Nerf Foam Dart Blasters

Topic for everything foam flinging.

Facebook Groups,

QLD: Brisbane Area Nerf Group

NSW: Sydney Nerf

ACT: Canberra Dart Tag

NT: Alice Springs Nerf Club

TAS: Hobart Nerf Squadron

WA: West Nerf - Perth Foam Warriors

VIC: Melbourne Nerf

SA: Adelaide Nerf Wars


HPA: Nerf High Pressure Airheads

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According to this, appears not, I’ll update if find anything.
I know they have a Gel Club.

Global Map of Clubs

Keen to see how these play once out in hands,

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Bradley did a review on them :+1:


they are pretty cool i got one, kinda like it more than my gel blaster ngl. really accurate n ofcorse reuseable darts :>


@Bikersmurf how you been!

Glow darts & mags,



Been good thanks for asking
I am getting into nerf more as they are getting more powerful than gel blasters with less drama’s

We’re can you get the glow mags and darts


Smurf…! you made it here…!


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I may be old with a touch of DEMENTIA but…
…were was I going with this …
Now I remember.
I still know how to find my way to a good thing😅


It would only be DEMENTIA…

if we Didnt MENTion YA…!!

Couldn’t resist…!! :rofl: :rofl:

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Looks like they’ve nearly all been sold.

If anyone here gets one, you can get boxes of darts for half the price they are charging and magazines for $10 online.

Monkee mods is the best place to get everything from them dw about overcharging aussie places

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I’ve found darts cheapest at BR, especially lots of 1000 @Bikersmurf and the glow tip worker reds are the same price as the standard worker red gen 3 HE

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Ayy cheapos good find
I wouldnt trust gel blaster stores for this sort of stuff as theres already more reputable people for that

So, whats the legality of these.?

Its not a gel blaster, so are you able to use in a public place, ie large open park.?
In the street, visible to neighbours?

Or is it, not to be displayed in public, at all.?
Same laws , for storage and transport.?

How much for a small reservior tank…( I have a foot pump)?

Mil sigs should be treated as if there gel and wouldn’t be considered legal in Victoria without appropriate licensing

Would hi powered, upgraded manual springers, still in “nerf appearance”, be exempt.?

As far as i would be aware high powerd springers and the milsig are exempt but milsig could be portrayed as real but then again any nerf gun could be because karens but ehh??

Yeah, its a funny world we live in.

I must admit, i am interested in giving the nerf a nudge, just for something different, and its better range / accuracy / nephew punishing ability…!! :rofl: :rofl:

I’ll give tac edge a call, and have a chat to them…
They’ll be over the rules…

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Honnestly any custom nerf gun i would advise some caution the milsig and pumpies could look the part. The milsig i got in my mind would think how would someone mistske because right af orange end cap orange barrel. The only black is the stock and bittom half. Most pumpies i see are more black than a milsig so honneslty dont know