Members Motorbike related Hobbies outside of Gelblaster appreciation

A what?

Start here = Maxima 1L Castor 927 2 Stroke Racing Oil at MXstore

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Woah ok you win god status. Jeez louise

Oh crap I just scrolled down. Fkn gel blaster what who :joy:

The knob who caused my write off was sitting in a right turn only lane, indicating rightā€¦ just as I came up in the right hand lane of the main carriageway, he shot out of the turn lane and into my lane right in front me, still indicating right. Front wheel tucked under from the hard braking and boomā€¦ down she went with me sliding on my arse about 20 metres, the whole time watching my pride and joy destroying itself.

Fortunately I had a skip truck driver in the left lane just behind me who saw it all and went witness. Man, he wanted to pummel the 4x4 driver into the ground right there on the side of the road, he was so pissed off. :laughing:

He then proceded to load my buggered RZ into the skip he was carting, went an hour out of his way to drop me and the wrecked bike home feeding me ciggies all the way and ranting about how he was going to ā€œtear that prick a new arsehole if he tries to weasle out of itā€.

What a legend! :+1:


Wow Iā€™ve stopped before to help a lady her car just shit itself in the very busy intersection of grand junction and south road on my way to work. Every other fkhd was tootin horns and abusing her. It was fucked. Oh well she needs help as 4 lanes one way was blocked.

I got in trouble for being late to work. Lady was very thankfull as I pushed her busted car onto the median strip myself as no other fkhd would help, I did ask just got the fuck you cunt.

But yeah I dropped her off at her work which wasnā€™t too far away and I rolled up late to work and said suck on this. I was helping a good person. If I canā€™t help someone stuck, what the hell is this world all about then.

The Volksy I did skids in it and the brakes were not so hot in it, I nearly binned it in to a cause way. I couldnā€™t reverse out was on 45degree with 6 inches before the 40 foot lip into it. I shat bricks, so close.

There was a BP truck stop couple kā€™s down the road and mobile phones werenā€™t so hot then, so I walked down there to make phone call. I asked the attendant and they let me use their phone on the counter, then this truckie said hang that up Iā€™ll get ya out. Iā€™m waiting for something to do anyway. So in we hopped back down to my car and he towed it back out of near death with his prime mover. What a bloody legend. Wouldnā€™t even take a dollar for it.


There are some good people out thereā€¦ good to see youā€™re one of them, man. :clap: I agree, if weā€™re not here to help each other out, what the hell are we here for? :man_shrugging:

I was riding to work on the Westgate Fwy one day I ran out of fuelā€¦ tap was already on reserve and I didnā€™t think to drop the bike on itā€™s side to get to the fuel on the other side of the tank so I started walking up to the next exit. I got picked up by a great bloke heading into town. He drove me to the servo, drove me back to the bike with a jerry, waited until I got the bitch started then drove offā€¦ with my backpack with all my shit and work security pass sitting on his back seat. :laughing:

I had no idea who he was or how to get in touch with him, I was freaking out! Later that arvee, one of my workmates came up to me and handed me a bit of paper with a phone number on it. The driver had gone through my backpack and found a bit of paper with the phone numbers of a bunch of my riding mates from work.

A phone call later and I arranged to meet him on the side of the freeway where Iā€™d broken down the next morning. He handed me the packpack, told me heā€™d slipped a lotto ticket into it for luck, and drove on. Like I said, a great bloke. :+1:

Restored my faith in human nature, for sure. :blush:


Well I nearly binned the bloody rg250 this morning.
When you turn left out of my street the road is about 2km dead straight ending in a T-junction.
So I gave it the berries 170kph.
Now because I have not ridden the RG for about 6 weeks and have been riding most of the other 4strokes .
I totally forgot that there is no engine braking on a two stroke.
Letā€™s just say I was very lucky no one was coming the other way.
As I stopped right in the middle of the intersection in a haze of two stroke smoke and tire smoke.
The rest of the ride was set at a very leisurely pace.
Owing a lot of vehicle is great but you need to use them more often as everyone has its own characteristics

The sad truth is most people are to busy on there phones ether
Talking or taking photos of other peopleā€™s mishaps to care.
It mostly us older generation that will stop and lend a hand.


oww bloody 2 bangers can catch ya at the best of times. Iā€™m thinking about a Beta 300 Xtrail might suit me out here.

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I remember the ones after the RGsā€¦ the RGVs.

That combination of two stroke powerband and a 16" front wheel made tank slapping a regular thing powering out of a corner.

Always wanted an RG500 Gamma, settled for an RZ500ā€¦ apparently the Yams were far more civilised than the Suzi 500 two strokes and they were twitchy enough, so itā€™s probably a good thing I never got one. :laughing:

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I actually owned the RG500 and an RZ500 at the same time.
The RZ 500 was much easier to live with.
But for sheer terror the RG 500 is great
It reminds me of the Kawasaki 500 triple.
Sold the RG about 3years ago needed cash for property purchase
I never did mention that the wife hates the sound and smell of two strokes.
We almost got divorced over the RZ AND RG NOT KIDDING

Remember in the 80s when Japan flooded the Oz marketplace with four stroke mid-bore sports race replicas? Before the 600 class came in and blew them all away?

