NSW Corrections Officer case update

everything feels like 1920s prohibition… though i am probably exaggerating and naive :smiley:

Glad to hear you dont use it.
Be very careful, going down the path, of recreational drugs…

My sister started smoking pot, gateway drug for her,and ended up going down the pathway of hard, illegal drugs.


This was many, many years ago, and she got herself into a LOT of trouble…jail time was looming, had Dad not intervened, with the judge, to an alternate isolated sentence, with weekly drug testing, for a couple of years…

It was frightening, to watch how quickly her life unfolded…

Like i said, i’m not here to judge or preach, but , broad and wide is the path, of people, who have screwed up their lives with drugs/ addiction…

It starts with a belief…" One wont hurt… its not really all That Bad…"…
Beliefs, that enable, continued behaviour…

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I wouldn’t do the stuff. I don’t smoke, vape, or drink alcohol.

I would like to think i am a good person :smiley:

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Sorry to hear about your sister but the stigma around weed being a gateway drug is typically due to the actual drug being illegal not the drug itself. I’m not denying cannabis isn’t harmful in any way but at the same time alcohol isn’t much better but considered legal. The issue usually is that you slip into a friend group that likes breaking the law and participating in drugs and weed is usually the first choice as it’s the most accessible illicit drug. Since weed is the first drug taken without the context of the friend groups general activity it usually then gets put in the bad light of being a gateway drug when realistically you don’t smoke weed then want to use harder drugs

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My sisters story happened a long time ago.
Thats way past.

The real question is, " Why would anyone feel, like they need to do drugs?"

There’s lot of excuses … “friend group pressure, make me feel good (until it doesn’t) , im bored, something to do, loose my inhibitions, numb my emotions of xxx etc…”

But never a good reason.

If you wanna make your life better…there is only one way…take action to improve it.

This is a daily choice.

Commitment + Dedication + sacrifice = results.

Ask any successful person.

Drugs, are just a short cut, to short term feeling good, at the expense of long term progress and growth…

I would encourage you, to think about your friend group, and chose people who are doing positve things in their life.

I never saw the need for smoking and vaping as habits. I would like to keep my health in a good standing as possible.

EDIT: One of my parents is a heavy smoker and drinker. having to put up with that stuff as a kid with all the second-hand smoke is not good. I haven’t spoken to them in years and refuse to do so as I have no interest in their rubbish.

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While I would never force it on anyone, I have seen the benefits of some drugs first hand. Nothing else quite helps with the PTSD like MJ would.

Some other drugs are useful for medical reasons, too. MDMA, LSD and shrooms are all good for helping with psychological issues, again I’ve seen their positive effects first hand.

I’ve also seen what a ‘bad trip’ looks like first hand, and while it’s kind of scary at the time, it doesn’t leave lingering psychological scars if it’s handled with care, by your trip sitter. Hippy drugs in particular tend to be anti-addictive, as well. Repeat dosing of LSD or shrooms or other psychedelics just doesn’t work, unless you space out a month or more in between.

That said, they all do pose their own pharmacological risks that need to be minded. MDMA in particular is neurotoxic if used with any degree of regularity, and LSD/shrooms are both liable to cause serotonin sickness.

And all that isn’t saying anything at all about heroin and ice and whatnot, which. Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew.

I think it’s really important to be truthful with kids, though. The DARE campaign the seppos did is sort of testament to that. If you lie to kids about the effects of drugs, just to scare them away from them, when they find out that they’ve been lied to they tend to lash out in the opposite direction as protest.

Everyone remembers the giraffe that told em there dick was going to fall off if they enjoyed a drag off the scoobie doobie

There is a place, for drugs, in a controlled environment.
Restricted access, controlled doses, by a health practioner,… all for that.

God, they gave me ketamine, for my arm operation, and i had horrendous altered vision / hallucinations/blurred perception of reality / skewed sense of time…

I came out of the operation, and said " NEVER Give that to me again…!!"

For the average person, on the street…really there is no need to take illegal / unprescribed drugs.

They really give you nothing lasting, and just take away from you, in the long term…


harold? That one? that thing?

With respect, I have extremely bad PTSD.

I have done years of therapy. I’ve tried all different kinds of prescribed medications. It’s been over ten years at this point.

Only MJ the aforementioned stuff has even remotely moved the needle. Psychedelics have pushed me into a permanently better place, and it wasn’t used in a professional setting. MJ keeps me stable and acts as an effective anti-depressant.

I know drugs aren’t for everyone, and that’s okay. I respect anyone who doesn’t want to take them’s decision. But I disagree with your opinion regarding those particular drugs, and the environments in which they should be legalized.

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I was watching a doco few weeks ago where scientists were extracting the certain aspect of mary jane that helps with the mental aspects. I can’t recall the exact names of the parts of it, a certain part of the thc or something. To make it more available for treatment without all the other parts that are not needed. It was quite interesting. Just gave you the benefits, with none of the side effects. Or that’s what they were working on.

