Nerf Foam Dart Blasters

That “YEP-MODEL1” (:rofl:) looks pretty cool, but that trigger looks like its absolutely horrendous

Seems like they’re going for a Glock style trigger despite the real thing not having that.


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What’s with manufacturers just adding things that aren’t necessary :roll_eyes:


Cheers, that was a good watch :sunglasses::+1:

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Not a fan of Nerf, but do like the Aliens Pulse RIfle. Based on the Thompson Machine Gvn and Spas shotgvn parts you can get one in Airsoft, but expensive and not easy to land in Oz.

Nerf brought out a very sharp replica version (EB Games) and it’s surprisingly accurate. 10 rounds with shotgvn action and LED counter that works.

I’m into replica movie props, so just started the change to realistic as possible.

Amazing what a little paint can do… :wink:





Basically all weathered up. Came up real good considering it started out as a bright yellow toy… :wink: :sunglasses:


Very nice :+1: :love_you_gesture: :+1:

See what you can do @BME when your hands are not on your stick all day :rofl: :laughing:


you are gonna, make me do a full P.R . expose…

Ok, your call… :sweat_smile: :rofl: :joy:

BTW…hands on your stick…cames from your mind, not mine… :rofl: :rofl:
Boeings have control columns …airbuses have joysticks… :rofl:

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Yes yes fly boy :rofl: HOTAS Hands on … and … :rofl:

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Well, what can i say… I have all of the thrust, and none of the drag…!! :rofl: :rofl:

This is getting shit pit material…!

Anyway, @cogman, good job on the painting /weathering.
I figured someone would do it, and glad to see pics posted.
Good result acheived, looks good.

The LHS is full of deep screw holes, did you fill those in before painting.?
Your next job, is to convert it to gel…!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I have a custom made Aliens pulse rifle, a converted thompson with a G&P " asoft thommy to PR kit".

I had a thread on the old forum, which is now gone.
I’ll run a new topic again here, as yourself and other new joiners may be interested…

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@BME…yep filled all the screw holes and its still functioning Nerf firing piece. :crazy_face:

I always wanted a Snow Wolf ASoft Pulse Rifle and they’re only $300 in the US…but customs would definitely seize it…wankers… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

One down…three to go…!!.. :crazy_face: :sunglasses:


My Dear good Sir…
You have inspired me , to repost my " Gelsoft Aliens Pulse rifle build"…

Converted gel thompson, to full pulse rifle kit build…

G&P kit…, dont know if you have seen it before…

I think, i got , the very last one, available in the wild…( from italy)
It converts a gel tomy, to a gel pulse rifle…(with some slight, extra mods required)

Anyways, pics, and build log, to come…


That’s certainly a rare bit of gear mate!
Will be awesome to see what you make out of it :+1:

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Is that the one you got done at Tac Edge and posted on old forum. If it is might need to flash some leg on that one again :+1:

@BME That’s a sweet bit of gear. :sunglasses:

I looked at one of those, but once you add the Tommy Gvn part it gets super expensive real fast. :roll_eyes: If it’s a firing piece outcome then the TG is required, but if it’s just for display one could save $500 on the TG and just built everything out based on what you got.

I went with the Nerf, because at $198 it was a bargain (IMHO) as a base already finished. Plus it fires something…maybe only the Nerfy soft darty things… :crazy_face: but it’s something.

Turning one of the Nerf Pulse Rifles into a GelBlaster is definitely doable…still learning all about GelBlasters, but as I have 3 others, maybe down the road something to look into.

Looking forward to seeing how your build turns out…a thread for Off Topic builds would be cool… :wink:…The RPF is where I post most of my builds.


Your right about it being an expensive exercise…but for me, its a must have.
nerf are also good value, its just a shame they are not quite right.

If they used half size darts, the magwell could be narrower, and closer to the real thing sizewise.

Likewise the barrel, i know it had to be be larger to fire darts, but they could have redesigned the shroud to scale, rather than doing the “weird 3 barrel thing”…

Still, good enough for the price, and yours scrubs up well…

I will start a new thread soon, for my build.
Im a pulse rifle tragic, I have several of them…

Here is a pic of 3…top is a matsuo mdified, middle is the finished gelsoft, the bottom is a 'bitsa" , from the states…


your challenge, should you choose to accept it…
There are some seriously good modders, out there…!!

You should do a vid, when you do the rest of yours…
2 x olive drab, 2x bess brown…??!

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