I reckon this was the pick of themā€¦

Suzuki GSX-R400, I bought one off a guy in Geelong and took it around Phillip Island track for two sessions back when the Moto Spectaculars were a thing. Chewed through a near new set of rubber and had the most fun of any bike I punted around that track, including some pretty respectable big bore sporties. Such a confidence inspiring scoot.

That little bike became my daily commuter, lofted the front wheel so easily and handled brilliantly. Iā€™ve thought about getting another but no way my old bones could wrap themselves around that GSX-R style riding position these days.


Iā€™m glad I didnā€™t take a loan to buy that exact model I was drooling over in Suzuki South store. I was so close years ago. Iā€™d be dead by now. :rofl:

Finally got shamed into putting the pipes back on the Z9ā€¦ :laughing:

Batteryā€™s charging overnight, tomorrow morning she gets fresh oil and fuel, then itā€™s start up time.

Already have a run up to Gympie sorted with a couple of mates once sheā€™s registeredā€¦ good times! :sunglasses:

Although, every time I get anywhere near Gympie I seem to hit apocalyptic rain. :thinking:


Down in brissy 2day, gave ā€œERSNā€, a washā€¦

2008 Kwaka er-6n, with opaque windscreen, and gear rack fittedā€¦

Had it since new, awesome little traffic buster / commuter ā€¦
upright riding position, enough grunt to keep your license, but still have some funā€¦
Kwakaā€™s make good bikes, a bit heavier, but well made, for japaneseā€¦

I like the weird, unusual angles, this bike was a big hit for kawasaki, and reinvigorated interest in a ā€œnewā€ categoryā€¦the ultility commuterā€¦ nothing much else like it, at the timeā€¦


It has a grand total, of ( nearly) 22 000 genuine kmā€™sā€¦!!

I almost sold it at one point, glad that i didnt.
Its got a full service history, never dropped, unmarked, immac conditionā€¦

A bloody indian met me at a car park to inspect it, started whinging about anything, and trying to lowballā€¦when he was complaining about the faded plastic, changing colourā€¦

I said ā€œFuck it, its now not for saleā€, and started to leaveā€¦he then raised his priceā€¦to which i replied ā€œno way iā€™m ever selling to youā€¦ā€

So, worth keeping as a cheapo, fun traffic / parking busterā€¦!


I used to buy and sell bikes in the nineties.
I would sell one to two a week
These were the days of trading post and classified adds in local paper.
95%of people were Eazy to deal with.
Now with the internet and eBay and market place all the dick heads have come out of the woodwork.
I actually hate sell stuff nowadays
The wankers you have to deal with are crazy
When I get low bids my reply is "
Keep on dreaming"
Most get very upset when you say that
Also I organise to meet in front of Coomera police station for viewing
Surprisingly most hang up after that only the genuine ones agree

Sold some rare parts recently on Marketplace. Wanted to get rid of them quickly so they were priced just above half of market price on first come with cash basis. Couldnā€™t believe the amount of abuse from people that missed out or when I told them I wouldnā€™t hold the bits until after their grandmotherā€™s funeral

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Absolutely agree about the shitshow that is the modern online Marketplace world :roll_eyes:

I gave up advertising stuff online many years ago, as I was one who got very short tempered and abusive to wannabe time wasters and scammers very quickly!

These days, I still have a shitonne of stuff that I am selling, but I do it by word of mouth throughout the large circle of people within the Hot Rod/Classic Car Industry.

Itā€™s well known throughout this community that if anyone is looking for rare and unique parts/vehicles, people always tell them ā€œRing Bob, he probably has exactly what you are looking for!ā€

Hence I get quite a few calls from random people weekly asking me for all sorts of different items, or even just for advice.

90% of the time I actually have what they are chasing, or if not, can put them in contact with someone else who I know has a good collection of the harder to find stuff.

This also means that I can weed out the arseholes and idiots and decide if they are good enough to pass on any information or phone numbers of my other contactsā€¦ā€¦ just to make sure that Iā€™m not giving their numbers to anyone who sounds like they will fck them around :+1:

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Not a bike, but we recently bought the missā€™s a new car so we are selling the calais. After being on carsales for a few hours 3 emails saying please contact me on this email. Replied to one of them for shits and giggles, and got the whole i work in mines in wa send me your payid and i will send money and get someone to pick up. Replied nope bring cash or bank cheque or find another car. Scum bags.


Yeah, that old chestnutā€¦ :roll_eyes:

Whenever I sell online, I always figure on two days of frantic enquiries from remote areas i.e. scammers, then it all settles down and then maybe, just maybe, the legit buyers get onboard.