Weed deserves legal rec because people really don’t deserve the hell they get for casually smoking it in the same way people casually drink

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Brave of you to say that.

Everyone goes through shit in their life… Its only the time and depth that vary…

My sister nearly killed herself, a few times, in her life, on H.
Horrifying to watch. It happened it, a few times, and i really dont care for drugs at all… My own Bias…

You have spoken about, whats happened in your past, and that’s to be commended.

Seeking help, even more so.

Never, would I ever, critisize anyone, for trying to make their life better…

When i talk about successful people, i’m not talking about money…

The old saying " Healthy, Wealthy, and wise…", rings true…

Healthy…thats about having good physical health…and having a good relationship with yourself.

Wealthy… Having so much positive stuff, within yourself, you can share it with others…( Cheesy, you might say…? Good healthy relationships, are the biggest source of happiness in life…that can come from parents / partners / siblings/ friends etc… everyone needs someone trusted, in their corner)


In an ideal world…you get all of the above, in your childhood.

Doesn’t always happen. When you’ve gone thru shit, it can be harder to bring about…

I hope you can get to a happy, and healthy place, where eventually, your medication free, and can enjoy life as such…!


Fuggit squid…
Now, you’ve gone too far…!!


Dick-giraffe, you said…

I’d normally say, aim for the head…but…!!

No, just No…!!

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Excuse me, I was at a pub in Adelaide two months ago and there was a couple 50 year olds casually smoking pipes in the smoking foyer where the smokers were. I stepped out there for a bit in the band break as a mate went out. Nobody cared, nor is it shunned upon or enforced by bar staff/security.

Maybe you haven’t experienced that sort of thing yet but it is allowed here. Within reason. Personal use is not a problem, afaik the law only goes after dealers and growers. They don’t even care much for mary J anymore as Ice is a huge problem.

I have personal family member that went the class A drugs route and after a few years of jail and a lot of us family breaking our lives to help, it has come to the crunch and it can go suck eggs now. You can only help someone that is willing to help themselves.

Seeing as we are being deep and personel. Yes drugs are a problem. Yes some types benefit some people for medicinal purposes. Some class a types are just downright addictive.

I’ve seen what nearly all types do to friends, family and lives. The most drugs you’ll catch me on is a few too many beers. I much prefer the highs of life :wink:


Definitely what turned me off of mary jane was after a Chilli Peppers concert on the way home in my kingswood, I looked in the review mirror as my mate went quiet. I asked if he wanted me to pull over, nah I’m right. Well fk me filled up both rear passenger foot wells full of chunda. He just got out and fk’d off inside and went to bed and left me to hose all the chuck out of my car, there was a couple buckets of it. Fkn gross. :grinning:

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Just my two cents worth…

There’s lots of anecdotal and clinical evidence of the brnefits of cannabis, LSD, shrooms and MDMA for people suffereing from mental health issues, and there are definite positive applications for most rec drugs. it usually comes down to human failing with restraint and dosage when it’s self administered that becomes a problem, and I’m definitely not referring to you there @JazzyWard

I personally know people who deny and disparage the benefits of experimental treatments with the above substances but are quite happy to quaff down more harmful prescription medications like Prozac and amitriptyline as long as it’s recommended by a medico. Something I’ve never understood.

Considering some of the complete stuff ups that my doctors have made by mis-prescribing meds and causing horrendous side effects for me which usually require more meds which cause horrendous side effects, etc. etc. ad infinitum, I believe a more open minded approach to alternative medications and not putting blind faith in the established methods is the way forward.

We have a lot to learn, and getting bogged down in the dogma of traditional medical practices isn’t going to help us do that. It’s open mindedness that brought us from blood letting with leeches to where we are today.

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As an old fart who was around in the 60’s, I’ve seen first hand some of the results of smoking the so-called harmless weed. For some people it had no impact but I’ve also seen some brilliant associates end up as near vegetables from casual use.

Recently one of my neighbours was using it to medicate for the pain from his advanced liver cancer. He got busted and had to do a drug users program (he lasted one day and told the 20+ expert that she had no idea and walked out). It was the only thing that kept him going when the pain kicked in.

Seen enough of the down side to know that the risks are the same as those from abuse of any substance, natural or man made - no matter how beneficial it might be in a controlled environment


That’s unfortunately all too true.

While MJ does have absolutely amazing benefits that a lot of prescription meds don’t, you really have to be careful to avoid falling down the rabbit hole. You absolutely do have to moderate, or else time, social skills, memory, critical thinking, all can go poof. Too much of the other hippy shit has even more serious downsides.

And it’s hard to moderate. With some drugs, it’s so hard that I genuinely do agree with them being illegal, such as heroin or ice. I just wish it was the kind of illegal where the cops confiscate it, and send you on your way if you’re a user (manufacturers can go fuck themselves). Dealer-users (the guys who only deal to pay for their high) are a weird grey zone who probably deserve some prison time, though (if only to get them the fuck out of that life.)

But that moderation is absolutely key. As the old saying goes, the only difference between medicine and poison is dosage.