Nerf Foam Dart Blasters

I’m calling sketch on this one in terms of vic appearance laws

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im having trouble working out how those gears can push a strong enough spring to create enough force for 240fps.

The gears look pretty similar to mormal AEG gears to me… same with the motor, looks like a decent unit, 460 short shaft.

240FPS and more should be pretty easily acheivable.

Check out the volume of that cylinder compared to our pissy little AEG blasters!

Similar to Wasp 76 I think just different setup with motor in grip, though original Chinese model had motor in grip.

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I’ll eat my hat if that aint a LH AUG T238 mosfet in it. Cool… burst mode engage.

Big development in NERF development…….
A bit of an expensive gamble at this stage though as is over $700AUD, preorder only, absolutely no refunds and no warranty or returns whatsoever :thinking:

Well yeah look how the Challenger MK3 turned out on release :sweat_smile:

Hearing these are fairing well so far though,

Must be good if he’s a sweety :rofl:

Waiting on a more reliable version and then Foamwork Adelaide will likely stock it.

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