nick kick only model. Always fires first kick. Last 12 months kick kick kick till the cows come home just floods and definitely won’t go. Ok time for a bit of love, air filter not bad but clean/re oil anyway, spark plug near brand new NGK but check anyway it’s fine wipe it with rag that clean. Pulled carby, clean as whistle in there as far as dried fuel gum. Little bit in float bowl.

Reassemble fresh ULP from Mobil. Won’t fkn start. Yes plenty spark it’s CDI ign. FUCK. This happened so many times I’m doing my head in. Why I asked.

But it’s not only the bike, it’s the Victa 2 stroke, Auger 4 stroke, Husky chainsaws just everything. I even made a bit of 2 stroke with BP98 drained and fueled the non starting mower, bang first pull. Even my Dad was amazed. I said see might be 20 cents a liter more but going to save me big headaches.

Dad the cheeky bugger oh yea even put it in his Landcruiser the 4.5L straight six. Haha I asked for one jerry. Yea goes heaps better as that is another kettle of worms from the early 2000’s with gas :man_facepalming: Followed him home one day big cloud of smoke, I try stop him, oblivious. Turned out the lubricant bottle he uses Lucas :person_shrugging: had over adjusted itself and dumped the 250ml in over 10 klms. No blown motor after all. Sheesh.

Sorry for breaking your thumb msg’s. Just wanted to say thanks, I thought you might know a bit of something. :+1: :+1: :+1:

Great outcome for you

Petrol companies are forcing us people who still use are old machinery to buy premium.
It’s the only way to keep them running.
As for travelling outback Australia it’s diesel or nothing.
I did a lot of outback travelling on a z900 back in the early eighties
Fuel was never a problem ether standard or super.
The distance between fuel was the problem.
But there was always someone willing to give you a litre to get to the next town.
If you have a ev forget about touring outback Australia
Trees don’t come with power points

That’s my whole point against EV’s, they have a place but no way a complete replacement or we are fucked.

It costs more to run an EV than a fuel vehicle. They have to let technology evolve, it’s just not there yet. The power storage is the problem.

One other question I got asked the other day what’s the difference between diesel and premium diesel. I said fuck knows goes faster I guess. :person_shrugging: :laughing: It’s not available to me country but is in CBD pumps apparently.

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Now this sounds like a great story!

Me and all my farmer/pilot mates used to build engines and run AVGAS in everything we could to put it in :hugs:

Used to have 3 different Servos in the few neighbouring towns where I grew up, and being a 16-18 year old building his first new car, I built the engine to run on AVGAS😜

It was nothing more than bragging rights back in the modified street car scene back in the 80’s to be known as the bloke who had “had that fast car that runs AVGAS” ……. It’s what legends and reputations were made of :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Unfortunately with the banning of leaded fuels, the good old AVGAS pumps were all phased out, which left me with a car that I couldn’t drive for a while (except on my own 2-stroke mix) , until I was able to organise a deal with a few farmer/pilot mates who were able to start supplying me with 44 gallon drums of the stuff whenever I needed it :ok_hand:

Eventually they both ended up selling their Planes and then I was having to do a bit of a dodgy deal with another mate and having to do a bloody long drive to a Perth Metro Airstrip to get it from there when needed.

This all became a huge hassle, and the price of a 44 for AVGAS was then becoming just as expensive as Petrol out of the Servo, so pulled that engine that by now I had ran in 3 different vehicles over the years and built another Unleaded Petrol powered performance engine instead :frowning:


I could ask my mate for a definitive answer about “premium diesel”, but as far as I can remember he said it was something about the detergent levels being higher and some formulas that make it burn more quickly/cleanly/efficiently that has the effect of producing less carbon and exhaust emissions.

Which is great for the Soccer Mums in their Range Rovers chugging around the inner City, but pretty much not going to be used in any long haul/commercial trucks/vehicles that are being used for constant long hour/distance work.

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Bit long winded, but if you’ve got a spare 15 minutes he nails the premium diesel issue.

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This is what irks me. We all get shit mixed with shit that’s supposed to be greener and cleaner when it actually is worse. Yet all airlines and all military vehicles land sea air run leaded fuels. How the hell you think they can store 80k ltr fuel bunkers and places the military does without it going off and still being fit for use.

Load of shit. I need a racing licence now and log book to get it be part of club. Too much bullshit. I’m not a racer.

There is one place I spied in Adelaide that shows promise.

I miss the smell of BP100. That stuff was yummy :laughing:

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I love John Codogan’s stuff, been watching it for years, as it’s rare to find such an intelligent and highly experienced individual who speaks his mind unbiased with facts/knowledge and science ……… but in an awesome Aussie ocker piss taking way, and not sounding like some poncy University Lecturer :ok_hand:

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Ah nice one, watched his stuff before. I’m part way in spat my beer out with the “like a great dane mating with a lap dog” :rofl:

Hm well that’s what I thought just marketing bullshit.

Interesting about the cloud point though. Brings me back one morning during seeding time it was extra cold. Jump in to fire off I dunno it was sub zero minus a couple, tractor out overnight. Ni ni ni ni ni. She no fire. No glow plugs on my old girl, other fella got going… just took a bit of cranking though.
Fukkit back to house boil kettle and pour that over fuel lines. Got going but stalled half a lap later. Kept cranking until it refired and as the sun started to defrost everything it was ok. I thought frozen but it’s not like ice it turns to wax and won’t flow.

Learn something new everyday :+1:

Then DPF filter. I was in a shearing shed and one lady said her Navara kept shutting down in to DPF burn off and was giving her the shits. A shearer that doesen’t even know how to change oil on his car said stop babying it and drive it flat out(he’s a dickhead and I no longer see that cockhead if I can help it) I said na not sure but maybe just go for a highway cruise let it do it fkn thing, or… hacksaw the cunt off and get it tuned out :rofl: no one checks car roadworthiness in this state anyway at least.

I remember reading about a Russian farmer who burned down his shed full of tractors a long time ago… pre Glasnost.

Boris decided the best way to get around the cloud point issue was to put some wood under his tractor and light a fire under it to warm it up. :rofl:

If it was anywhere but Russia, you’d be thinking it was an insurance job.

Ha ha yea a canook I know said it took half a day to build a fire under his dozer to get it going. I said you doods are all right but take your minus 20 and shove it :rofl: I’d die lol