NSW Corrections Officer case update

@DocBob for WA Police Minister LUL

Could certainly do a much better job than the complete idiots who we have in these high paying positions who have no clue what they are doing :roll_eyes:

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Wish I didn’t have to vote next year because none of them genuinely deserve a vote but I guess I’ll just have to stick to voting legalise cannabis party even though they do literally nothing

i’ll probably chuck a vote to the shooter’s partae.

funny thing: i went to the same school as the NSW branch leader’s kids.

thank you for supporting the legalisation of cannabis :slight_smile:

Ye it’s pretty simple should be treated like alcohol is treated maybe with cigarette style plain packaging and photos describing the negative effects of smoke inhalation

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Problem with legal cannabis would be the cost of pre packaged spliffs once the govenment whack their tax on it. Alcohol and tobacco have long been the go to whenever they want to raise revenue, don’t see cannabis being any different.

I’m surprised they haven’t legalised it already… it’d be a HUGE cash cow for them.

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Sounds like a conspiracy theory but probably because major politicians get paid off by organised crime groups

went from gel blasters to weed LUL

To be fair they go together like gin and tonic

What are you admitting to, Squiddy…??!

Underage drinking / drug use / gelblaster use…??!

Whats that sound of many sirens, in your street…??

Maybe the neighbours cats stuck up a tree…!! :rofl: :rofl:

Where the hell did you get that idea from Squid nuts. Far out :joy: I think you should lay off it, it’s already doing brain damage.


The paranoia has already set in…:crazy_face::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

For legal reasons, in South Australia, no they absolutely do not.

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Actually squiddy… a bit of a warning here…

Im not here to preach, or to judge, medicinal pot does have its place, and helps people suffering from long term, chronic pain…BUT…

just be aware, pot stays in your system, for around 3 months, after the event…

If you get pulled up , for a random drug test, you can still test positive, months after you had a drag…

That can lead to a conviction, on drug charges, which has flow on effects, for your employment chances, ability to hold a weapons license, get a job in the armed forces / police etc.

Just not worth it, especially for a young whippersnapper, starting out…you dont need that baggage…

Look around, of all the successful people, who do good things in life…the vast majority of them dont do drugs…

Something to think about…

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I’m not an actual smoker I’m just an advocate for legal recreational cannabis because my relative has experienced a lot of horrific events due to not being able to legally obtain it (harassment, sxual assault, rpe and general exploitation)

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Unless your driving in Victoria most cannabis related offences are put down as cannabis warnings and will still be visible in police checks etc but not nearly the life ruining effects an actual conviction has

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