NSW Corrections Officer case update

Always preferred the RLM take, personally. A helluva lot funnier than JonTron, and more authentic/sincere feeling, too.

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Shhhhhhooosssshhhhh……. Let’s not let any facts get in the way of a false narrative :roll_eyes:

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I imagine them like
"“I don’t understand, banning the fake guns was supposed to lower the crime rate.”


I don’t like the idea of punishing the majority of law-abiding users just because of a few irresponsible idiots.

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Neither do I, unfortunately that’s the way the cookie crumbles with near everything that gets restricted.

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it just feels a bit knee-jerk rather than carefully thought through.

Oh, there was almost 0 thought put into what they did, and there wasn’t really any way of stopping it from passing…

It’s easier to remove the problem rather than educate about the problem, I’m astonished that QLD is the only state with people in office who actually think and use common sense to work with the community that’s being affected by their “rulings.”


easy = lazy. typical pollies :smiley:

Truth be told…… every State Politician should have looked at the QLD Legislation and simply applied the same policies for their own States.

A simple copy and paste exercise that would have kept many jobs and retailers adding plenty of revenue to their taxes/budgets…… but no…… they simply took the easy path to completely ban the whole industry :roll_eyes:

Can everyone remember when a reporter asked Marky Mark McClown at his banning media announcement as to why we couldn’t apply serial numbers and work with authorities to get blasters registered and owners licensed to own, basically copying the new South Australian laws ……….

His response was that blasters were “unable to have serial numbers applied” and would not be looking to register them as a licensed “weapon”. :roll_eyes:

How can this idiot blatantly deny a legitimate legal system that was created in a state right on our own border as not being a practical solution?

This country is meant to have been declared a federation many years ago…… yet we somehow still have laws that are specific to each state on so many different levels :rage:


All I could see in that “presentation” were two clowns squeaking on about a subject they know nothing about besides anything face value.
Did anyone else notice how many times both of them flagged multiple ppl in the audience with what they deem weapons, and yet they would of both been trained to use the real steel, like you can’t even demonstrate proper fun safety yet you’re out here telling law abiding citizens, that have more common sense, that these things are dangerous to the public :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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I do remember, just shows how ignorant he was. It’s like saying poo, how dare we stoop to the petty crow eaters levels and do that.

Not one state has the same laws and regs on damn near everything from cars and licences to fees and registration to public holidays.

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anyone seen this? typical lairs.

Yeah, but that wouldn’t make them 2ns guess themselves, they already know everything and anything others say is wrong

Yes exactly…… hence my comment about different laws on so many different levels.

Shouldn’t we all be under the one banner as a nation, not still divided into separate states acting as their own individual countries?

Covid was a clusterfuck of highlighting these disparities, and yet the Politicians are still fighting against each other’s own State politics :roll_eyes:

Excuse me…… gotta go step out, as it’s my turn to keep digging that trench where us WAussie’s are going to break away and drift off towards Africa :joy:


That’s it! :joy::+1:

21 characters

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Just check which way the winds blowing you might run aground at Indonesia or the Phillipines :joy:

Helps when the Police Minister has a cat H licence.


that should be standard for the position :smiley:

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